
loveDo you sigh when you hear the Elvis song, “Are you lonesome tonight”? Remember the guy in Love Potion #9 who was a flop with the chicks? Well, he almost got it right. But, instead of going to Madame Rue for something to drink, he should have come to  Debbie Lane’s Wisdom Hypnosis for something to THINK!

The Real Love Potion # 9


Wednesday – February 22, 2017

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

UP Hypnosis Institute

1810 S Pinellas Ave, Suite G, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689

(727) 943 – 5003


Through hypnosis, total relaxation, and deep writing, you will:

        *    measure and build self esteem

       *    determine where you*re stuck

       *    learn how to get unstuck

       *    release the mistakes of the past

       *    thoroughly describe Mr. or Ms. Right                                

Your Investment in true love? Only $35.00


Prepare to love and be loved!

How loving are you with yourself? Not just today, Valentine’s Day, but every day? For many, Valentine’s is a wonderful, romantic celebration of their commitment to one another and to love. For others, it is a sad reminder of lost love. For some it is a poke in the heart as they feel they have never had real love. I teach a class called The Real Love Potion Number Nine, a love attraction class that is almost ready for print as a book/guide to finding your true love. (It is also how I managed to bring my amazing husband into my life.) One of the very first things we review is self-love, followed by unconditional love.
It is a very difficult thing for many of my clients to experience either of those. Modesty has taught us to negate a compliment. How I would cringe when my sons were young and I’d tell the parent of one of their friends how much I enjoyed their little one, only to have the parent tell me I didn’t know that child. Really? A chance for the kid to learn self-love now dashed. We really need to learn to just say thank you.

Often, my clients equate their value with their perception of just how “bad” the habits they have are. Unconditional self-love means loving all of you, despite your flaws.  So, before we can even begin to create a change in behavior we need to instill a new understanding of how unconditionally loved we deserve to be. In order to do that, we have to begin practicing some loving moments with ourselves.
Pay attention to how you treat yourself compared to how you treat your friends. I know that so much internal talk is harsher than we would ever talk to friends or loved ones. Yet, we think we will respond well to it. You have the power to hurt yourself or make yourself feel better. Which do you prefer? It’s not loving to postpone self-acceptance until you are as perfect as you imagine you should be.
Unless you choose a different direction, stress will beat you up! Allowing stress to go unchecked is VERY unloving to you! Doing something/anything to relieve stress, says, “I love me!” When you feel stressed, stop, take some deep breaths, even if only for a minute. It can calm you down Focus on things that make you happy instead of on problems. Enjoy just looking at the sunshine or watching the rain fall. Visualize a place that makes you happy. Find something that reduces your stress and do it regularly. I have a free audio for stress on my website. SerenityGive yourself the gift of a more relaxed you. It’s YOUR choice—let stress control you or YOU take control of the stress. Less stress leaves more room to be happy, and feel self-love.
Give yourself permission to love yourself. Put it in writing, affirm you are worthy of love and even ask yourself each day why you are so lovable. It is through constant practice that love becomes natural, like any learned behavior. Give yourself permission this Valentine’s Day to be happy, now and 4-ever! 


1. I lovingly accept myself as I am right now. I appreciate all that makes me who I am.

2. I regularly give thanks for all of my blessings.

3. I appreciate and accept compliments. I generously give compliments.

4. I trust in my ability to take care of myself, I take responsibility for my life.

5. I now eliminate self-criticism and stop criticizing others.

6. I forgive myself and others when a mistake occurs.

7. I shall be kind to others, without sacrificing my own needs.

 I give myself permission to be happy!
Wishing all a day of true peace, joy and love. May those begin within and extend to all you encounter.

A few months back I had a client visit with me, who wanted to make a change in her life. A fairly big change, as the issue we met for was affecting many areas of her life. It had a very real impact on her love life as well. She had someone special in her life, yet this issue kept the relationship from going to the next level.

I know I am being ambiguous, that is in order to respect her privacy. For you see, she recently sent me an email that since our visit, she has been free of the issue. Her life has changed and she wanted me to see just how much! With her permission, I give you the end of her story, or maybe it is just the beginning…..

The comedy hypnosis show I had planned on attending tonight has been rescheduled for Saturday February 28. (I will be sure and send reminders out to all my friends closer to the date.) In the meantime, I wanted to remind folks that I have a class I offer called The Real Love Potion Number 9. It is currently available for folks to offer in the comfort of their homes.

In honor of that, here is the theme song!

Also, a fellow blogger and dear friend of mine is celebrating his birthday today. Happy birthday maxie, my favorite naughty pup!

Have a fabulous, romantic, fun filled weekend everyone!

Love Stinks

Written by:

Valentine’s day, the most romantic day of the year. Yeah, right;

Love stinks!

“You love her
But she loves him
And he loves somebody else
You just can’t win

One thing for sure
Love stinks!”

Maybe you remember the J. Geils Band?

If you believe love stinks, love hurts, there aren’t any good ones out there anymore, anyway;perhaps it isn’t what’s out there that is the problem. Maybe, just maybe, you have stinking thinking. If that is so, then STOP IT right now. You can look around to blame all you want, but that isn’t going to help you find someone to cozy up with. (Unless you really do want to spend all your nights with a puppy or a kitty!)

Your barrier to true love is in your mind—your subconscious mind. Change your mind, and you can—and will—attract your true love.

The truth is, our brains are hard wired to go to the negative. We tend to regress to the familiar, we want to prove our beliefs over and over. So, if past experience has told us that we are doomed to fail in relationships or we only attract losers, we will continually look for the proof. Everything can be “perfect”, but one small miss step and the mind latches on to that and says’ “Ah Ha! See, you are headed down the path of doom again!” Then the downward spiral begins.

An effective way of changing your thoughts is to make eye contact with yourself. Sounds silly? It works. Daily, look into your eyes, not just at your face in the mirror. Give yourself that positive feedback you would love to hear from a loved one. Smile. Your subconscious hears you when you do this.

Next, as you are falling asleep at night, you go through Theta brainwaves. So, focus on the emotions you want to feel. Picture yourself in love. Not with a specific target, but just imagine how love would look if it were a part of your life. Feel those wonderful feelings of pleasure and happiness. Imagine the places you would go, the things you would do.

Finally, use humor to ward off negative thoughts, rewire those synapses. Instead of thinking what a jerk your last lover was, imagine him/her as a cartoon like character. See the humor in what they are. Imagine yourself riding into the sunset with Prince Charming or Princess Dreamy.

Once again, I am honored to have the contributions from P. W. Dowdy. My connection with this fabulous writer can only be described as a miracle. We live miles and miles apart. We have only been connected through the magic of the internet and yet, I feel as though she is my friend, maybe even my sister. She sent this article to me for sharing and I feel blessed to be able to do so.

7 Ways To Offer Love

Due to Hollywood propaganda, offering effective love today can lie in obscurity for some. Flowers and other wooing are great flatterers, but can our non- emotional actions express love more effectively?

In Sonnet 116, Shakespeare noted that “love alters not with its alterations find, nor bend with the remover to remove…it is ever fixed…never shaken.”

In that actions commonly proceed from attitude, Shakespeare’s attitude about live is a great place to start. If you wish to show love to someone – whether they understand it immediately or not — here are 7 Do’s and Don’ts:

  • As Shakespeare encouraged, commit to love the person in spite of their fragilities or shortcomings. You have faults as well, which your loved one is also discovering as your relationship matures.
  • Don’t expect “peak experiences” from your connectedness all of the time. Writer Abraham Maslow coined the phrase to mean exactly what it says. Everyday of our lives we do not reach the mountaintop. Nor should we demand such peak experiences from those we love.
  • Listening is not the core of communication in a relationship unless it is a listening with interest. It is more than simply hearing what a loved-one is saying (while waiting your turn to speak). Listening is opening your heart as well as your ears to what someone else is saying. It is caring about a side of the issue that you may not have before considered.
  • On the other hand, opening up and letting the other person see your vulnerability is a good part of communication as well. “This is how I felt when you did that. I hope we can agree to work this out because I don’t want to be at odds with you over this. Help me to understand how I (unintentionally) offended you.
  • Sacrificing your time when it is inconvenient to do so to help a loved one who has no one else to turn is an action of true love. Such an attitude is the basis of all good friendships. With time, any interpersonal connection void of friendship will melt down to two selfish people taking from each other, but scarcely seeing the need to give.
  • Can you say these three words when appropriate? “I Am Sorry.”
  • “Here, let me hold you until you let go of that stress” is another loving attitude to express and do. It is the height of giving oneself when a loved one is overwhelmed.

Love is both inborn and learned. It takes the key of compassion to activate either expression. These seven means will build that compassion in you.

Debbie speaking again, How can I help but love what Pat wrote? She has no blog or website (yet) or I would link to it. She is writing a novel. I was given a sneak peek at it and I am so excited to read the whole thing when she is complete. In the meantime, I am grateful for her contributions here.

Please forgive me if I am brief this week. It is a busy and exciting time for me. I am taking deep breathes to remind myself to relax and savor these moments.

Yesterday, I went out to the island to celebrate my upcoming birthday with friends. I could not help but reflect how fortunate I am. My sons are fabulous young men and healthy. My husband is a great guy. (If I say too much more here, I won’t be able to live with him, so enough said.) I live in Paradise! I walked the beach, collecting shells and disturbing crabs who were none too pleased with that. Then, relaxing at the water’s edge I looked up to see the most amazing birds fly by. Huge, pink spoonbills!

I have never seen them flying before. In fact, I think I have only seen them in zoo’s and habitats before. Brilliant, pink and graceful, they flew by. It seemed to symbolize to me just how love permeates my life. I am blessed, and grateful.

Now, off to appointments and this crazy week. I will stop in to let you know how things are going, dear readers. Thank you all for the love I feel from your messages. (Even you Maxie!)

If Valentines Day is so happy, why do one in four Americans refuse to celebrate it? And why do 15% of American women (and some men) send flowers to themselves?

Obviously, we haven’t all found our true love. But it isn’t for lack of trying. We gamely go to singles events. We cross our fingers and register online. We hound friends for introductions. We even hang out in bars. But six months or six years later, we still sigh when Elvis asks, “Are you lonesome tonight?”

Remember the guy in Love Potion #9 who was a “flop with chicks?” Well he almost got it right. But instead of going to Madame Rue for something to drink, he should have come to Wisdom Hypnosis for something to think. Everyone knows hypnosis is effective for smoke cessation and weight management; but did you know that hypnosis can help you define and attract that special someone who matches your requirements—exactly. (Don’t believe me? Wait till you meet Exhibit A.)

Join me February 13th and 20th for The Real Love Potion #9. Through wisdom hypnosis, total relaxation, and deep writing, you will:

· measure and build self esteem
· determine where you’re stuck on the map of heartbreak
· learn how to get unstuck
· release the mistakes of the past
· thoroughly describe Mr. or Ms. Right
· prepare to love and be loved
· start attracting the right person into your life

These 2 evenings are all about love, so we have to meet at the charming and historic White Chapel in downtown Palm Harbor . Yes, it’s true. “We’re goin’ to the chapel.”

The Real
Love Potion #9
Palm Harbor White Chapel
1190 Georgia Avenue, Palm Harbor , FL
Wednesday, February 13 & 20
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
(for more details, as soon as my web lady can get the link up!)

(727) 781-8483