
A segment that the Good Morning America team are doing that has truly been inspirational, has been the dares the hosts are challenging one another with. They are attempting to stretch themselves beyond their comfort zones and therefore inspire their audience to do the same. I have the joy of observing people do the same in my work.

First of all Robin Roberts was dared to walk the catwalk in a fashion show. Robin is currently undergoing treatments for breast cancer. While she is an attractive and slim woman, her self image has been more athletic than glamorous it seems. She has taken a hit to the ego with her loss of hair (and energy, I imagine) from the chemotherapy. So, she was challenged to walk the runway with beautiful, young, runway models. Robin walked with style, in bright red and without her wig on! She was fabulous! It brought me to tears.

Next, Sam Cuomo fell from a 51 story building in a stunt team descender. The mental preparations once again were astounding. My stomach lurched with him as he left the ledge of that building. I was glad he was safe and laughing at the end of his stunt.

Then Diane Sawyer was challenged to do a fire walk. Now we’re talking something I would enjoy. (And not just because I am cold even in warm, sunny Florida!) Fire walking, a right of passage into the belief that you can accomplish anything for many cultures through out history. In preparation for this event, Diane and her team went to see a hypnotist. The piece they did on hypnosis was fabulous! They were factual and informative. They included an expert from Harvard Medical School as well as Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford University

Click here for the link to the video:
Diane And ‘GMA’ Staffers Prepare For Their Dare.

Whats challenges can you create today? How can you stretch yourself just a little further than you thought possible? Do you use self-hypnosis to stretch? Wow, I’m excited as I write this, thinking I have only begun to find out what I can truly accomplish.

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Marty Matthews, the 4:00 anchor on Tampabay’s Channel 10 news. What a delightful woman she is.

Well, she asked me about the upcoming workshop I have called, “The Real Love Potion Number 9”. Here is our chat:Interview With Marty Matthews

There simply wasn’t enough time to tell her everything about this class and how exciting it will be.

On Wed, Feb 13th and 20th, I’ll share The REAL Love Potion #9. (Hint: It’s not something to drink, it’s something to think!) Through wisdom hypnosis, total relaxation, neuro-linguistic programming and deep writing, you will :
  • measure and build the self esteem necessary to attract love
  • determine where you’re stuck on the map of heartbreak
  • learn how to get unstuck
  • release the mistakes of the past
  • thoroughly describe Mr. or Ms. Right
  • prepare to love and be loved
  • start attracting the right person into your life
Does it work? Ask Janet Conner, columnist and author: “I met Debbie on a Monday, met him on a Friday.” Lance Clarkson, sales professional: “I’m about to marry the woman of my dreams.”

The class is filling up, so if you live in my area and are interested in joining in on the fun, I encourage you to go to my website and pay in advance. I’d hate for you to be turned away at the door because we are so full.

Register here: The Real Love Potion Number 9

If Valentines Day is so happy, why do one in four Americans refuse to celebrate it? And why do 15% of American women (and some men) send flowers to themselves?

Obviously, we haven’t all found our true love. But it isn’t for lack of trying. We gamely go to singles events. We cross our fingers and register online. We hound friends for introductions. We even hang out in bars. But six months or six years later, we still sigh when Elvis asks, “Are you lonesome tonight?”

Remember the guy in Love Potion #9 who was a “flop with chicks?” Well he almost got it right. But instead of going to Madame Rue for something to drink, he should have come to Wisdom Hypnosis for something to think. Everyone knows hypnosis is effective for smoke cessation and weight management; but did you know that hypnosis can help you define and attract that special someone who matches your requirements—exactly. (Don’t believe me? Wait till you meet Exhibit A.)

Join me February 13th and 20th for The Real Love Potion #9. Through wisdom hypnosis, total relaxation, and deep writing, you will:

· measure and build self esteem
· determine where you’re stuck on the map of heartbreak
· learn how to get unstuck
· release the mistakes of the past
· thoroughly describe Mr. or Ms. Right
· prepare to love and be loved
· start attracting the right person into your life

These 2 evenings are all about love, so we have to meet at the charming and historic White Chapel in downtown Palm Harbor . Yes, it’s true. “We’re goin’ to the chapel.”

The Real
Love Potion #9
Palm Harbor White Chapel
1190 Georgia Avenue, Palm Harbor , FL
Wednesday, February 13 & 20
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
(for more details, as soon as my web lady can get the link up!)

