alcohol free

There will be another Happiness Pit Stop. Back by popular demand we are holding another alcohol free happy hour. It keeps getting bigger and better. This time there will be massage and hand care by a skin care specialist as well as the hypnosis and the acupuncture. The proceeds (a $25.00 donation) will go to a cause that is near and dear to my heart. The Suncoast Primate Sanctuary.

So, if you are driving by on Wednesday October 17th between 5 & 7 pm, stop in, relax and maybe even purchase a chimp original painting!

Happy Hour Without The Alcohol!

Everybody loves Hump Day! You know, the day that says you’ve survived half of the work week already and haven’t wrung the neck of that whistling co-worker or told your boss in most uncertain terms where and how to place that extra task! Now, the drive home through traffic with folks who just like you are overloaded, but somehow, unlike you they have forgotten how to drive properly. 😉 Awaiting you at home is a broken appliance or an agitated loved one or who knows what other fun?

Well, in my office, we have a solution. That’s right, an alcohol free happy hour. This “Happiness Booster” consists of the combined expertise of myself (the hypnotist) and acupuncturist Christine Hasinger into 15 minutes of sheer delight. Motorists can pop in on the way home, spend 15 minutes to relax, have a snack and be on their way! All this for $25. most of which is going to the local children’s hospital. If you live or work nearby, here is the link to the page, just scroll down to events. We just wanted to create a way to eliminate stress and raise money for a charity that matters to us!