I have previously posted about a great author I have had the great privilege of knowing, Fawn Germer. Fawn has written several books, I reviewed her most recent book, The New Woman Rules. Well, an earlier book was Hard Won Wisdom, also a must read. Fawn travels the country as a keynote speaker as well. Now, she has started a blog all her own. So, stop by and check out my friend’s blog. Hard Won Wisdom Tell her Debbie sent you!

I also want to thank Vincent Parker of 200 Sacred Words for awarding me with the honor of the I Love Your Blog Award. Vincent said, “. I chose the following not for a specific type of blog, but for the essence of purpose and their passion about the material they write and present.” That is an honor for sure. Thanks so very much!

I was asked to guest post on another hypnosis blog. The article went live today. It is the story of a client of mine who came to locate money, what he found instead was a deeper truth. That story is posted here: Debbie Lane And The Case Of Sal. The blog is a great hypnosis blog, many of my most respected colleagues have added articles. I recommend the blog for finding information. It is: Hypnosis Information & Articles Blog By Joshua Houghton.

I will be back on track tomorrow. Today, I am taking my friend to the airport so she can take care of the details of saying good bye for one last time to her mother in their home state of Maine.