
With increased interest and awareness surrounding hypnosis among the general public, eight professional hypnotists have shared their insights in the newly published book Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists. I am pleased to announce that I was invited to participate in this project. My experience working with a rather infamous case of hiccups is what first attracted the attention of the editor to my practice. However, there is more to my practice than hiccups. I explain in the book what lies behind the bodies signals or dis-ease.

The other contributing authors are: Celeste Hackett, Wendy Merron, Robert Dunscomb, Marc Carlin, Deborah Yaffee, Garrett Buttel, and Tobin Slaven. In my profession, that is an impressive line up, I am proud to be counted amongst them.

Editor Steve Roh, owner of Center City Hypnosis in Philadelphia, PA, says that the book is intended to give people a glimpse into the practical application and uses of hypnosis.

Steve says, “Hypnosis is often misunderstood because of sensationalism and melodrama coming out of Hollywood and especially nowadays on the internet. The contributors to this book are working hypnotists with years of experience. I am grateful to Debbie Lane (owner of Wisdom Hypnosis) for having shared her knowledge and expertise in this book.”

Real World Hypnosis is published by Autarch Publishing and available through major online retailers. Further information can be found online at RealWorldHypnosisBook.com.

To purchase this book go here:

Whenever I meet someone new and they ask what I “do”, I tell them I am a hypnotist. You can imagine the responses that brings. There are those who are truly interested and ask lots of questions about hypnosis. There are those who dismiss me instantly, for a variety of reasons. Hopefully, my breath is not one of them!

There are those who instantly avert their eyes in fear. As if looking into my eyes had that much power. My goodness, if I were that all powerful, my sons would clean up their bedrooms and the toilet seat would always be down! (Especially in the middle of the night, thank you!) I am asked if I can make a partner change a behavior or habit. No, I cannot make anyone do anything, again if I could, that shoe shrine would exist in my house.

Often a nervous first time visitor to my office will joke and ask if they will leave clucking like a chicken. I very sincerely explain that I charge extra for that. In life, I believe, you have to have a sense of humor about yourself. As a blonde, a hypnotist and a mother of two sons, it is a survival tactic.

So today, I post jokes about hypnosis. I know many of my readers are jokers as well. So I am asking you to share the jokes and reactions with me that you have always wanted to share. I just ask that you keep it clean, my dear Mumsy reads this!

A woman phoned the hypnotist’s office a week after her husband had visited with her. She was concerned that her husband could not remember anything about his visit. “What did you so to him?”

The hypnotist reassured the woman that temporary memory loss of the session was not abnormal and that they had worked on his sadness, as he had already shared with the wife. “I told him while he was under that he would be better and better every day, better and better every way. It is simple enough and I often use direct, positive suggestions like this. Why?”

The wife responded with, “Did you know he was a slightly deaf?” “Yes,” responded the hypnotist, “that wasn’t his reason for sadness.” The wife then responded, “But it does explain his new problem! Since his visit to your office he has lost a ton of money betting every day in every way!”
OK, not so funny, but a start.

A local preacher was dissatisfied with the small amount in the collection plates each Sunday. A hypnotist suggested to him that perhaps he might be able to hypnotize the congregation
into giving more. “And just how would I go about doing that?” he asked.

“It is very simple. First you turn up the air conditioner so that the auditorium is warmer than usual. Then you preach in a monotone. Meanwhile, you dangle a watch on a chain and swing it in a slow arc above the lectern and suggest they put 20 dollars in the collection plate.”

So the very next Sunday, the reverend did as suggested, and lo and behold the plates were full of 20 dollar bills. Now, the preacher did not want to take advantage of this technique each and every Sunday. So therefore, he waited for a couple of weeks and then tried his mass hypnosis again.

Just as the last of the congregation was becoming mesmerized, the chain on the watch broke and the watch hit the lectern with a loud thud and springs and parts flew everywhere.

“CRAP!” exclaimed the pastor.

It took them a week to clean up the church.
Hey, I’m a hypnotist, not a joke teller.

Worried about their less than exciting sex life, a young wife sent her husband to a therapist who wound up treating him with self-hypnosis. And, to her joy, everything got much better. However, she could not help but notice that each night, early into their lovemaking, the husband would dash out to the bathroom for several minutes. This tormented her until finally, one night, she followed him. There, in front of the mirror, she found him applying this therapeutic technique: “She’s not my wife… She’s not my wife…She’s not my wife…”
Your turn!

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day here in Florida. Chamber of Commerce weather, even. So, my husband and I decided to take advantage of that and rode our bikes up to Innisbrook to lay by the pool. The ride was more difficult than I remembered. I wore a one piece swimsuit, poolside, black. I made sure our chairs were right next to the pregnant woman. All the signs were there, I was feeling uncomfortable.

