With the holidays and all the added pressure and responsibilities, as well as the added social obligations descending upon us, do you find it almost impossible to remain aware of your weight, eating and exercise routines? Do all those extra goodies seem to call your name? The good news is, according to a government study, on average, Americans actually only gain about one pound of fat over the holidays.

If you prefer to avoid even that one pound gain, then here are a few quick ideas to help make your holidays healthier and happier.

Remain Aware

Stop believing the fantasy of how “someday” you will have it together enough to really make a difference. That someday is now! It starts in little increments and builds. You want to create a healthy mindset for daily living.

  • In order to practice awareness relating to your intake of food, remember, no goody tastes as good as being healthy and fit feels!
  • Allow for the occasional treat, so you don’t feel deprived. You will find that you enjoy the food and the holidays if you don’t focus on deprivation.
  • Take a moment each morning to look yourself in the eyes (in the mirror) and remind yourself that you deserve to look and feel great.
  • Before a holiday party or meal, be sure to drink a full glass of cold water. This will help to fill you up sooner and elevate your metabolism so that you burn what you eat more efficiently. Dehydration slows your metabolism by 3 percent. That can be up to 80 calories a day burned just by drinking water.
  • Chew sugarless gum! While fixing a meal or when you want to snack, grab a piece of sugarless gum and you won’t be as tempted to put other foods into your mouth.
  • Eat from the veggie platter when you first start, fill up on the healthy foods.
  • At social gatherings, don’t fill the silence with another mouthful of food. If you don’t know what to say, remain quiet for a moment and just listen. People love a good listener!

Keep It Moving

It is imperative that you keep moving through out the holidays. This will help with both the foods you consume and the stressful situations. Building muscle helps to burn fat, even when resting. If you exercise regularly, you will have more energy, feel better emotionally and sleep better as well as fight off diseases better. Any increase in physical activity has a positive affect on your health and your perfect body size.

  • Park further out in the lot at the shopping malls. Walk briskly to your destination, whistle or hum an upbeat tune to keep you moving!
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Remember that cleaning and decorating both include plenty of twisting, lifting and movement, do it with enthusiasm to get the maximum benefits!
  • While you may believe that you don’t have enough time for exercise, it is true that only eight minutes a day of exercise will make an impact on your weight and your stress reduction.
  • Keep a set of hand weights by your sink. Every time you wash your hands, do a quick set of 10 reps with the weights. You’ll be amazed how much extra exercise you sneak into your day.
  • Taking a walk while trying to resolve an issue is a great way to burn calories, reduce fat from your body and release clutter from your mind! As you get the oxygen pumping through your blood, your head will clear and often answers seem to appear!
  • Studies have shown that those who stand through out the day burn more calories as do those who fidget. Just by fidgeting you can burn up to 700 calories a day! Stand while conducting phone conversations.

Take some time for yourself in quiet contemplation. Close your eyes and imagine yourself having the perfect time with loved ones. See yourself laughing, hear the happy sounds of gatherings and feel the warmth and joy you allow. The holidays are about so much more than the foods we consume. So put your focus on your family, your friends and your spiritual beliefs and enjoy this season with zest!