I want to take a moment to remind you how important gratitude is. It is another way to change that old stinking thinking, when things seem to be difficult. A client stopped by my office with a beautiful orchid and a dragonfly statue as her way of saying thank you. I felt humbled and thanked her for her thoughtfulness. I received an invitation in the mail today for a special luncheon, ladies only, a time to share our gratitude for our blessings. The hostess holds these luncheons each year to express her gratitude to the women in her life who she feels thankful for. My dear friend and web lady took me out for lunch today, sushi! (She knows how to get to my heart.)
It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our days. Even more so, to hold a pity party for ourselves when things don’t seem to be going according to plan. But, if we take a moment to reflect on what is good in our lives, often it is far more than what is wrong. In fact, given time, there are negatives that turn into positives.
I lived through a flood that destroyed the apartment complex I was living in at the time. Many of the residents were deaf, so my sign language came in handy. It also meant that we were the last people to be evacuated. We floated out in boats next to alligators and water moccasins, riding above our cars on the water. It could/should have been devastating. Or so I was told. However, out of that situation I was able to live rent free for the few months I needed to get a down payment on my first home! The apartment complex was insured and they have rehabilitated into a much nicer complex.
I am grateful for my sons, my husband and even my first husband! (Number one has been a great father to the boys and a super Ex! He pays child support on time, in full and throws extras the kids way!) My current husband dances with shopping carts in the grocery store and makes me laugh until I have tears rolling down my cheeks. I am grateful that my parents are still alive and they live near by enough to see us frequently, far enough to not be under foot! (I bet I catch it for that one!) The list goes on, but, my time is limited, as I am back off to my office.
Take a moment and reflect on your life. What are you grateful for? Please leave a comment or two and share. Perhaps we will all begin to see what is right in our lives.
p.s. I just got back from my office. My last client of the day has recently returned from a trip to her native India. She brought me the most beautiful hand made purse from there. I’m really liking this gratitude stuff!