negative thoughts

Do you suffer from ANTS, you know, those Automatic Negative Thoughts? Somehow, by imagining the worst case scenario, we think we’re protecting ourselves from what we fear most. But guess what? It doesn’t work. Whatever tragedy you imagine might befall you, happens – no dress rehearsal will protect you from loss and pain. Plus, while imagining the worst, you’ve missed your chance for joy, radical presence, true bliss – and the health benefits that accompany peace.

Our nervous systems can’t tell the difference between practicing tragedy and the real thing. As far as your amygdala is concerned, whether your fears occur or it is imaginary, your “fight-or-flight” responses get triggered and your nervous system goes on red alert. Your stress responses flip on, your body is filled with cortisol and epinephrine, and your body reacts as if tragedy occurred.

Preventive medicine for Negative Thoughts

Fully experiencing joy is essential to living a long, happy, healthy life. Joy is “preventive medicine”. It has repeatedly been proven that it is our thoughts that make the difference in our health. Some studies show that happy people live up to 10 years longer than unhappy people.

In a book written by Byron Katie called Loving What Is, she lists four simple questions that can help chase those Automatic Negative Thoughts away. Those questions are:

  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
  4. What would you be without that thought?

By simply asking these questions you begin to understand just how many of our thoughts are simply not true! If our thoughts are going to have so much impact on our health and happiness, it is worth checking them out. So, first become aware of them and then step outside of them. In other words:

  • Stop
  • Take a breath
  • Observe your thoughts
  • Ask the four questions

Remind yourself that you have “been there and done that”. Those ANTS are old negative patterns that you now choose to eliminate. Then finally, when you begin to realize who and what you would be without those thoughts, practice gratitude. Experience the moment you are in, truly be in that moment. I wonder what you are grateful for today. I’d love if you shared your gratitude. Gratitude shared can only expand the hearts of both the giver and receiver.

Self-hypnosis to release Negative Thoughts

There are times however, it seems that no matter how you try to redirect your thoughts, they keep creeping back in. It is those times that it helps to use self-hypnosis. First, on paper write down the thoughts that are bothering you. Then find a quiet place to get comfortable. Take some wonderful deep refreshing breathes, close your eyes and relax your body. As you do, notice the sounds around you and then let them fade away. Ask yourself, “Why do my negative thoughts leave me now?” Then again take deep breathes and notice how your neck and head feel as you relax. Notice how your feet feel as they rest. This time you ask,  “Why do my thoughts relax so quickly?” Continue relaxing the body, notice the aromas around you. Ask yourself, “Why is peace so natural for me now?” Begin to count from 10 down to 1 and with each number repeat, “Peace, be still”.  You will find yourself recognizing how safe and at peace you are in the moment.

For additional assistance you can go to one of my free audios. Call for an appointment if you just can’t shake those ants! (727) 781-8483

There seems to be a common theme in my clients recently, regardless of the presenting issue, they all have this incredible ability to predict the future. Now, the prediction isn’t accurate, but still they believe the garbage they think. For instance, one client took a leap that went from eating a cookie to becoming a homeless bag lady. How, you ask? Well, she is looking for another job as she knows that her company is about to be acquired by a bigger corporation. We have been working together on her weight issues. As a stress eater, she gave in to the siren call of a cookie, so now she knows she will never drop the weight and no one will ever hire her as a result of her perception of her appearance. (A skewed perception I might add as she is lovely.) Another client announced in our first visit that his life was doomed to be loveless as he and his wife were stuck in a rut and he had no way of recovering the love they once shared. Still another shared with me her prediction of divorce because her husband still smoked after she quit! So many negative thoughts!

The litany of doomsday projections goes on and on. To be truthful, I have done the same thing. I saw one particular health symptom as the evidence I needed to prove that something much darker was going on in my body. Fortunately, I took action and visited the appropriate health professional to find out that wikapedia is not my best friend! I fell into the same trap as my clients and went as fast as I could down the negative expressway.