
My goodness! That is all I can say her right now, is my goodness! It has been the day of all days in those little ways that can drive a hypnotist crazy. Thank heavens, I know a good hypnotist who can help me elevate my mood. What perfect timing for my Friday Silliness.

Perhaps you have noticed the little icon on my sidebar that showcases the blog of the day. It is related to a great little community of bloggers called Entrecard. I have made some great friends through this group. Unfortunately, at this moment, one of them is an endodontist from Canada who decided to pull me into the fray between himself and Canucklehead, another blogger from Canada. (Too many knocks in the head from stray hockey pucks, I’m guessing.) They will be the recipients of my years of experience in the revenge method of parenting!

Bottom line, to you my readers, I have been asked to participate in something called a meme. When I get this crud in emails, I generally delete them. Unless, of course, it is sent from my mother. Then I answer it as sarcastically, using as much gutter talk as is possible. She is delighted, thinking her daughter has sent another loving note from the heart.

The rules of this garbage are as follows:

The Rules:

  1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
  4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’ve been tagged, and to read your blog.

Here is my response to this:

8 Random Facts About Me

1. I believe I am responsible for the collapse of the Skyway Bridge on May 9, 1980.
Allow me to explain: The year before I survived a flood on May 8th. (mentioned in my blog yesterday.) I held my first annual flood party on May 8 1980. Amongst the silly activities, we held a rain dance. It worked, Summit Venture hit the Skyway, I stopped rain dancing for the rest of my life.

2. My favorite film is Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times. This is my favorite scene from the film:

3. I love to read so much that my husband will hide books before a party, so that I don’t sneak them in and hide in a corner during the party to finish just one more chapter.

4. I once stood actually speechless in an elevator because I was the only person in it with Stevie Nicks. I couldn’t think of anything to say, not even hello.

5. I haven’t eaten meat since the 70’s based on a twenty dollar bet. When B. Fussell pays up, I will eat meat again.

6. I once held the title of Miss Coppertone.
No, I am not the kid with her bottom exposed by a dog.

7. I hate shopping so much that when I married, I registered at only one store much to the chagrin of my new in-laws. The store was Home Depot.

8. I had an attack rooster as a pet when I was growing up. He wouldn’t let anyone in the back yard except me or unless they were accompanied by me (or Mom).

According to the rules, I am supposed to tag 8 people. Sorry folks, I won’t play there. Call me a party pooper, I don’t send emails that promise big bucks from Bill Gates either. I will tell you, I list blogs that I like, as I view them and I will continue to do so. Furthermore, I have been invited to join in on a blog party that includes some pretty cool gifts. For more information on that, visit:

It’s The Party Contest!

There are some pretty cool give aways, including a free phone session from yours truly! I will write more about that next blog, until then, happy Friday!

Monday morning arrived fast this morning. I spent the weekend with family, doing chores around the house and having some fun as well. Yesterday I took my youngest son to a concert. I remember why I don’t attend them anymore. They are loud, it was outdoors and so very hot and smelly, it was crowded and did I mention that they are loud? Oh well, my son and his buddies had a very good time. I had been given the tickets for free, so I can’t complain about the cost. (Except for the hearing aides I’ll be needing now.)

There are many things I might have preferred to accomplish besides attend the concert. Nothing was as important as how great it made my son feel though. Feeling great, isn’t that what we all want? So, as the adult me sits on a Monday morning thinking about the week to come and all I need to prepare, I begin to feel a fret coming on. Then I remember what it is I do for a living. I help others feel great, gee, wonder if that might work for me too?

So, I begin by asking myself, what do I want to do. Not what do I need to do. Well, writing this blog is something I enjoy, so why don’t put that down on my list. I enjoy feeling organized, so why not list the tasks for the week and line them up in order of priorities, that feels better. There was even time to chat with my mother. I am so very grateful to have both of my parents still alive and healthy. It is important to me to take the time to enjoy that. Oops, I almost forgot a very important activity, a few moments of self hypnosis to relax and all of the sudden, I am feeling good.

The mind is programmed to reject anything that is potentially difficult, thus the difference in need and want. When I thought of everything I needed to do in my day/week, it became a rat race. When I stopped, took a breath and applied that knowledge based on Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) I was able to restart my day in a powerful, positive way. I was able to release that old stinking thinking. Do your best to stop, breathe and change the needs to wants whenever you can. It feels amazing!

My son and his buddy posed with a character that shows up to many local events, The Cowbell Kid. To avoid the obvious questions: My son is the one on the right, Cowbell is the one with the blue hair.

Did I mention it was loud?

Ellie is a prolific writer on the subject of hypnosis. I enjoy her blog so very much. So, when she approached me about the 10 Questions, I was quick to respond yes.

Now she has taken the compliment one step further and asked me to be a guest blogger on The Sunday’s Question.

What’s next? We’re thinking about a game of trading spaces, we’ll let you know more soon!