The Law Of Attraction is pretty much discussed everywhere. The movie “The Secret” has been out for quite a while now as well as the book and now other assorted complimentary items. I have taught about attracting what you want in life for a long while now, in many different forms. I believe that what you focus on is important. I have seen evidence that our bodies respond to our thoughts, illnesses are created by the stresses we carry around.

All of that being said, I draw the line when someone wants to implicate the victim of a natural disaster or some such similar occurrence. Unfortunately bad things do happen to good people. Call it a life lesson or simply state that life isn’t fair, it is a truism we all must accept. Therefore, when a colleague of mine sent this link, I knew I had to share it. It is to the Guru You University. There is a movie on this page called SHHHHH! We learn that it is by knowing our SHHHH! we use the magic of SHHHH! to change our lives. We all have bad SHHHH!, we can change it to good SHHHH!

So click on this link, watch the movie and step into SHHHH!