
Do you grab a bowl of ice cream after a difficult day? Do you crave pizza after hearing great news? Do you find yourself mindlessly munching while doing a rote task? Then you might be an emotional eater.

To some extent, emotional eating is normal. We are taught to eat for emotional reasons rather than physiological reasons at a young age. Fall down and get a boo boo and mommy will give you an ice pop to dry your tears. Celebrate good news with a festive meal. Friends and neighbors bring casseroles and cakes during times of grief and sadness. It becomes a problem when eating becomes our primary coping strategy and our physical or emotional health is affected.

When we eat out of boredom, for instance, our thoughts turn to the food we anticipate and it consumes our attention, temporarily. I recently had a client who told me she ate time away. When angry, we may tear into a crunchy bag of chips, momentarily forgetting what we are angry about. However, when we are finished, we find ourselves feeling guilty and angry with ourselves.

Perhaps, it is easier to be angry at ourselves than at the other person? We know that if we face our anger, disappointment, sadness, etc. we may have to cope with upsets in our lives and relationships. So, we stuff. Then, feeling like a failure for having eaten so much, we once again turn to food to cope. The viscous cycle continues.

How do we stop the cycle of emotional eating? First, we want to recognize whether we are using food as a coping mechanism. Here are some basic signs:

  1. Sudden hunger as opposed to gradual feelings of hunger. True hunger begins with a slight rumbling in the stomach. An hour later you may recognize the feelings again, stronger and gradually those feelings grow.
  2. Cravings for specific food. Emotional hunger is above the neck. It starts in the mouth whether desiring a texture (crunch or soft) or a flavor. All thoughts are of food. Real hunger will be satisfied by a variety of foods. You may have certain foods your tastes prefer, but it is not just one item that will satisfy you.
  3. Eating beyond full. Once the physiological needs are met, signals are sent to the brain, letting us know we are full. Emotional hunger continues to need to fill a void.
  4. Sneaking food. Hiding and eating snacks, so that others won’t see you.
  5. Eating when angry, lonely, sad or other strong emotion. Your first reaction to an issue is to snack.
  6. Ends with guilt. Stuffing food in to comfort, then feeling guilty afterwords.

Once these signs are recognized and you have identified that you are an emotional eater, what do you do? How do you break the cycle? To begin with, you want to become a mood detective. That is, you want to become aware of the triggers you have that set you off on an eating tangent. Keeping a journal of what you eat and the emotions you feel at the time are a good beginning. What were the circumstances occurring that caused the over eating?

Next, you want to have alternative ways of coping with those emotions. Learn new emotional outlets, journal, sharing with a friend, change your thoughts to more positive, hopeful ones. In hypnosis sessions, we identify the triggers and create new behavioral responses to them. We can also begin to look for solutions rather than blame or shame.

Some quick tips for overcoming emotional eating are:

  1. Delay snacking by 15 minutes when sudden hunger hits. When the 15 minutes are up, determine if you are still hungry or if it is an emotional issue you are experiencing.
  2. Take a walk, play cards, change activities when craving foods. Keep only healthy snacks on hand.
  3. Limit your portions. Prepare snack bags or portions in advance of hunger. If you divide containers of snack foods into smaller containers or bags, you are less likely to eat them all at one sitting.
  4. Create a no eating zone. If you know that you have previously sneaked food in your car or bedroom, make that off limits for all food. Become conscious of that, perhaps even putting up signs in those areas to remind yourself.
  5. Call a friend or journal when feeling strong emotions. Imagine confronting the issue and how you might feel if you were to do so successfully. See yourself working through life’s challenges in a positive, productive manner.
  6. Consider hypnosis to learn more about what your personal saboteur is and how to install new reactions, new behaviors and new habits.

Exercise is great for the body and the mind. Studies have found that walking increases blood circulation and the oxygen and glucose that reach your brain. Moving and exercise increases breathing and heart rate so more blood flows to the brain. Studies have shown less memory loss in seniors who walk regularly. Higher brain functions have been found in those who exercise regularly. All great reasons to keep me moving! But, not the only one.

