About two weeks ago, I was playing in the forum on Entrecard. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is a community of bloggers that has been great fun and support for me. The link at the side of my blog that says Featured Site of the Day is a part of what Entrecard offers. Various bloggers ask to advertise on your site, for a variety of reasons. (The forums are filled with discussions as to each person’s recipe for success!)

I digress.

The morning that found me playing in the forums, also found me a cup short of coffee. So, I started this silly thread about a Mr. Entrecard contest. The idea grew like a wildfire. It was amazing how many of the guy bloggers threw down the gauntlet and how many of the ladies wanted to play in the judging. So, for the last two weeks, I have been the back ground force behind this contest. I reclused myself from the judging and left the emcee job up to a woman with a great sense of humor and a blog that could support such an event.

Questions, created by the judges were sent out to contestants. I sent answers back to judges one question at a time, without their knowledge of who said what. I tallied the votes by assigning numbers to first second and third choice answers. Finally, a winner has been chosen.

During this process, I was able to study human behavior. Most of what I observed was just how wonderful human nature is. These folks made it fun! I must confess, if patience could be bottled and sold, the price would make gas seem free. (I am looking within as much as outward when I state that!)

Our marvelous emcee was Rachel of OddVantage. Go to her site to read how things transpired, leave comments!

The lovely ladies who agreed to judge this were:

Ohio Real Estate
Fragile Heart
Dot Com Mogul
She Lives
Modern Glam
Amy Oops
Fitness Diva
Lucent Dusk

and of course

The contestants were:

Fantasy Baseball
Bullshit Stalker
Superficial Gallery
Asian Economist
Poem of quotes
Healthy Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle
Thailand Land Of Smiles
Ken Armstrong
Cats with thumbs
Orient Lodge

It would have been impossible for me to judge, some of these gentlemen have become real friends. I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite. The votes came within half points, they ran so close. These are on heck of a group of people. Badevan kept my spirits up when things got tough.

The second runner up was Aldon of Orient Lodge. The first runner up was Ken Armstrong Writing Stuff.

The winner and Mr. Entrecard is Acadia of Superficial Gallery.

I will be loading links to my sidebar for the winner as promised. I wish I could load them for every contestant, because you all really deserve it! Thank you all for participating in this frivolity. I hope you know that I have developed crushes on all of you for your great answers and support. I think the judges may have developed some new friendships with a few of their favorites as well.