Last night I went to St Petersburg College right before exams were scheduled to begin. It was an opportunity to help out test stressed students. Prior to this, the students were sent an email with study hints and asked to visit my website video that explains what hypnosis is and is not. After a very brief explanation of hypnosis, I was able to take the students into a relaxed state of trance and review with them how they had all the information stored in their fabulous subconscious minds.
We reviewed the previous semester, revisiting the time line of classes and the information that they had learned. Next, they were given a physical anchor (simply pressing the thumb and index finger together and taking a deep breath) at each part of the time line they visited. They were told that repeating this during the test would enable them to recall the information as needed. The students were reminded that this was an opportunity to show off their knowledge and so they took those butterflies in their stomach and used them as feelings of excited anticipation.
Finally, we moved into the future, picturing and imagining the test paper results. They felt the pride and joy at having achieved such great grades. They realized that this was the beginning of many opportunities life would present them. They returned feeling strong, empowered and ready to succeed.
I have already received feedback from a professor who is thrilled with the results. Better grades than she had expected from her class. Is life great, or what?!
Tonight I am working with a local weight management doctor. He is a fabulous man, very dedicated to the success of his patients. The holidays present special challenges for people who are shedding those excess pounds. So, we are going to discuss holiday stresses and events. I will guide the group through a buffet filled with food, creating a desire to enjoy small quantities of healthy foods, a simple taste of one special treat and the amazing awareness of being in control!
If you are local, I would love to meet you there. So, for more information, please check out Dr. Cesar Lara’s website at: Dr. Cesar A. Lara M.D.