Although I have a commitment to building self-confidence in myself as well as my clients, I understand I am a work in progress. During this month of working on self-improvement, I find myself perusing all types of notes I have stored away for a rainy day. Ironically, as I am posting this, it has been a very rainy day. Part of my intent was to continue with my theme of clearing out clutter. Part of it was to continue my Happiness Habits and part of today’s perusal was due to the rain. I found the list below and I am not really sure where I first came upon it or who the author is. Most likely, Napolean Hill, as it seems like his style of writing. Regardless, I thought with this month being National Self Improvement Month and as building our self-confidence can only help us improve, this was worth sharing.

Commitment to Confidence Building

1. I know that I have the ability to accomplish all that I undertake. I know that to succeed, I have only to establish this belief in myself and follow it with vigorous, aggressive action. I will establish it.