I enjoyed yesterday’s post by P.W. and really appreciate her contribution. What she wrote encouraged more thoughts on my part about seemingly unjust situations that have occurred in my life. Even if I decide to let it go, do I really? Do I just move on, without another thought or do I harbor some ill feelings towards the other person?

I would love to tell you that St. Debbie, smiles, shines it on and all is forgiven in her perfect little world. I would also like to tell you that my home is as full of gold as Donald Trump’s. Neither of those statements represent the facts. However, I am working on both of them.

I will do my best in the moment to make the choice to remain calm and patient. I act “as if” the behavior is not offensive. Then, when the time is appropriate, I will take a quiet moment to think through the event. Removing emotions, just noticing what the events were, I can determine what the lesson in that moment was for me. Why did I allow it to bother me, was there something in me that owned the hurt at a deeper level? Was there a behavior I could change to prevent these types of things from happening again?

Imagine taking a negative moment and making it neutral. Then allow yourself to notice all the facts about it, just facts. Notice the lessons for yourself in that moment. Who would you be if those lessons were a part of your life? How would you change your behaviors? How might you feel differently? What would improve in your life if those changes occurred?

Think of someone you now who has the behaviors that you desire. Imagine them in the same circumstances. Allow that person to show you, in your imagination how to feel the same way, filled with strength and inner peace. Breathe in those feelings, really make them a part of your very core. Then relax. Go on about your day, looking forward to opportunities to be that strong, calm person that you deserve to be!

Just in case anyone is interested in helping me match the gold in my home to Donald Trump’s, email me and I will tell you where to send it!