I have been remiss in posting anything new this week. I might try to convince you that the dog ate my blogwork or my kid brother tore it up. Maybe, I lost it on the way to the post. Whatever, it would all be excuses. Earlier this week I worked with a client who had concerns about her weight. Concerns enough to spend time and money to see me. Apparently not concerned enough to want to do anything real about it. She arrived very late, talked long and created obstacles that would prevent us from achieving the goal of a hypnotic journey. Her choice.

We all have choices to make in life. Everything we do is a result of “reasons” and choices. Our behaviors reward us in some way, at some level. The client choose to sabotage the meeting, for reasons of her own. In the course of our conversation, I could see she needed to hold onto certain “truths” as she saw them. She wasn’t really there to make changes, but rather to prove herself right, to validate her ego and strengthen it’s hold. Ego can separate us from our core selves. Prevent us from becoming our true beings, by keeping us immersed in the chaos of living.

So, all the excuses in the world (as to why I haven’t posted more) will only satisfy me, the creator of the excuses. They don’t help you, the reader. I apologize.

Now, it is Friday and I love silliness. With all of the Presidential campaign talk around the nation, I decided it is time to throw my hat into the ring. Here it is:

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And by the way, my book can be found here: