
About two weeks ago, I was playing in the forum on Entrecard. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is a community of bloggers that has been great fun and support for me. The link at the side of my blog that says Featured Site of the Day is a part of what Entrecard offers. Various bloggers ask to advertise on your site, for a variety of reasons. (The forums are filled with discussions as to each person’s recipe for success!)

I digress.

The morning that found me playing in the forums, also found me a cup short of coffee. So, I started this silly thread about a Mr. Entrecard contest. The idea grew like a wildfire. It was amazing how many of the guy bloggers threw down the gauntlet and how many of the ladies wanted to play in the judging. So, for the last two weeks, I have been the back ground force behind this contest. I reclused myself from the judging and left the emcee job up to a woman with a great sense of humor and a blog that could support such an event.

Questions, created by the judges were sent out to contestants. I sent answers back to judges one question at a time, without their knowledge of who said what. I tallied the votes by assigning numbers to first second and third choice answers. Finally, a winner has been chosen.

During this process, I was able to study human behavior. Most of what I observed was just how wonderful human nature is. These folks made it fun! I must confess, if patience could be bottled and sold, the price would make gas seem free. (I am looking within as much as outward when I state that!)

Our marvelous emcee was Rachel of OddVantage. Go to her site to read how things transpired, leave comments!

The lovely ladies who agreed to judge this were:

Ohio Real Estate
Fragile Heart
Dot Com Mogul
She Lives
Modern Glam
Amy Oops
Fitness Diva
Lucent Dusk

and of course

The contestants were:

Fantasy Baseball
Bullshit Stalker
Superficial Gallery
Asian Economist
Poem of quotes
Healthy Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle
Thailand Land Of Smiles
Ken Armstrong
Cats with thumbs
Orient Lodge

It would have been impossible for me to judge, some of these gentlemen have become real friends. I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite. The votes came within half points, they ran so close. These are on heck of a group of people. Badevan kept my spirits up when things got tough.

The second runner up was Aldon of Orient Lodge. The first runner up was Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff.

The winner and Mr. Entrecard is Acadia of Superficial Gallery.

I will be loading links to my sidebar for the winner as promised. I wish I could load them for every contestant, because you all really deserve it! Thank you all for participating in this frivolity. I hope you know that I have developed crushes on all of you for your great answers and support. I think the judges may have developed some new friendships with a few of their favorites as well.

My goodness! That is all I can say her right now, is my goodness! It has been the day of all days in those little ways that can drive a hypnotist crazy. Thank heavens, I know a good hypnotist who can help me elevate my mood. What perfect timing for my Friday Silliness.

Perhaps you have noticed the little icon on my sidebar that showcases the blog of the day. It is related to a great little community of bloggers called Entrecard. I have made some great friends through this group. Unfortunately, at this moment, one of them is an endodontist from Canada who decided to pull me into the fray between himself and Canucklehead, another blogger from Canada. (Too many knocks in the head from stray hockey pucks, I’m guessing.) They will be the recipients of my years of experience in the revenge method of parenting!

Bottom line, to you my readers, I have been asked to participate in something called a meme. When I get this crud in emails, I generally delete them. Unless, of course, it is sent from my mother. Then I answer it as sarcastically, using as much gutter talk as is possible. She is delighted, thinking her daughter has sent another loving note from the heart.

The rules of this garbage are as follows:

The Rules:

  1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
  4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’ve been tagged, and to read your blog.

Here is my response to this:

8 Random Facts About Me

1. I believe I am responsible for the collapse of the Skyway Bridge on May 9, 1980.
Allow me to explain: The year before I survived a flood on May 8th. (mentioned in my blog yesterday.) I held my first annual flood party on May 8 1980. Amongst the silly activities, we held a rain dance. It worked, Summit Venture hit the Skyway, I stopped rain dancing for the rest of my life.

2. My favorite film is Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times. This is my favorite scene from the film:

3. I love to read so much that my husband will hide books before a party, so that I don’t sneak them in and hide in a corner during the party to finish just one more chapter.

4. I once stood actually speechless in an elevator because I was the only person in it with Stevie Nicks. I couldn’t think of anything to say, not even hello.

5. I haven’t eaten meat since the 70’s based on a twenty dollar bet. When B. Fussell pays up, I will eat meat again.

6. I once held the title of Miss Coppertone.
No, I am not the kid with her bottom exposed by a dog.

7. I hate shopping so much that when I married, I registered at only one store much to the chagrin of my new in-laws. The store was Home Depot.

8. I had an attack rooster as a pet when I was growing up. He wouldn’t let anyone in the back yard except me or unless they were accompanied by me (or Mom).

According to the rules, I am supposed to tag 8 people. Sorry folks, I won’t play there. Call me a party pooper, I don’t send emails that promise big bucks from Bill Gates either. I will tell you, I list blogs that I like, as I view them and I will continue to do so. Furthermore, I have been invited to join in on a blog party that includes some pretty cool gifts. For more information on that, visit:

It’s The Party Contest!

There are some pretty cool give aways, including a free phone session from yours truly! I will write more about that next blog, until then, happy Friday!

Sorry about the title. I had to start out with that apology, because even I feel guilty about posting something so silly. However, it is Friday and time for my silliness to shine through.

During the past week, I have been so very busy with the launch of my Living the Lucky Life CD and my office visits that I have been remiss on blogging. I admit I have been inconsistent. However, the good news is, I have been very lucky! I listen to my audio each day to be sure I still want it out there and amazing things have fallen into my lap! (Besides the cat, who really just jumps into it. – again, slipping into silly.)

I have had unexpected occurrences everyday. From 4 free tickets to a special event (my friend Claire calls me the Queen of free tickets) to connections with people out of my past, incredible opportunities opening up for me career wise. Right now, however, I am off to a local resort, Innisbrook, for some quiet time poolside to read and renew. (Now that’s lucky!)

Let me leave you with this moment of silliness: (read through and then try this with your eyes closed)

Take a moment to breathe deeply, really feeling the breath entering your lungs, filling them completely and then being released. As you release, allow yourself to relax and let go of any worries of the day. Picture and imagine that you are in a safe comfortable theater. The chairs are plush and you sink deeply into them. Begin to notice how your whole body seems to be slowing down, your heartbeat is gentle, safe and resting…….

In this theater is a huge screen, covered in the thickest of curtains. Slowly, the curtain draws back and appearing on the screen is a bright, colorful cartoon. This cartoon is filled with events that make you giggle, such as pie throwing or silly jokes. The thing you notice about the characters in this cartoon, however, is that you are the one telling jokes or throwing pies. The recipient is a compilation of all the negative events that have occurred during this past week.
I wonder if you can allow yourself to release and let go, so well, that you begin to giggle? I wonder if you can really start to laugh? Imagine if you could fill your body with good, fun, feelings? Allowing laughter to be your medicine, you enjoy a moment of respit, knowing that you can carry your secret weapon (humor) with you into the weekend and every day forward.

As you open your eyes, feel the power of humor and the great release of endorphins rushing through your body.

Happy Friday Friends!