I have mentioned before that I have a buddy with whom I run or power walk. (Lately, more power walking than running.) When the phone rings to say she is on her way, I have to be honest, my mind races with a million excuses. I groan, but I get ready. When she arrives, we grab our water bottles and we are off for 6 miles.

We begin our walks with catching up on the days news. Limiting that to a few moments. Next, we take turns listing all we are grateful for. It is imperative that we do this. By focusing our thoughts this way, we are creating our mind set for the day. On days it is difficult to feel gratitude, we help each other, by reminding one another just how lucky we really are. After a few moments of gratitude, we begin to discuss our goals and desires. During this process, we set our intent and create our affirmations for the day.

Many times, what we initially think is our desire, we have begun to realize may actually be quite limiting. When we try to control the outcome of every event, we are limited to our perceptions and previous experiences. When we broaden the possibilities, amazing things can and do happen! So we are careful in how we word our affirmations. We finish the walk with a celebration of the accomplishments we have already experienced. We always feel powerful and excited to begin the day.

Recently, I shared this process with another friend. She has been blue and wanted to get out of her funk. She asked if she could join us. Well, after just a few days of walking with us, she has had an amazing turn around. She feels better, stronger and happier. She is aware of all the great things that are occurring in her life. She knows that life only gets better and better!

I work with clients in my office helping them create a desire to exercise. We increase that motivation. I encourage them to put the remote down and get out and move! What a thrill when they let me know the changes that occur after just one hypnosis session. Once they are up and moving how much better they feel physically, mentally and emotionally!

Another Friday has arrived and I am ever so grateful for that! Not that Friday has arrived so much as I was pretty sure it would, but that I survived a grueling week to celebrate it! When under hypnosis, one tends to lose track of time. Hours can occur in minutes and visa versa. Frequently, upon emerging a client I will ask them how long they thought they were under. Often the answer is something to the effect of maybe an hour, when the reality may be only 20 minutes.

This seems to seep over into my every day life. Now, I must be honest, I have always run on ish time. “I’ll meet you for dinner at 6-ish, the party begins at 7:30-ish. Lately however, I tend to believe that I can cram 6 hours of work into 20 minutes. The amazing thing is, somehow it all gets done, in perfect time! Maybe it is because I am always affirming that I have plenty of time for work and play. Maybe it is because I believe in Divine timing, so I know that whatever time things happen in, is the right and perfect time. Maybe, I’m just delusional and my friends and family enjoy watching Debbie World. Who knows?

Either way, I am out of time now. So, enjoy this brief break before the weekend begins:

We are told to visualize what we want in order to attract the right circumstances and opportunities to ourselves. This is not easy for everyone who comes into my office. Some folks are more auditory, they can hear the sweet siren call of success. Others are more kinesthetic, they just feel lucky!

I have created a little video to help me focus on my goals, to keep gratitude in my heart and remind me to affirm my blessings. I thought I would share it with you today:

News Flash!

Written by:

Back in May I posted about my dear friend BadEvan who was undergoing some serious surgery. I have had many inquiries as to his health. Unable to answer until now, BadEvan is back and ready to blog his experiences. He has updated the look of his site and it is amazing….makes me jealous.

For me, it is just a thrill to know he is OK. He thinks he’s bad, me, I just love the kid!

Here in the States it is Labor Day. A day that is designated as a celebration of the social and economic achievement of the American workers. It is a time to play, rest, picnic, enjoy. So I wish everyone a wonderful and picture perfect Labor Day.

I am grateful. I am blessed.

I know that there are those who are concerned for their homes and their safety because of Hurricane Gustav. In the moment I am writing this, Gustav is weakening. I pray that continues, that your safety is insured and that somehow something powerfully positive does come out of this experience for you.

