1. There is a study that will be published in the July issue of the Journal of Neurochemistry that suggests a direct link between smoking and brain damage. This research, led by Debapriya Ghosh and Dr Anirban Basu from the Indian National Brain Research Center (NBRC) found that a compound in tobacco provokes white blood cells in the central nervous system to attack healthy cells, leading to severe neurological damage. This research has found that a chemical known as NNK exists in all forms of tobacco and is therefore equally as dangerous in second hand smoke as well as for those who chew tobacco.

2. Here in Florida, the taxes on cigarettes are raised another $1.00 on July 1st.

3. Smokers sleep less soundly than non-smokers. They are also more likely to snore, disturbing their sleep and the sleep of their partner. (Want to improve you relationship?)

The I.R.S. recognizes only one form of smoke cessation, hypnosis! In fact, it offers a tax credit for smokers who want to make the change. That means 100% of the money spent on smoke cessation with a hypnotist is deducted from your income!