Yes, I eat healthy foods. I eat slowly, placing the fork down between bites. I stop eating when my body signals it is full, not stuffed. I drink lots of water. Most of the time. Lately, not so much and now I was aware of that. It is time to get back to feeling as healthy and lean as possible. I feel better when I am following proper eating and exercise guidelines. I know that. Yet, I let it slide.

One recent morning I was out walking when a neighbor stopped me. He asked,”Why do you walk, aren’t you a hypnotist? I thought you would just imagine the weight away!” He was serious. If only it were that easy. Yes, hypnosis is a weight management tool in my arsenal, however, I follow the same guidelines I give my clients. Lately, I guess I thought I could get away without doing so and it has shown up on the hips!

So, I am listening to my audios again, reinforcing good habits. I am remembering to focus on health and being committed to myself, rather than on fat and loss. I forgive myself for past mistakes, moving forward, towards good health. I can’t change yesterday, I can only start from where I am right now.

Because of this awareness, I have decided to make it easier for anyone else who wants to make changes as the summer is approaching. I am offering my Lean, Healthy You audio at the discounted rate of $17.00. That is a savings of $6.77! This is available at my website for a limited time.

Join me, begin taking steps towards a healthier, happier you. When you begin your quest, drop me a note and let me know how you are progressing. We can share our victories and even our challenges. Let’s make this the summer of a Lean Healthy You!

My goodness! That is all I can say her right now, is my goodness! It has been the day of all days in those little ways that can drive a hypnotist crazy. Thank heavens, I know a good hypnotist who can help me elevate my mood. What perfect timing for my Friday Silliness.

Perhaps you have noticed the little icon on my sidebar that showcases the blog of the day. It is related to a great little community of bloggers called Entrecard. I have made some great friends through this group. Unfortunately, at this moment, one of them is an endodontist from Canada who decided to pull me into the fray between himself and Canucklehead, another blogger from Canada. (Too many knocks in the head from stray hockey pucks, I’m guessing.) They will be the recipients of my years of experience in the revenge method of parenting!

Bottom line, to you my readers, I have been asked to participate in something called a meme. When I get this crud in emails, I generally delete them. Unless, of course, it is sent from my mother. Then I answer it as sarcastically, using as much gutter talk as is possible. She is delighted, thinking her daughter has sent another loving note from the heart.

The rules of this garbage are as follows:

The Rules:

  1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
  4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’ve been tagged, and to read your blog.

Here is my response to this:

8 Random Facts About Me

1. I believe I am responsible for the collapse of the Skyway Bridge on May 9, 1980.
Allow me to explain: The year before I survived a flood on May 8th. (mentioned in my blog yesterday.) I held my first annual flood party on May 8 1980. Amongst the silly activities, we held a rain dance. It worked, Summit Venture hit the Skyway, I stopped rain dancing for the rest of my life.

2. My favorite film is Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times. This is my favorite scene from the film:

3. I love to read so much that my husband will hide books before a party, so that I don’t sneak them in and hide in a corner during the party to finish just one more chapter.

4. I once stood actually speechless in an elevator because I was the only person in it with Stevie Nicks. I couldn’t think of anything to say, not even hello.

5. I haven’t eaten meat since the 70’s based on a twenty dollar bet. When B. Fussell pays up, I will eat meat again.

6. I once held the title of Miss Coppertone.
No, I am not the kid with her bottom exposed by a dog.

7. I hate shopping so much that when I married, I registered at only one store much to the chagrin of my new in-laws. The store was Home Depot.

8. I had an attack rooster as a pet when I was growing up. He wouldn’t let anyone in the back yard except me or unless they were accompanied by me (or Mom).

According to the rules, I am supposed to tag 8 people. Sorry folks, I won’t play there. Call me a party pooper, I don’t send emails that promise big bucks from Bill Gates either. I will tell you, I list blogs that I like, as I view them and I will continue to do so. Furthermore, I have been invited to join in on a blog party that includes some pretty cool gifts. For more information on that, visit:

It’s The Hochstadt.com Party Contest!

There are some pretty cool give aways, including a free phone session from yours truly! I will write more about that next blog, until then, happy Friday!

I had a new client set up for first thing this morning. We had chatted on the phone when she set up the appointment, and she was truly delightful on the phone. However, she was seeing me about her fear of driving distances and arranged to have her husband bring her to my office. She had bragged to many about making this bold step.

I had shared with her the story of another client whose husband delivered her to her first visit. After that, she drove in on her own. With time and a few more sessions, she was going places on her own that she hadn’t thought possible. She was setting up healthy boundaries with her family and friends and she blossomed amazingly. Well, today’s client, I will call her Mary Jane, called me just devastated this morning. Mary Jane had worked herself into such fear, that she couldn’t make the trip to my office. We chatted a few moments and then she asked if I do hypnosis over the phone. Gee, why hadn’t I thought of that, when in fact I do it with out of state clients all the time.

