This morning a weight client of mine commented how she had not realized that stress had been such a big factor in her weight gain and just how much hypnosis has helped her with her stress. She went on to further say that so many people she knows are stressed and they don’t know that hypnosis could help them! Wait a moment, she didn’t know that hypnosis could help relieve stress? Obviously from the number of clients I see for smoke cessation and weight management my message is out there. But apparently not the whole message. Hypnosis is a wonderful method to use for cutting down on stress!!!

Did you know there is good stress?

There isn’t a person in the world that doesn’t experience stress, stress is a part of our everyday life. There is both good stress and bad stress. The good stress is like waiting to say those words, “I Do” on your wedding day or the feeling that overwhelms you when you land that account that you have worked so hard for. There is an end to it. The bad stress is when you are constantly faced with challenges and there is no relief to that stress or you are unable to relax.

Stress is created by your thoughts and anticipation of what your mind believes will happen next. Therefore, bad stress really is all in your head! Stress happens when we feel that we can’t cope with pressure and this pressure comes in many shapes and forms. Then stress triggers physiological responses. These changes are best described as the fight or flight response, a hard-wired reaction to perceived threats to our survival. When survival had meant facing immediate and real threats such as confronting a charging tiger, our response saved lives. In modern times, it is not needed as much to have such a strong reaction, so we need to “unlearn” those habits.

Not only do I often use a guided relaxation to induce the state of trance,  once in trance the individual often finds that the subconscious mind can identify the stress triggers and allow them to find better responses. Because it is our thoughts that cause the physiological reaction, through the use of hypnosis, you can manage your thoughts. Hypnosis can help you change the negative programming stored in your subconscious mind. Freeing you to focus on possibilities and opportunities.

After a hypnosis session with me, regardless of the initial reason for the session, my clients report that they feel more relaxed during the day and able to sleep better at night. Once the causes of the stress are identified, the solutions to making positive changes becomes easier to imagine. Often, permanent changes in behaviors and attitude begin after the first session!

So, if you were one of those people who hasn’t previously heard my message, please hear me now. Hypnosis is the perfect antidote for the stressed. I have free audios to sample, just so you can take a break from it all and relax.