Seventeen years ago today, joy and laughter in the form of a child entered my life. My youngest, my “baby” boy. This young man has taught me many lessons through out his life. He has always had the best smile ever and is quick to laugh. He goes out of his way to help me laugh as well.

My son, Todd, has a blood condition called spherocytosis. It is a form of anemia that is chronic. When Todd was five years old, he collapsed into my arms. I took him to the doctor’s office. The doctor called the EMT’s and we rode the longest ride of my life, to the hospital. Todd was given blood transfusions. He stayed in the Oncology unit for about a week. I never left his side. Todd’s only concern was making his room mate happy.

One of the side effects, is that the spleen works overtime to remove what “it” perceives as damaged blood cells. This causes the spleen to become enlarged. Almost four years ago, Todd went into the hospital to have his spleen removed. The surgeon informed us after the surgery that his spleen had grown to a size comparable with a regulation football! Furthermore, the surgeon removed two additional spleens. Spleens that probably saved his life. My son never complained.

Since that surgery he has become so much more active and alive! Last year we went through a time where we were concerned he might have Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. He did not, he doesn’t. A bullet dodged.

Always, my son kept his humor and done his best to help me keep mine. He is a great student, a fine young man and pure joy. His older brother enjoys him and his baby sister lives for his visit to her house. She sings his name constantly, according to her mom and dad!

Happy Birthday Todd!