Remember January? There were all those good intentions for a healthier, wealthier and happier you? If you are like many people, you lost momentum as life took over once again. You may also have begun to beat yourself up about what you “failed” to accomplish. Well, no need for that because September is the new January, which means you have a do-over.

There are some very good reasons for setting goals in September. First of all, we have been trained to think of September as a new beginning. This is the time of the new school year. We moved up a grade to meet new challenges.  We prepared by buying new school supplies and clothing, so from early on we have been taught to think of September as a time of new starts. At some level it has always been September change is natural.

It seems that the lazy days of summer end in September, vacations are complete and now we have the earlier months of the year to review what we have accomplished and decide what we want to do next. September also gives you a jump on those who are waiting for January. Businesses often set new goals in September rather than January, so why not you?

The holidays begin to crush down on us at the end of October, it becomes a time of celebrating and feasting. So, if your goals are health related, it helps to have them in check before the temptations begin. If you are already smoke free, eating well and getting regular exercise, you are more likely to continue with those good habits. Imagine putting the money spent on a cigarette habit away right now towards holiday outfits for the slender new body you create?

September Change Can Be Simple

Here are some simple changes that don’t take much effort to make a new part of your life:

  • Cut out processed food! Focus on whole, clean eating.  It can be as simple as changing one meal a week .
  • Sit quietly and deep breathe for 5 minutes – breathe and let go.
  • Begin to focus on mindful eating – be aware of what you eat, eat slowly, eat quietly. Notice smells, colors, textures and tastes.
  • Stand up at your desk every thirty minutes.
  • Walk for 3-5 minutes twice a day during your work day. Get moving!
  • Trying something new, fun and crazy! Get out of your comfort zone and go for it! Perhaps there is a class you have always wanted to try or a meet up adventure that sparks your imagination.

Hypnosis Helps With Self Improvement Goals

If there are bigger changes you want to make, you may need support. September Change is easier with help and accountability. Through hypnosis and the recordings I give you as a follow up, along with the phone, text and email support I offer, my clients have great success.  Don’t just believe me, read the reviews I have received here.