It was an exceptionally busy weekend with Valentines, a birthday party and a hockey game to attend. Somehow we managed to squeeze that in along with chores and errands. I even managed to go out with two fabulous women for dinner one evening. What became evident to me however, is the importance of balance.

I love my work, I feel amazingly blessed to be able to work in the area of hypnosis. At times I become all hypnosis, all the time. Then my family begins to protest. They keep me aware that “all work and no play makes Debbie a dull girl”. Have you ever had a friend who only talked about their kids or their pets or their illnesses? A steady diet of anything gets boring.

Give yourself the gift of a few moments today to stop and breathe, smile and relax. Think of a way that you can bring balance back into your life. Do you work nonstop, gripe continually or just feel overwhelmed? What might be different about you if you were feeling more balanced?

What can you do today, to create just a little more balance in your day? If stress is the problem, go here for a free stress reducing download.