I have been remiss in posting anything new this week. I might try to convince you that the dog ate my blogwork or my kid brother tore it up. Maybe, I lost it on the way to the post. Whatever, it would all be excuses. Earlier this week I worked with a client who had concerns about her weight. Concerns enough to spend time and money to see me. Apparently not concerned enough to want to do anything real about it. She arrived very late, talked long and created obstacles that would prevent us from achieving the goal of a hypnotic journey. Her choice.

We all have choices to make in life. Everything we do is a result of “reasons” and choices. Our behaviors reward us in some way, at some level. The client choose to sabotage the meeting, for reasons of her own. In the course of our conversation, I could see she needed to hold onto certain “truths” as she saw them. She wasn’t really there to make changes, but rather to prove herself right, to validate her ego and strengthen it’s hold. Ego can separate us from our core selves. Prevent us from becoming our true beings, by keeping us immersed in the chaos of living.

So, all the excuses in the world (as to why I haven’t posted more) will only satisfy me, the creator of the excuses. They don’t help you, the reader. I apologize.

Now, it is Friday and I love silliness. With all of the Presidential campaign talk around the nation, I decided it is time to throw my hat into the ring. Here it is:

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And by the way, my book can be found here:

With increased interest and awareness surrounding hypnosis among the general public, eight professional hypnotists have shared their insights in the newly published book Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists. I am pleased to announce that I was invited to participate in this project. My experience working with a rather infamous case of hiccups is what first attracted the attention of the editor to my practice. However, there is more to my practice than hiccups. I explain in the book what lies behind the bodies signals or dis-ease.

The other contributing authors are: Celeste Hackett, Wendy Merron, Robert Dunscomb, Marc Carlin, Deborah Yaffee, Garrett Buttel, and Tobin Slaven. In my profession, that is an impressive line up, I am proud to be counted amongst them.

Editor Steve Roh, owner of Center City Hypnosis in Philadelphia, PA, says that the book is intended to give people a glimpse into the practical application and uses of hypnosis.

Steve says, “Hypnosis is often misunderstood because of sensationalism and melodrama coming out of Hollywood and especially nowadays on the internet. The contributors to this book are working hypnotists with years of experience. I am grateful to Debbie Lane (owner of Wisdom Hypnosis) for having shared her knowledge and expertise in this book.”

Real World Hypnosis is published by Autarch Publishing and available through major online retailers. Further information can be found online at

To purchase this book go here:

I am a bit overwhelmed right now by the generosity of my fellow bloggers. So many kind hearted folks. I have made friends with many. Some, it seems, become more special than others. When going for my morning run this morning, I shared with my buddy just how grateful I am for the friends I have in my life. However, before I get too maudlin here, let me share a couple of awards I recently have been given by my fellow bloggers and take a moment to thank them.

This first award, quite honestly took me by total surprise. So thank you Strider of Life Quest.

My best wishes to you and your wife as you expect your new baby so soon! May he bring you as much love, joy and awesomeness as my sons have brought into my life!

Kick Ass Blogger Award

Next, I was tagged for a meme by Livelife365, author and performer of I Miss My Hair. His is a great blog, it is really worth a peak. I do not play the meme’s anymore, but I sure appreciate being thought of and will suggest that my readers stop by!

I was also tagged by another blogger, LBJirel at Positive and Successful Lifestyle Tips. This is an interesting meme, because it is all about love! The questions are thought provoking and LBJirel did a wonderful job at answering them. I may actually use the questions for another post. However, today I must move forward.

[green+badgeaward.jpg]Finally, my dear friend EttaRose of Edge of Sanity has given me a friendship award. Etta has an irreverent way of stating the obvious. She makes me laugh and is just a pure joy to know. We have become friends, I am delighted to say. If you need good old fashioned belly laugh, stop by Ettarose, Edge Of Sanity today!

Fay, Fay go away….

to lighten our thoughts on Friday….

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