I will be giving away health and happiness – free of charge – in celebration of the 6th Annual World Hypnotism Day. World Hypnotism Day is the day when hypnotists from over 20 countries around the world strive to inform the public about the benefits of hypnosis. It is my plan to motivate and inspire anyone who attends away from stinking thinking and towards a successful mindset.

This event will include a group hypnosis exercise, during which I will hypnotize people to eliminate stress, stick to their resolutions and accomplish their goals. 2009 was an extremely stressful year for many and this is a chance to make 2010 much better! I want you to learn how to reprogram your mind, to create a healthy mind set and eliminate feelings of overwhelm and fear.

This event is a free gift from me and Oak Trail Books to anyone who would like to experience a deep trance.