I have had several discussions since yesterday’s post that have led me to write this information today. I love hypnosis, everyone knows that. I believe it is effective and therefore I share stories about my successes in this blog. However, hypnosis is a tool, not a panacea.

Everyone responds differently to various types of medications. My sons are both highly allergic to Ibuprofen. Therefore, I may take it for a headache, but I would never offer it to them. We find alternatives. There are people who walk into my office or buy an audio and they are changed dramatically almost instantly. There are a great many more, however, who take several sessions, of real in depth work. Neither person is right, better or more deserving. It is simply that there is a difference in the individual and the way they find their keys to success.

I am extremely proud of my clients one and all who succeed. Sometimes the successes are harder won and slower to come, but successes they still are. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that works and I witness lives changing every day as a result. Just be aware that there is work involved and commitment. I don’t have a magic wand, I only wish I did.

If I did have that wand, there is one special lady who would already have it used on her. She knows who she is and how much I admire her for the way she has overcome many obstacles. I see changes in her, even when she doesn’t. I know she is a success story in the making.