We had a marvelous session. I have talked with her again today (I had to correct an appointment time for the next session) and she said, “I just feel so happy today.” If that doesn’t bring a smile to your face, knowing someone has done the work and and is responding, than what will?

There is a woman in Indiana who calls me on occasion for session work. She changed careers and moved from one state to another after the loss of her mother and a divorce. Obvioulsy stress was a factor in her life. Resulting from that, she was disorganized. She knew her business could be a big one, she just needed to figure out how to get to that place. Three phone calls later, her business is booming, she is in a new relationship and she is at peace with the loss of her mother.

Ben, in Atlanta, calls me for his “booster” every so often. Maurice called me before he took his test for real estate. (He passed!) I have worked with all kinds of people in all kinds of places. I encourage people to find a local hypnotist. There are many good individuals in this field all over. However, when you establish rapport with someone and you feel a connection, often, that is who you want to help you through the process. So, if it is across a distance, thank heavens for phones! Yes, hypnosis can be called in.

Should you want to schedule a sessionwith me by phone, please call my office at: (727) 781 – 8483. I return all calls and will gladly assist you on your path to “Unlock Your Natural Potential”.

On my Monday post, I received a comment from a reader asking if hypnosis can help her with her driving anxiety. In short, the answer is yes. I know personally about this, because I have experienced the same thing. Please allow me to explain.

Many years ago, I had a job that required a lot of driving. I thought nothing of it, in fact, I loved it! Over the years I have driven with my sons on trips out of state. I enjoyed those trips and felt very comfortable. Then, suddenly, as if out of no where, I began to hate driving distances. Next I began to hate driving on busy highways and the Interstate. Finally, I began to hate even riding with another driver on busy roads. This was all last year.

There was a convention I was planning on attending for the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. It was being held in Miami, across the state from where I lived. I put off making reservations, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get there. I thought seriously about flying in and taking a cab to the hotel. I thought seriously about not attending. Very seriously.

Robert Otto, the President and CEO of IACT called me to remind me I had not made my reservations. He was quite insistent that I attend. He told me there was someone I had to meet. Quite reluctantly, I made my reservations for the conference. I knew that I would learn so much once I attended and I was curious who I was to meet. (Robert wouldn’t tell and that was driving me crazy!)

How was I going to get to the conference? I couldn’t admit to my colleagues that I was afraid to drive there. They would laugh at me, or would they? Perhaps they would tell me to get hypnosis for this fear. What was that thought? Hypnosis for fear? Hypnosis for driving? Could I have found an answer?

I asked a colleague of mine to give me a session for my driving fears. One session, that’s all. I was so embarrassed to ask, yet she never flinched. We did the session. I realized what the real reason was that I had developed this fear. It was totally unrelated to the actual drive. We then created suggestions for driving with confidence and awareness.

I asked a friend of mine to go to Miami with me. (Back up, just in case?) I drove the whole trip, and drove into a strange city and it was easy! I actually enjoyed it. I have a convertible and we drove with the top down, even when it rained at one point! We had a great time, she is a good traveling companion.

Well, the night of the banquet, awards were being given out. I lost a ticket and so I wasn’t going to go to the banquet without my buddy. Those in charge of the conference insisted it was fine, just attend. We did. The awards were being announced and it was a fun evening. Then Robert Otto began to talk about an award for the Hypnotist of the Year. As he began describing this person, I thought about how it must feel to be that person. Suddenly, I heard my name called. I looked around, unsure of why. Robert was calling my name, I was that person! I burst into tears and I must admit everything after that was a blur. The person he wanted me to meet, was me!

I am still honored and in shock. I am delighted that I overcame my fear of driving through hypnosis. I think this is the first time I have shared my little secret. (I hope they don’t want the award back now.) I just want to share that my colleagues are some of the most incredible and caring people in the world. Call your local hypnotist if you have fears to overcome. Hypnosis works and hypnotists love their work!

p.s. This year (May 14 -20) I am giving a couple of talks and a workshop on my Love Potion Number 9 at the convention. I will gladly drive to Daytona (where it is being held to see so many of my friends again.) I also look forward to Dan Cleary, Michael Watson, Gerald Kein and Michael Ellner to name just a few of the very wise individuals who will be speaking and teaching. Here is a link to the convention:


IACT 2007 Hypnotist of the Year

There was a time, a long time ago it seems, that I was not a
practicing hypnotist, but the notion tickled me relentlessly. It
would show up here and there, coincidence after coincidence all
pointing the way. And then one day, there was a turning point, a
point in which I knew hypnosis was something I wanted to pursue
professionally. Granted the reference was silly, but it egged me on
to learn the truth about the hypnotic myth.

