
This morning was the big event. I went on air with Fisher and Boy of 97x. We had so much fun. Now, it needs to be understood that this is a drive time radio show. Their main objective is entertainment. In fact, that is why they do what they do. It is a passion for bringing a little joy into the lives of their listeners. They shared with me how they love what they do, hope to create a positive moment in the lives of their audience and leave everyone with a smile for some portion of the day.

That is awesome. By creating those laughs, they are shutting off the inner critic. The upper left quadrant of our brain is where that critic lives. By allowing a few moments of fun before starting the day, they are helping their listeners to begin a workday refreshed. The folds of the brain can change, helping to create a permanent positive outlook. We went after the hypnotic portion of the show with that attitude. Let’s have some fun and help people laugh.

I helped Fisher go into hypnosis. He was calm and relaxed. Boy was funny, asking for hypnotherapy on the air to change everything from Fisher’s attitude to world peace. Somewhere in between, we found a compromise.

I believe we accomplished our goal of fun, laughter and even a bit of understanding about hypnosis. The emails and phone calls seemed to weigh in with that opinion. A 20 to 1 in favor of our silliness. So, you can decide. You can laugh if you have a sense of humor. Here is the link: http://97xonline.com/morningx/

One more benefit for me, my nephew called my husband. He wasn’t expecting to hear his aunt first thing in the morning. He was laughing at his aunt and probably relieved I’m not his mom! My poor kids, he he!

I can’t help but hear the Donna Summers song ringing in the back of my head:

They said it on the air
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh
On the radio
Whoa oh oh oh
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh

I got a call from a top radio station in my area, they’ve asked me to hypnotize the local morning DJ’s this Thursday! Just for fun, although one of them has a goal in mind for helping his life. Perhaps I can teach the listening audience how to reduce stress. It is the station my son listens to and he will be home from school as he has no exams that day. Knowing he will be listening is more pressure than any other audience member!

I plan on keeping it clean, yet creating fun. (After all, my mother lives nearby, don’t want to mortify her too much!) I’ll let you know how it goes! It will air on Thursday, January 17th from 8:00am until 9 am, at least that is what they tell me…….

Perhaps you will want to listen in and understand the trials and tribulations of my son(s) better. (Any letters of sympathy can be sent to: [email protected] and I will be sure to forward them).

Perhaps you are a supporter of mothers who dreamt of better things for their daughters and will want to listen in and tell Mumsy there is still hope. (You can write to the same address, those will also be forwarded.)

Maybe, just maybe, you are actually interested in hearing the fun and frivolity we hope to create.

Whatever the motivation, join us at: http://97xonline.com/
click on the on air broadcast and you will be able to join in the fun!

I went to bed last night with visions of hypnotherapy dancing in my head! I awoke brighter and sharper than I can ever remember. Finally, my favorite day of the year is here, World Hypnotism Day. My husband laughed at me while I danced about the bedroom, getting dressed and singing. When I went to my trusted (at times beloved) computer, I even had e-cards and messages wishing me a Happy World Hypnotism Day!

Off to a breakfast meeting, where I stood up to introduce my self and started dancing around again! I had stopped by a news stand and picked up a copy of the TBT ( a paper published by the St Petersburg Times and there on page 47 was a full page article and even a picture of a session I had done a few days prior with the journalist. I beamed as I shared it with the other attendees.

After the meeting, back at my office, a reporter from the local CBS affiliate met me with his camera man along for the fun. A client of mine willingly spoke about her experiences with hypnosis and the reporter asked her if she would go under right then. She agreed and we had a blast! She wanted to work on getting the right and perfect agent for her new book Spiritual Geography. (Her first book, Writing Down The Soul, is about to go to press with Conari Press.) She went into trance and did the work. When she emerged, she was so thrilled, she was fighting tears, she saw the contract, felt the pen and knew it is a reality. (I will post the link to the interview as soon as it is up.) The reporter and I discussed and dispelled common hypnosis myths.

Tonight I speak at Up Hypnosis Institute with several of my colleagues. My talk is on Love Potion Number 9, a fun workshop I give around the end of January each year. Tomorrow I speak at Oak Trail Books on Creating Wealth in 2008. All day I have the opportunity to share hypnosis with everyone I meet. How lucky am I?

It is all over the news, the results are in. According to a study presented at CHEST 2007, the 73rd annual international scientific assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), hospitalized patients who smoke may be more likely to quit smoking through the use of hypnotherapy than patients using other smoking cessation methods.

The study showed that smoking patients who participated in one hypnotherapy session were more likely to be nonsmokers at 6 months compared with patients using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) alone or patients who quit “cold turkey”.

“Our results showed that hypnotherapy resulted in higher quit rates compared with NRT alone,” said Faysal Hasan, MD, FCCP, North Shore Medical Center, Salem, MA. “Hypnotherapy appears to be quite effective and a good modality to incorporate into a smoking cessation program after hospital discharge.”

To read the full article go here: Science Codex.

I found this article online : Speed Healing: The Road To Rapid Recovery

The article begins by explaining that when animals are sick or injured, they slink off to the comfort of their nest or lair until they’re all better. You usually have to make breakfast, show up at work, and retrieve the dry cleaning — no matter how you feel. Getting better is just one more entry on your checklist of things to do.

Fortunately, researchers have identified steps you can take immediately to bounce back faster.
Listed amongst them is hypnosis. You see, hypnosis may accelerate recovery from serious injuries and surgeries. A Harvard Medical School study showed that the fractured bones of patients who received regular hypnotherapy were fusing at an advanced rate — 6 weeks after the break, their bones appeared to have been healing for 8-1/2 weeks. A separate Harvard study also found that the incision wounds of women who were hypnotized before and after breast-reduction surgery healed more quickly. The hypnotized women also had less pain.