Thanksgiving commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a day set aside to give thanks for the bounty of the previous year, although it often ends up with feasting, football and now even shopping for the upcoming holidays.  Hence, we have one day a year to express our gratitude, between these other activities. Yet, is one day a year, during commercial breaks really enough? 

Research has found that grateful people are more likely to:
-Take better care of themselves physically and mentally
-Engage in more protective health behaviors and maintenance
-Get more regular exercise
-Eat a healthier diet
-Have improved mental alertness
-Schedule regular physical examinations with their doctor
-Cope better with stress and daily challenges
-Feel happier and more optimistic
-Avoid problematic physical symptoms
-Have stronger immune systems
-Maintain a brighter view of life

So, perhaps a daily flexing of the gratitude muscle is in order. I call it a muscle to show you that gratitude is not just a feeling, if it was, we would feel it all the time. Gratitude is the combination of being gracious and one’s attitude. I want all the benefits listed above, so I decided to start daily rituals of gratitude. Daily reminders of what is right in my life as opposed to running the constant treadmill of more, more more!

Here are simple ways you can join me in this practice. 

Good Morning and Thank You!   Before you even get out of bed, take 2 minutes to reflect on whoever or whatever you are grateful for. Just a silent thank you will set the tone of your day to come.

Say Thank You.  Whenever someone does something nice, say thank you. Mean it. No matter how small, recognize the kindnesses in your life.

Write a handwritten note of thanks. How many handwritten notes have you gotten lately. If you are like most people, not many. Texting and email has replaced the art of the written note. Yet, just send out one note a day and see how good you feel. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy, after all it is the thought that counts. (Especially for you!) It can even be a note of thanks left on the desk of a co-worker or written on a bill along with the payment.

List 3 reason for gratitude at the end of your day.  Keeping a gratitude journal is easy when it is only 3 reasons at the end of the day. On the days you feel less than grateful, you have your journal as a reminder of the good things in your life.

As always, feel free to drop by my website to listen to a free audio.

Please, leave anything you do to enhance your attitude of gracious receiving in the  comments below.