
In hypnosis, we harken back to Friedrich Anton Mesmer,a German physician and astrologist, who invented what he called magnétisme animal (animal magnetism),a presumed intangible or mysterious force that is said to influence human beings. The term was used to explain the hypnotic procedure that he used in the treatment of patients. Mesmer believed that it was an occult force or invisible fluid emanating from his body and that, more generally, the force permeated the universe, deriving especially from the stars.

Hypnosis has come a long way since then. Still, there are those who enjoy exploring man’s ability to mesmerize animals. Not a part of my practice, but still this is fun to watch!

From around the world, a diverse and highly innovative group of educators, scientists, trainers, coaches and practitioners will converge during Hypno-Expo 2010. With over 88 lectures, workshops and courses to choose from, this promises to be the hypnosis event of the year. I’m going to be a speaker/presenter and invite you to join me.

Full conference includes 42 speakers, 48 lectures, 3 full days of shopping in the exhibit area, Friday evening social, Friday evening piano performance, Saturday evening awards dinner and live entertainment, Saturday evening Fireworks display off the pier and continuing education credit.

The location is incredibly perfect for combining education and vacation. With each room overlooking the ocean, activities for the entire family abound! There’s a boardwalk and beach to entertain folks of all ages.

I am most excited to be teaching a class titled, Return To Love: Couples Therapy. I also call it, Beyond The Real Love Potion Number 9. First there was The Real Love Potion Number 9, a ‘how to’ for finding your life mate. Now, I take couples to the next step, to an enduring and fulfilling love that lasts.

I am giving a presentation on hiccups! Everyone asks a million questions when they realize I am the hiccupnotist that silenced a famous case of hiccups. I will answer any questions you may have regarding hiccups, burps and well, you know what else! 😉 I am also going to give a workshop on promoting your practice for free or almost free!

In addition to my presentations, you’ll be learning from other leading experts on business practices, internet and website marketing, coaching, inductions, techniques, script writing, medical hypnosis, legislative affairs, scientific research, clinical interviews and more (people who walk their talk, including several highly esteemed and prominent names in the profession)

Best of all, I may have new shoes for each and every event! I plan on bringing my camera to take my famous great shoe shots! So, please step up and say CHEESE if you see me at the convention!

If you’d like more info or to make a reservation go to:
If you haven’t yet solidified your plans, I encourage you to do so today! With the event being held over Memorial Day weekend, the block of rooms reserved is already near ‘sold out’ capacity.

Complementary therapies, while not given the attention that more traditional cancer therapies may receive, are perhaps equally important while undergoing treatment for certain types of cancer. Patients diagnosed with difficult to treat malignancies will often use these types of therapies in conjunction with traditional surgical, chemotherapeutic, or radiology techniques to form a more comprehensive and effective treatment regimen. Among the most important and effective alternative therapies utilized by those diagnosed with cancer is hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy has been used for many years in clinical settings. Hypnotherapy’s role in cancer management however, is relatively new and indications are that its utilization has not been fully maximized yet. Effective cancer treatment often depends on the patient’s ability to not only defeat the cancer through treatments but also to maintain their health and mental spirit throughout the painful side effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.
Often, the symptoms and effects of the cancer itself on the body are negligible compared to the pain and other side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. This is where acupuncture has been said to be most effective. Cancers such as peritoneal mesothelioma, which are often unable to be removed by surgical means, are often treated with some combination of chemotherapy and radiation. While these potent therapies can be effective in eliminating some of the tumor mass and growth, they also profoundly affect the health of the surrounding tissue. Symptoms of these effects including fever, nausea, and general pain have been dramatically reduced through the utilization of hypnosis. Patients, who are able to withstand these symptoms and recover quickly, will often be able to be more aggressively treated, increasing the efficacy of the treatment regimen as a whole. Some specific hypnotherapy techniques utilized in pain management include altering the neurophysical configuration of pain, control of anticipatory anxiety, and targeted imagery.
Hypnotherapy techniques may not be appropriate for all patient’s pain and individual symptoms but it’s certainly worth exploring as it can do very little harm in experimenting with integrative therapies. The goal with alternative therapies, as with traditional mesothelioma treatments, is always to increase the effectiveness of treatment as a whole. If hypnotherapy can assist in any way in helping patients recover or manage symptoms of chemotherapy or radiation, then it will have contributed to the treatment regimens overall efficacy and should certainly be utilized.

Erickson MH: Hypnosis in painful terminal illness, in Haley J (ed): Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy: Selected Papers of Milton Erickson, MD. New York, Crune & Stratton, 1967.
Sunnen, Gerard M.D. , Hypnotic Approaches in the Cancer Patient Ozonics International, LLC

While this isn’t a surprise to me whatever, it is exciting research! It leaves so much potential for future research and work.

