Women’s Wellness Society Gulf Coast Kickoff Event

I will be speaking at the inaugural meeting of this group, what an honor. So, I had to make this talk something special. I hope the title says it all:
How To Live An Amazingly Juicy and Awesome Life, Even Now!

This event will be held at the Grillsmith New American Cuisine. (So, even if you don’t want to hear me speak, the food there is great!) That is on Countryside Blvd, in Clearwater.

I hope any of my readers who are locals can make it, I will be ready to have great fun. The following day is my birthday and I leave for Argentina! I have many stories I want to share, really fun stuff that happens with hypnosis. I am sure there will be more when I return. It has been so busy I have been remiss in posting. So, I ask your indulgence just a bit longer, dear friends.

Until then, breath, think juicy thoughts and keep aware of your feet on the ground even if your head is in the clouds!