Tom Nicoli

Tom has proven to be a true professional in hypnosis. When I came across this post, I wanted to share part of why I have admired him so much. He has helped me many times in my own practice.

Tom, hats off to you!

I am like a kid on Christmas Eve, I am so excited. The biggest celebration of hypnosis is about to take place. January 04 is World Hypnotism Day. It was created by Tom Nicoli, to promote a better understanding of hypnosis. This will be the fourth annual day of events. Hypnotists world wide are giving seminars, lectures and offering all kinds of events to help raise awareness of just what it is we do.

I am going to be speaking on creating a wealthy mind set at Oak Trail Books , in Palm Harbor, Florida. It is a free seminar, during which I will be using hypnosis with individuals and the entire group. I plan on making it fun, using a touch of humor and adding a dash of sincere business! If you are local please, join me. Imagine making changes in your life that create the beginnings of something great for the rest of your life!

For those who are not local, do not fret! There are events going on world wide. If you go tot he official website, you can check out your neighborhood to find out what is available for you.

The official website is:

Happy Hypnosis Everyone!