I have stolen the entire article as it appeared in it’s original source, so the link to it is provided above.

Groundbreaking research has found that patients left in a vegetative state for devastating brain damage are able to think and respond to questions.

British and Belgian researchers have been able to reach into the mind of a man who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury in a road accident in 2003 and communicate.

Their research involved a new brain scanning method called functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) imaging.

The man was asked to give yes and no answers to simple questions such as “is your father’s name Thomas?” with the help of a hi-tech scanner that monitored his brain activity.

For yes answers, he was told to think of playing tennis, a motor activity. For no answers, he was told to think of going from room to room in his home, visualizing everything he would expect to see there.

“We were astonished when we saw the results of the patient’s scan and that he was able to correctly answer the questions that were asked by simply changing his thoughts,” said Adrian Owen, co-author of the study from the Medical Research Council.

“Not only did these scans tell us that the patient was not in a vegetative state but, more importantly, for the first time in five years it provided the patient with a way of communicating his thoughts to the outside world.”

Researchers report say five patients thought to be in a persistent vegetative state showed brain activity indicating awareness, intent and, in at least one case, a wish to communicate.

Once again we are looking for participants in our exciting FREE program, Weight Away Tampa Bay. If you think you qualify and are interested in applying go to :

Weight Away Tampa Bay Applications

I love a good stage show, I really do. In fact two of my buddies will be performing here in my area locally in the next few days.

Patrick McInnis:

and Glenn Miller:

so I just had to share this video. A client of mine this week told me about this, hoping not to offend me. Offend me? I haven’t stopped laughing…. this is the best!

OK, so I need to do some self hypnosis to be sure I am more efficient when posting notices. New goal for 2010.

Anyway, the talk and free session I will be giving is on
Sunday, January 03, 2010 at 12 noon.
It will be held at Oak Trail Books, 1219 Florida Avenue, Old Downtown Palm Harbor.

Oak Trail Books Phone number is (727) 785-1960.

Also, this will be my first talk of the new year and the new decade. Can you believe it? A whole new decade.

Blessings to one and all for 2010. Happy New Year!

I will be giving away health and happiness – free of charge – in celebration of the 6th Annual World Hypnotism Day. World Hypnotism Day is the day when hypnotists from over 20 countries around the world strive to inform the public about the benefits of hypnosis. It is my plan to motivate and inspire anyone who attends away from stinking thinking and towards a successful mindset.

This event will include a group hypnosis exercise, during which I will hypnotize people to eliminate stress, stick to their resolutions and accomplish their goals. 2009 was an extremely stressful year for many and this is a chance to make 2010 much better! I want you to learn how to reprogram your mind, to create a healthy mind set and eliminate feelings of overwhelm and fear.

This event is a free gift from me and Oak Trail Books to anyone who would like to experience a deep trance.

I know this has nothing to do with hypnosis, but hey, it was just too funny to pass up. Besides, I am always saying to look for reasons to laugh, here I am offering you just that chance. Yesterday my husband and I stopped at a breakfast restaurant and after we ate, we wandered behind the hotel that is next door. We stumbled upon a real find! Tennis courts filled with toilets. We took a picture, I posted it on my facebook page and told the world my son had named it Flushing Meadows. Well, today some of our friends returned with us, to get their pictures taken.

I am posting my favorite shots and I ask you to please help me find a good caption!

Today is National Boss’ Day, according to my calendar. I joked with my friend yesterday that seeing as I work for myself, I should send myself flowers and a card. I love fresh flowers, so maybe I will! It did get me thinking though, how often I have joked in the past about working for the worst boss in the world. When others complain about being overloaded with work or not getting a raise they believe they deserve, I have joked about how my boss (me) way over schedules and underpays me.

If our words have power, it is time to re-think those statements. Perhaps, it is time for me to start saying aloud, I have enough time for all the activities my boss plans. My boss gives me plenty of time to refresh and enjoy the service I render. I also want to remember a Bible verse I heard my father quote many times while growing up: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

I remember my father whistling as he worked around the house. He always spoke with pride about the company he worked for and the responsibilities they trusted him with. He was clear that he worked the hours he owed them in fair exchange for the pay they promised him.

When I stop and think of what I do and how much I love the changes I am allowed to observe as they occur, I feel truly blessed. My days are filled with authentic moments, isn’t that how I want to live my life?

When I think about payment, I have to remember the Law Of Attraction. Is it really smart for me to state how cheap my boss is? I wonder if the Universal Intercom System is on and my words have been overheard? YIKES! All of my needs are met and I have many luxuries in my life as well, so I guess the Universal Bank Account has been plenty generous with me.

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