
I posted about a client of mine back in July, under one of my Dear Debbie posts. The woman was sad, she had lost her happiness and the husband was concerned. They were both suffering, in fact, so were the kids. A family affected by sadness.

The first session included hubby. She sat in the chair rolled up like a ball, he sat across the room, constantly interjecting his thoughts and interpreting for her. By the end of the session, she laughed for the first time in two years. Second session, she returned with hubby, who sat in the waiting room this time. We worked on her finding her voice. She started to practice speaking up, feeling worthy of her words and being heard. She went home to practice singing loudly, making her needs and desires known and affirming her value. The third session we began to discuss how her relationships were shifting as she was changing. Again, hubby waited in the waiting room.

Today’s session, she drove to my office alone. ALONE! She had prepared a list of changes she had noticed and concerns she still encountered. She will be returning to work very soon and therefore encountering a person and memories of what began her recent journey into sadness. We reviewed her list. With each concern she had, I was able to show her how far she had progressed. These concerns were not anything she ever could have voiced originally. She began to smile, realizing how tough she had been on herself.

Then I asked her about the return to work and the memories of what had occurred. She began to fret. I asked her a few more probing questions and her shoulders began to hurt. She was physically reacting to my line of questions. So, I had her close her eyes and breath deeply. Then she was to imagine a large bucket in front of her. Into that bucket, I instructed her to begin placing the parts of the pain she could identify. We would later burn that rubbish, when she had filled the bucket. When she became stuck, we invited the offending party to sit in a chair next to the bucket. This person was not permitted to speak, simply listen.

My client began to express all the anger she had towards this individual. She told of the pain she had felt and she felt her family had suffered as a result of their situation. She got angry, her face red, she cried real tears. She was amazingly strong. She told this person how she had trusted, befriended them. She stated how hard she had worked; “I tried really hard for you”, she raged. She proclaimed how she had changed and stated, “I just need you to know I’ve changed.” Then, slowly, she began to slow down and forgive this individual. Releasing this person from her life, allowing healing to begin. As she sat and wept, I quietly asked her, ” you said you tried really hard for the other, what if instead, you tried really hard for yourself? How would that feel?” She smiled, slightly and continued crying softly.

After a few moments, I asked her, “you stated that you just need the other to know you’ve changed, what if you just know and accept how much you’ve changed?” Again, a smile and a quiet calm seemed to be coming over her. Then, I asked, ” what if this person is neither good or bad? What if they are simply a combination, like you and I are, of both good and bad moments and qualities? Imagine if this person was simply in your life to teach you about yourself. Fulfilling a role as a teacher?”

She slowly quieted completely.

Next, she told me she wanted to get rid of the bucket, not burn it’s contents. So, we attached a helium balloon and watched it float off into the jet stream until it was gone.

Finally, she visualized herself, strong and confident; the same image she has been using since our second meeting, a power self. The strong one stretched out her arms and invited her to assimilate the two parts of her into one being. She literally held and hugged herself for a long silent time. When everything was complete, she opened her eyes and I was stunned. She looked different, her eyes round, her face soft, she was beautiful!

This was a new person sitting in that chair across from me. She knew it as well. She smiled at me and said, I feel as though I am meeting you for the first time. I gave her a hand mirror and she cried tears of joy this time, telling her reflection how she had missed seeing that face. It was a different face than had first come to visit my office.

When we were complete, I walked her to the door. I said, “You have graduated”. She smiled and agreed. We both knew she had become her happy self again. She promised to keep in touch. I hummed the Pomp and Circumstance song for her as she walked out of my office. She giggled and danced and marched in the parking lot.

Today, I graduated a client, with honors.

We are told to “let it go”, to stay in the moment. Everyone and their brother is touting The Secret or The Law Of Attraction or even The Power Of Positive Thinking. So much is said about attracting what we think about, that our circumstances are the result of past thoughts. This advice is everywhere and for many it is almost a punishment, a creator of guilt.

April is National Anxiety Month. My clients, many of them, don’t need just a month to be aware of anxious feelings. They could fill a calendar year with stories of moments that produce those feelings. Just last night, I had a client visit with me who is a big believer in “what you think, you attract”. (We will call her Dorothy for our purposes here.) Dorothy has created dream boards, used affirmations and visualized positive changes in her life. Still, her life has given her an unexpected twist. She was becoming paralyzed in fear. She had an overwhelming sense of doom in regards to this particular situation.

Dorothy asked me, “I know I am supposed to stay in the now, but how?” For most of us, it is a tennis match in our mind. The good thoughts get returned with fear, back and forth. Think a good though, fear creeps in. Try to push fear away, it takes grip. Try harder to push it back, it takes an even stronger hold, all consuming, mind numbing, thought controlling. The fear wins.

Add to the feeling of defeat, guilt and finally shame. After all, we are “supposed” to control our own thoughts, thinking only good thoughts. Fear, guilt, shame, the Hat Trick of negativity.

Dorothy looked at me with all sincerity and said, “How do you remain so positive? How do you prevent feelings of fear?” I laughed and replied, “I don’t”. I have my moments of fear and doubt. I am hardwired, just like everyone else I know to go to the negatives. To play the what if game. I have just learned to recognize when it begins, to notice the triggers and to go into action, creating change.

On numerous times, I have written and spoken about the value of humor in any given situation. It is a great tool to have. Another possibility is to change activities. Exercise is a great
de stressor, thought re arranger. I have solved and resolved many issues when out for a brisk walk or bike ride. The change in scenery allows me to change my perspective, not to mention those feel good brain chemicals that are released through exercise.

I often remind myself to stay in the moment, by taking deep, slow breathes. I ask myself if I am safe in this moment. In this moment, are all my basic needs met? Breathe again. What is right in my life now? What am I grateful for here and now?

I focus on one small change I can make, what would it be? How do I change? How is my perception different in regards to this situation, so that I can allow peace in my life? I know that I am not in control of everything that occurs in my life, nor am I responsible. It is only my perception that I can change, my attitude.

I started writing this early this morning. Life and activities interrupted me and delayed me. I just kept saying, blogging is not my life, it is simply a part of my life. So, while waiting for a client tonight,who was delayed by traffic, I thought I finished what I was meant to post. Thank heavens for heavy traffic. You see, she revealed to me so many miracles and possibilites in my life when she arrived. A dear friend of mine, from 20 years ago, is married to a colleague of hers. I hope to make contact again, with a fabulous, funny individual. Then a former client of mine called with news of changes she was making, that just happen to fit into something I was thinking might be useful in my life. Gee, I wonder if this thought change stuff really works? Do you think I attracted some positive results? Hmmmm…..