This morning, at 4:00 a.m. I suddenly awoke. The house was still, but my mind was racing. My heart seemed to pound, loudly. I was sure the sound of my heart pounding and my thoughts racing would wake the entire household. I had just been dreaming crazy, nonsensical dreams. My mind trying to sort out all kinds of things, to be sure. I felt an unexplainable fear.

I wandered downstairs to get a glass of water and to prowl. Make sure that all doors are locked. Check. I went to see that my son was safely tucked into bed. Check. Dog sleeping in my home office. Check. Cat sleeping in older son’s room. Check. All was well, yet still I felt uneasy.

I often hear from hypnosis clients and friends about the 4:00 am hour of unrest. I have experienced it in the past as well, it has just been a very long time. It can be a time of revelation, answers and understandings or it can be a time of anxiety and unrest. This time for me, it was unrest. I crept back into bed and began to monitor my feelings. What were the thoughts going through my head? Were any of them issues that I could deal with in that moment? Was I going to effect a change right then? Pretty much, the answer was no. Then I began to think about how big the issues really were. One concern that seemed to loom over me, was something that I began to realize I had dealt with in the past, successfully. So why would it be any different this time? (Also, note to self, this time get the lesson so you don’t need to be awakened by such garbage again!)

Finally, I decided everything could wait for the light of day. I snuggled back down into my sheets and comforter (I know it is summer time, but I am cold with the ceiling fan on!) I focused my thoughts on the lovely day I had just enjoyed at the island with friends. I thought about how blessed I truly am. I began to listen for the sounds of the shore, the birds, the laughter that had been a part of the previous day. I recalled the warmth of the sun (remember, I want to get warm with that darn ceiling fan). I relaxed. I let go, I drifted off to sleep.

This morning I awoke to my husband’s morning greeting of a cup of coffee, prepared just the way I like it. Life is good. I am strong. Issues will be resolved or dealt with. Tonight I plan on sleeping like a baby.