One of my favorite blogs is authored by Ettarose, she has titled it appropriately, edgeofsanity. Etta has a sarcastic outlook on life and tells it like it is. I am probably blowing her cover by saying she also has a heart of gold, but I am willing to take my lumps and out her! I mention her because she recently wrote a post about fools on the road, perpetrators of road rage.
I commented on her blog, how I like to visualize pink lights surrounding my car as a protection from the effects the fools might leave upon me.
Well, yesterday, Ettarose got her revenge. I had myself a blizzard of pink driving up and down the main road I travel from home to just about anywhere. There was not one trip, one time that I left my neighborhood and got onto this road that I wasn’t behind someone who was determined to teach me the lessons of patience. (You are aware not to ask for patience, as it is a lesson, not a gift, aren’t you?) Every single time and I mean every time the driver in front of me was going a minimum of 5 MPH under the speed limit, usually closer to 15!
I drove my son to his job,it was a loooonnnng, slow ride. Fortunately, he is still new enough at the job that he likes to leave earlier, rather than later. We had the time. When I picked him up after work, same thing occurred. I got giggly over it, he was amused wtih my reaction more than with the traffic.
On my way to my office for evening appointments, again it was a snail’s pace. ( I believe that is a legal speed designation, Snail’s Pace Per Hour.) I called my husband and asked him if I had missed the declaration of a national observance of Snail’s Pace on that road. He hadn’t seen it either.
It was his suggestion that prompted me to post this. Perhaps somewhere out there in cyberspace, someone knows of such a declaration having been made. Or maybe, the Universal Synapses collectively designed such a plan, maybe it is something from the quantum realm that a physicist can explain to me?
Debbie, I get it, duh. I adore you. I do hope you understand that us mere mortals cannot imagine pink clouds and then laugh. You are the cats pajamas. Thank you, I am humbled.
I know you are the one giving the advice and I should just tell you how right you are about traffic. But, Debbie, pink lights notwithstanding, have you ever given any thought that part of your problems with traffic might have something to do with that golf cart you drive wherever you go?
@ max
I might be at fault? Moi? I think you have the wrong blog! 🙂
Thanks for stopping in little pup!
Sounds like you might as well have gone by bike. Your comment about pink light reminded me of these great bike light kits…yes they come in pink.
Dear Blogger-mom,
Life is good. I’m sorry I have not kept in touch lately like I should but the guards keep confiscating my pencils. Thanks for believing that I did not kill Max, your testimony in court did a LOT do reduce mt sentence. I know that you know that now is an especially busy time for me but I truly felt an apology was in order. Let this not reflect on my love for you and know that while I may not be in touch often – we will always be in touch. Oh shit — here comes the waterworks. OK – now I’m just typing stuff at random but I am truly thinking of you and I will be in touch.
– Canucklehead
PS- ditch etta & max (dead weight)
My darling bloggerson,
take your medication. I know you are grateful for the good things in life, you just enjoy them more when you are clear about what they are. 🙂