(727) 781-8483

Yesterday, I picked up a new copy of Prevention Magazine. (The February 2008 edition.) I love to read through them and then leave them in my office waiting room. They often have an article or two that strikes a chord with a client of mine and at times will walk out of the office as a result. This is a great thing, as I encourage my clients to read healthy lifestyle articles on a daily basis, keeping their mind set on health and happiness.

Perusing through the magazine later in the evening, I was delighted to see page 31. Under the heading of Health, there is a snippet that is titled Heal Faster with Hypnosis. The article explains that just 15 minutes of hypnotherapy can reduce the amount of anesthesia needed during surgery and the pain, nausea and fatigue afterward. It sites a study done at the New York City Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

I have worked with clients in a pre-op situation and given them audios to listen to post-op. The results have been phenomenol. They report feeling less apprehensive going into the surgery and not going through the same “let down” after the surgery.

This morning was the big event. I went on air with Fisher and Boy of 97x. We had so much fun. Now, it needs to be understood that this is a drive time radio show. Their main objective is entertainment. In fact, that is why they do what they do. It is a passion for bringing a little joy into the lives of their listeners. They shared with me how they love what they do, hope to create a positive moment in the lives of their audience and leave everyone with a smile for some portion of the day.

That is awesome. By creating those laughs, they are shutting off the inner critic. The upper left quadrant of our brain is where that critic lives. By allowing a few moments of fun before starting the day, they are helping their listeners to begin a workday refreshed. The folds of the brain can change, helping to create a permanent positive outlook. We went after the hypnotic portion of the show with that attitude. Let’s have some fun and help people laugh.

I helped Fisher go into hypnosis. He was calm and relaxed. Boy was funny, asking for hypnotherapy on the air to change everything from Fisher’s attitude to world peace. Somewhere in between, we found a compromise.

I believe we accomplished our goal of fun, laughter and even a bit of understanding about hypnosis. The emails and phone calls seemed to weigh in with that opinion. A 20 to 1 in favor of our silliness. So, you can decide. You can laugh if you have a sense of humor. Here is the link:

One more benefit for me, my nephew called my husband. He wasn’t expecting to hear his aunt first thing in the morning. He was laughing at his aunt and probably relieved I’m not his mom! My poor kids, he he!

I can’t help but hear the Donna Summers song ringing in the back of my head:

They said it on the air
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh
On the radio
Whoa oh oh oh
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh

I got a call from a top radio station in my area, they’ve asked me to hypnotize the local morning DJ’s this Thursday! Just for fun, although one of them has a goal in mind for helping his life. Perhaps I can teach the listening audience how to reduce stress. It is the station my son listens to and he will be home from school as he has no exams that day. Knowing he will be listening is more pressure than any other audience member!

I plan on keeping it clean, yet creating fun. (After all, my mother lives nearby, don’t want to mortify her too much!) I’ll let you know how it goes! It will air on Thursday, January 17th from 8:00am until 9 am, at least that is what they tell me…….

Perhaps you will want to listen in and understand the trials and tribulations of my son(s) better. (Any letters of sympathy can be sent to: [email protected] and I will be sure to forward them).

Perhaps you are a supporter of mothers who dreamt of better things for their daughters and will want to listen in and tell Mumsy there is still hope. (You can write to the same address, those will also be forwarded.)

Maybe, just maybe, you are actually interested in hearing the fun and frivolity we hope to create.

Whatever the motivation, join us at:
click on the on air broadcast and you will be able to join in the fun!

Hypnosis may seem magical, but it isn’t magic. Hypnosis is a marvelous tool to use to reach goals, make changes and allow dreams to become realities. That being said, action is still a part of success. (Law Of Attraction) Weight management is a perfect example. Through hypnosis, you may become better about food choices, portion sizes and stopping snacking at night. We can increase your desire to exercise. It is up to you to take responsibility for following through after our session.

I explain all of this by way of sending a huge shout out to a client I will call Ms. E! She has followed through with every suggestion, remaining diligent and has slowly seen progress. She is no where near her goal, yet. She has had physical challenges that are beyond the pale. Still, she hasn’t given up, she just fights harder. Her attitude is positive and determined. In my eyes, she is a star!

Ms. E, you know who you are, I stand in awe of you.

Tom has proven to be a true professional in hypnosis. When I came across this post, I wanted to share part of why I have admired him so much. He has helped me many times in my own practice.

Tom, hats off to you!

Hypnotist Tom Nicoli (the man behind World hypnotism Day) answers Ellie’s 10 questions.

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Don’t want to be told what to do? Afraid of losing control but still have an urge to try hypnosis? Permissive hypnosis may be the answer.

read more | digg story

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