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Have you tried numerous diets and failed?
You are not alone. A high percent of people try weight loss diets hoping for quick results and they don’t work. While initially they may lose a few pounds, often they get bored on the diet and gain it back, plus more! There are a number of reasons underlying weight gain that are not addressed by quick weight loss diets. When the reasons are not addressed and resolved, it becomes difficult to achieve and maintain your weight goals. If there is no change in how you think about food, your eating habits and the underlying psychological reasons as to why you are overeating, or put on weight in the first instance there can’t be any real change made in your weight. In fact some diets may even leave you feeling hungry and thus create powerful cravings for food.
- Have you found it difficult to lose those extra pounds?
- Would you like a process where you are happy, relaxed and can eat whatever you like?
- Are you tired of feeling deprived when dieting?
- Do you lose weight only to gain it and more back again?
The Virtual Gastric Band For Weight Loss Is A Great Alternati
ve And May Be The Answer That Can Change Your Life
What is the Virtual Gastric Band Procedure?
The Virtual Gastric Band (VGB) is a procedure of hypnotherapy developed to train the brain to sense that the stomach has been reduced. The sensation is similar to the actual Gastric Band (Lap Band) surgical procedure where a band is placed around the top portion of the stomach creating a small pouch. This results in feeling fuller with less food consumed and significant weight reduction is achieved. The VGB procedure is natural, safe and non-invasive.
Debbie Lane C.Ht. trained with Sheila Granger who developed the VGB program in Europe and conducted clinical trials. The first trial conducted in 2009 produced a 95% success rate*. Debbie has conducted trials in Tampa Bay, FL with similarly impressive results.
*Results may vary, results are not guaranteed and the weight loss depicted on this site may or may not be typical.
If you have considered Gastric Band (Lap Band) Surgery to lose weight, you want to consider Virtual Gastric Band first!
The weight loss you’ll achieve with the Virtual Gastric Band Program is steady, sustainable and healthy. You can expect to lose between 1 and 3 pounds a week. This amount of steady weight loss does not result in burning up muscle, like so many fast loss diet fads. This is because unlike so many diets, it doesn’t affect the body’s metabolic rate, so there’s no artificial weight loss where the body burns muscle instead of fat.
With this program, you will easily be able to understand what’s a real physical hunger rather than an emotional hunger. No more eating due to boredom, anxiety, frustration etc. You will learn how to deal with those feelings without turning to food.
Virtual Gastric Band is
• Safe
• Non-invasive
• Natural
• Has no negative side effects
• Effective!
What does the Virtual Gastric Band program involve?
• The VGB program involves a minimum of four hypnosis sessions. (see below)
• The client is expected to listen to a 15 minute audio daily, for 28 days.
• A commitment to follow eight simple rules is necessary.
• A strong desire to make changes that last is a must!
Four Sessions: The first three sessions are scheduled in advance a week apart; the final session will be conducted according to the individual clients needs and progress. (Clients who are more than 50 pounds overweight may desire additional sessions.)
Why choose the Virtual Gastric Band procedure over the Gastric Band (Lap Band) Surgery?
Virtual Gastric Band
• Safe
• No surgery required
• No recovery time (time missed from work)
• No scars or complications
• Lower weight requirement to get started vs. surgery
• Increased energy with VGB
• It’s cost effective
• It works! (In trials in the UK 95% of subjects reported success with NO adverse side effects)*
*Results may vary, results are not guaranteed and the weight loss depicted on this site may or may not be typical.
Gastric Band (Lap Band) Surgery
As with any major surgery, gastric bypass, gastric band (Lap Band) and other weight-loss surgeries pose some serious potential health risks, both in the short term and long term. Patients commonly suffer from these Complications with Gastric Band Surgery.
• Nausea and vomiting
• Reflux
• Slipped band
• Difficulty swallowing
• Constipation
Some of these symptoms combined can lead to re-adjusting the band, therefore more surgery.
Not everyone is a good candidate for gastric band (Lap Band) surgery. In order to qualify, a patient:
• Must have exhausted other options for weight-loss through diet and exercise
• Must have a BMI of more than 40 (morbidly obese) or more than 35 (obese) with other medical problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea.
• Must pass extensive medical screening
“Debbie Lane is the hypnotist you want to work with! Hypnosis got me off the diet roller coaster. It (the Virtual Gastric Band) empowered me to shed over a 100 lbs and keep it off. As a result my doctor has taken me off all medications. Hypnosis works, see for yourself!”
Lena R.*
Do I qualify for the Virtual Gastric Band Program?
This program is for the individual who is serious about making changes. You will be expected to listen to audio(s) given as support between sessions. Also following the eight agreements that are explained in the first session help to create your success. Debbie offers support between sessions in the form of hand-outs, email, text and phone calls as needed. Becoming aware of your appetite and your attitudes regarding food is an important part of the process to making change. Where appropriate, increased movement is encouraged.
Call (727) 781-8483 office or (727) 215-0283 cell today for your free phone consultation
You can get started with Virtual Gastric Band whether you need to lose 30 LBS or 300!
Because there are no health risks or negative side effects, you can qualify for VGB with a lower weight threshold than with surgery. You must be at least 20% overweight. Consult with your doctor before starting any diet program.
You May Receive an IRS Tax Credit
for Weight Loss & Smoking Cessation Hypnosis
Note the following information is not to be considered tax advice. Please confirm with your tax consultant and the latest regulations.
Tax laws passed in 2003 onwards allow an IRS tax credit that reimburses all of the money you pay for for smoking cessation programs. If you are advised by a physician to lose weight, you can also be reimbursed all monies spent for weight loss hypnosis.
This is a tax credit – not a tax deduction, so that means full credit on your taxes! It’s almost as if your smoking cessation and weight loss hypnosis programs were free!
To download the information regarding the tax credit click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.
*Results may vary, results are not guaranteed and the weight loss depicted on this site may or may not be typical. Results will vary based on each person’s physical health, family history, diet and exercise, physical condition and adherence to the Program.