The reference was a
BBC show called "My Hero." Sadly, I could not find
the exact clip that caught my fancy, but it had me rolling for hours.
There is a character, a coarse receptionist type, who became a
hypnotherapist. Mostly it was done to benefit her wealth-wise. But
the end of the episode was just too much, a bit morose and total dark
humor. While at a funeral, as the eulogy was being presented, on
certain words, various members of the crowd would stand up and do
something ridiculous. By the end, with the hypnotic triggers that the
receptionist had embedded into her clients, they were all performing
the motions for "YMCA."

Maybe you had to be there.

Anyway, the clip of the show that I did find is rather silly as well,
but deals with an alien mind control technique. The alien is Thermal
Man, Janet is his human wife, and the precious baby is theirs. Enjoy.

And as you may have guessed, this is not Debbie. I am Ellie Blunt,
the transparent hypnotist. You can find me at

A segment that the Good Morning America team are doing that has truly been inspirational, has been the dares the hosts are challenging one another with. They are attempting to stretch themselves beyond their comfort zones and therefore inspire their audience to do the same. I have the joy of observing people do the same in my work.

First of all Robin Roberts was dared to walk the catwalk in a fashion show. Robin is currently undergoing treatments for breast cancer. While she is an attractive and slim woman, her self image has been more athletic than glamorous it seems. She has taken a hit to the ego with her loss of hair (and energy, I imagine) from the chemotherapy. So, she was challenged to walk the runway with beautiful, young, runway models. Robin walked with style, in bright red and without her wig on! She was fabulous! It brought me to tears.

Next, Sam Cuomo fell from a 51 story building in a stunt team descender. The mental preparations once again were astounding. My stomach lurched with him as he left the ledge of that building. I was glad he was safe and laughing at the end of his stunt.

Then Diane Sawyer was challenged to do a fire walk. Now we’re talking something I would enjoy. (And not just because I am cold even in warm, sunny Florida!) Fire walking, a right of passage into the belief that you can accomplish anything for many cultures through out history. In preparation for this event, Diane and her team went to see a hypnotist. The piece they did on hypnosis was fabulous! They were factual and informative. They included an expert from Harvard Medical School as well as Dr. David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford University

Click here for the link to the video:
Diane And ‘GMA’ Staffers Prepare For Their Dare.

Whats challenges can you create today? How can you stretch yourself just a little further than you thought possible? Do you use self-hypnosis to stretch? Wow, I’m excited as I write this, thinking I have only begun to find out what I can truly accomplish.

In my profession there seems to be a divide between those who do stage hypnosis and those who don’t. Because stage hypnosis seems to include comedy and because movies have portrayed hypnosis as mind control, it seems that there are those of my colleagues who avoid the stage or any connection to it. There are even those who will use an abundance of terms to describe hypnosis, but never, ever will they admit it is what they do. That seems silly. How will we ever educate people if we obsfucate?

When I began my practice, I soley did “clinical” work. I worked in a Rehab facility and in private practice. I gave talks about hypnosis to educate others, but refused any requests to do stage work. Well, my son made a point in discussing his future that rang true with me. He wants to study medicine, to become a medical researcher. His comment was, “Doctors can help one patient at a time heal, but how many did Jonas Salk help?” This seemed to make sense at a deeper level with me.

I love working with my clients. It is wonderful to watch the client become self empowered. Teaching people to create healthy new thought patterns and habits is very rewarding. But, I was limiting myself by only doing single sessions. In August at the National Guild Of Hypnostists annual convention, I met a wonderful couple. They were a comedy team, who does stage hypnosis. When I spoke with Beth (Mrs. Hypnotist) I learned of her passion for helping others. Through her stage work, she has helped educate many on the value of hypnosis, rewarded show participants with improved habits and directed individuals to the help they need.

Laughter is the best medicine. I use it to change thoughts often. Through stage work, I can incorporate laughter into the lives of many. I remain respectful of any participants, after all, it is my goal to leave this world a little bit better place than when I arrived.

There are many misunderstandings and myths about hypnosis. As a result, people often fear this wonderful tool. Hypnosis is natural and safe. Through hypnosis the quality of life is improved as fears are released, weight is shed, bad habits are replaced by healthier ways of life and more!

As your hypnotist, I do not “do hypnosis to you”, rather, I am your tour guide, assisting you through your own experience of creating change. My most wonderful web lady/production master, Dona, has loaded a video up onto my website that explains more. Please, take a moment to watch it and let me know what you think!

It can be found by clicking here: Hypnosis Myths
or just go to my FAQ page and follow the link.