On my Wake Up And Smell The Coffee post I had a great question from Caroline. She posed:

Oh, by the way, does the same thing happen with tea? I am sure you are aware of the English habit of offering a person a cup of tea when they are feeling crappy.

I knew there had to something behind it. I just didn’t know what. So I enlisted the help of my buddy Ellie over at The Transparent Hypnotist. True to form, she sent this information back to me.

Hi Debbie,

Glad you asked about tea. It does indeed help with stress. According to a study by the University College London (2006), black tea helps lower cortisol (the stress hormone) levels that develop during stressful situations. The test group felt the benefits of relaxation much sooner during the recovery time after a stressful situation as well.


So there you have it. Thanks Ellie!