
This morning is peaceful, before the big Fourth Of July celebrations coming up here in the states this Friday. There are concerns and demands today, as every day. Some days things flow automatically, some days we have to stop and re-frame our thoughts to allow for the free flow.

So today, I am going to share a simple way to create the free flow in your day.

Take a moment and sit comfortably. Really become comfortable with your surroundings, allow your attention to wander for a moment. Slowly begin to turn your attention to your body. Feel the space your body occupies, imagine you can sense the space from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet. Feel and imagine your body is in perfect harmony as all your organs perform their jobs perfectly. Breath in harmony, exhale anything that is unnecessary in this moment.

As you breathe in, notice the sounds your body is creating, heart beat, air flowing in and out of your lungs, whatever you hear. Then begin to notice the sounds around you, whatever they may be, just as easily release them and allow yourself to hear the quiet that is beyond. Notice whatever aromas surround you. Feel your skin, the temperature on of different parts of your skin, feet, hands, neck, etc. Then as you feel yourself quieting down, breathe in with the thought, “I live in peace, I walk in peace, I am peace”. Exhale the thoughts of “peace, be still, peace”. Continue for two minutes.

Repeat through out the day as needed.
Now, go enjoy your day in peace!

It is time for part two of the last letter I was addressing.

My mother died very recently after a long and not very pleasant illness, and this coincided with a change in job for me and a house move, so I’ve found the time stressful to say the very least. In order to get to sleep at night I’ve been imagining or reliving something pleasant that happened. It sounds as though I’ve been taking almost the right approach, if I’d used different thoughts.
I’ve been having concentration problems quite a lot, and if there is anything I don’t really want to address I can almost physically feel my mind pulling away. But there are things that do have to be sorted out and I need to be able to concentrate better.

You are absolutely on the right track with your reliving pleasant thoughts. You have been experiencing a tremendous number of outside stresses. I often use pleasant memories to fill myself with good feelings as I fall asleep. Once I feel the powerful positive emotions, I can allow my challenges to enter into my thoughts. Releasing any emotion or expectations to how these events turn out, I focus on the good feelings I have just created and know that always my life turns our for the best. I then fall asleep, feeling good and asking what my next step is, what I want to do in this matter. It is amazing how I often will either dream my solutions or awaken with a thought that helps me move forward .

Allow time each day to “detox” from the stresses and pains of the day. Take two minutes to breath deeply and as you do, listen to your body. Notice how you feel, become aware of your heart beat, develop a sense of your body occupying the space you are in. Continue to breathe deeply and begin to affirm to yourself, “I deserve peace, serenity and joy. My thoughts are clear and I remain focused.” Do this through out the day as needed.

It is time for me to get back on track. I have missed posting lately, in two ways. I have missed the opportunities to post and I have missed getting my posts up and responding to the resulting comments.

I have been a bit busy, with husband, visitors and end of school year for my youngest son. Now, all of that is behind me. What happened on Friday, however, was I hit the wall. I had been saying how I needed rest, felt drained and that I was tired. Gee, how my words got the best of me. On Friday, I got home from my last session to collapse on the couch. I was asleep for the night by 8:30 p.m. I slept until 9:30 (or later) the following morning. This normally would have me up and ready to take on the world the next day. This time, (remember my words) I felt drained all day. I even took time to go to my favorite store in the world (next to a shoe store that is) Home Depot and could not muster up enthusiasm. I fell asleep in the truck (no I wasn’t driving) on the way home. Neighbors invited me over in the evening and I declined, choosing to sleep instead.

This time I told myself that I was getting better and better every moment, in every way. I repeated that I was healthy and full of energy. I fell asleep thinking of all the energy I would have and use the following day. I even imagined myself stating I feel great today as I awoke the next morning. Sunday morning I woke up feeling great, automatically, without even thinking about it my first words were, “I feel great today!”.

I rode my bike to a nearby park, where I walked the whole circumference of the park. It is a beautiful park, part shaded trees, part beach. I took time as I walked to focus on how lucky I am to have such a place so near to my home. Then I rode my bike back home.

Next, my girlfriend called and offered a ride on her boat out into the Gulf. We saw dolphins playing and enjoyed the warm waters. (I must confess, there is nothing funnier than three blondes trying to anchor a boat near an island without letting the current pull the boat and us into the shallows.) While on the boat, I took the opportunity to feel the waves, hear the birds, enjoy the warmth of the sun. I just remained in the experience of each moment. Now, I have that to take me through this week.

I went to bed last night saying how lucky I am, how healthy I am and how life is great. I awoke, filled with renewed energies, once again. Amazing how much power our words have, isn’t it?

I would like to ask you, dear readers to send me your questions regarding hypnosis, Neurolinguistic programming, positive thoughts or the power of the mind. If you have life situations where you wonder how to apply these principles, send those as well. I will do my best to answer them, or find the expert who can. If you have stories where you overcame an obstacle and want to share, I would love to share those as well.

Take a moment now and breath. Feel the breath in your lungs, filling them up with cool fresh air. As you exhale blow away any imagined stressors and remind yourself that in this moment you are safe.
Breath in the joy that is life, release negativity. Become aware of your body, how it feels in this moment. Wherever you feel discomfort, allow it to fade away. Focus on discomfort being released however release works for you.
Then relax into your breath once again. Find the most comfortable part of you and allow that comfort to become very real. Expand that comfort, spreading it through out your body.

Imagine if you could take this moment with you all day long, how much easier your day would be?

I have been very busy with so many details, as I mentioned on Monday. Tonight, a celebration for my darling husband. He supports me in my dreams and goals for my hypnosis business. He tells the world that I am so positive sunshine emits from, oh my, I better edit that statement here. He dances with shopping carts in the grocery store. I want to celebrate him, for the joy he brings me!

Tomorrow, I am off to my convention. Although I am making presentations (three of them, what was I thinking when I agreed to that?), I am looking forward to learning and improving my skills. It is my intention to return with new inspirations to share with everyone.

In the meantime, breath, my friends. Just breath. Breath is life. Long, deep breathes, filling your lungs and slow exhales, releasing tensions and tightness. Relax and allow your life to flow. What seems major today, will simply be history tomorrow.