

We want to make change, yet we feel stuck in the way things are right now. We hold on to the belief that we don’t deserve the change or maybe that we aren’t up to making the change happen. Most of our beliefs are misinterpretations about our past, based on our painful and pleasurable experiences. We want to avoid pain, so if something causes us to feel bad, we tend to avoid it in the future. The biggest problem, as I see it, with these beliefs is that they keep us from living up to our real potential.

During the late Medieval period, around the 15th to 17th centuries, a weird psychiatric disorder swept through Europe. Many people believed that they were made of glass and were likely to shatter into pieces with even the slightest bit of contact. This was later named the “Glass delusion” and was recorded in the research journal History of Psychiatry. This caused people to avoid human contact so as not to get shattered. They wore extra layers of material to protect themselves and went to great lengths to avoid shattering. How difficult must life be if even a hug is considered perilous?

Maybe we have learned since then that we are not made of glass and that we won’t shatter, but I wonder what beliefs about relationships, intelligence, emotions or dreams are holding us back?

If you want to live fully and begin to make changes that matter then it is time to take a look at those thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back. It is only when we begin to honestly question our beliefs that we can experience a break through. We want to stop identifying with our limitations. We have to let go of what others think about us and decide who we really are. When held up to the light, is there any veracity to what we think about ourselves?

It is time to start testing those assumptions we have been living under. Time to push the limits and see just what we are capable of. Even if something is true for a friend, it may not be true for you.  If a friend tells me that a box is too heavy to lift, and that friend is half my size, maybe it is too heavy for them, but not me! These days, when someone tells me I can’t do something, I have to test the theory.

Steps For Changing Limiting Beliefs

  1. Describe what happiness would be like for you.

Write down in as much detail as you can what your happiness might look and feel like.

  1. List your beliefs by filling in the following statements:

  • I believe I am:
  • I believe money is:
  • I believe people in general are:
  • I believe success is:
  1. Find evidence to disprove any beliefs that are limiting.

    For example if you said I believe I am not as smart as my co-workers, list any and all awards, promotions and accolades you have been given.

  1. Let others off the hook.

    To hold onto anger towards another for the past is like drinking poison with hopes they will die. It just doesn’t work. So, make a list of those who have offended you and them imagine them moving out and away from you, becoming less important. Imagine yourself becoming stronger and more powerful as you cross each one off your list.

  2.  Schedule face to face time with happy people.

    List 3 people who you believe are happy, positive people. Now set up a time to reach out to them and arrange a meeting to enjoy sharing time.

Remember January? There were all those good intentions for a healthier, wealthier and happier you? If you are like many people, you lost momentum as life took over once again. You may also have begun to beat yourself up about what you “failed” to accomplish. Well, no need for that because September is the new January, which means you have a do-over.

There are some very good reasons for setting goals in September. First of all, we have been trained to think of September as a new beginning. This is the time of the new school year. We moved up a grade to meet new challenges.  We prepared by buying new school supplies and clothing, so from early on we have been taught to think of September as a time of new starts. At some level it has always been September change is natural.

It seems that the lazy days of summer end in September, vacations are complete and now we have the earlier months of the year to review what we have accomplished and decide what we want to do next. September also gives you a jump on those who are waiting for January. Businesses often set new goals in September rather than January, so why not you?

The holidays begin to crush down on us at the end of October, it becomes a time of celebrating and feasting. So, if your goals are health related, it helps to have them in check before the temptations begin. If you are already smoke free, eating well and getting regular exercise, you are more likely to continue with those good habits. Imagine putting the money spent on a cigarette habit away right now towards holiday outfits for the slender new body you create?

September Change Can Be Simple

Here are some simple changes that don’t take much effort to make a new part of your life:

  • Cut out processed food! Focus on whole, clean eating.  It can be as simple as changing one meal a week .
  • Sit quietly and deep breathe for 5 minutes – breathe and let go.
  • Begin to focus on mindful eating – be aware of what you eat, eat slowly, eat quietly. Notice smells, colors, textures and tastes.
  • Stand up at your desk every thirty minutes.
  • Walk for 3-5 minutes twice a day during your work day. Get moving!
  • Trying something new, fun and crazy! Get out of your comfort zone and go for it! Perhaps there is a class you have always wanted to try or a meet up adventure that sparks your imagination.

Hypnosis Helps With Self Improvement Goals

If there are bigger changes you want to make, you may need support. September Change is easier with help and accountability. Through hypnosis and the recordings I give you as a follow up, along with the phone, text and email support I offer, my clients have great success.  Don’t just believe me, read the reviews I have received here.


Imagine in only five minutes each morning you could be happier? When you awaken each morning, you have the opportunity to set the tone of your day. If you wake up smashing the alarm and wildly getting ready for your day, you might be harming your health as well as your attitude. Here are five simple one minute activities that can change the way you live. Yes, the way you live! Using these tips, you will find your five minutes to happiness or at least begin to become happier.

First minute: Take a mindfulness moment for morning mediation.

Consciously slow your breathing, taking deep breaths. Feel the air as it enters your body and as it leaves. Deep breathes help to diminish any pain and feed your mind. Attempt to focus only on the sensations around you. How do you feel? What do you smell? What do you visualize?

Second minute: Become conscious of gratefulness for the gift of life.

Identify at least three things you are grateful for. Starting with gratitude sets us up to think with a grateful attitude for the rest of the day. It can be simple, such as I am grateful for my family, for a roof over my head and for a chance to start over today!

Third minute: Surrender any grudges and bitterness.

Realize that a lack of forgiveness pulls you into the world of negativity.  Strive to forgive everyone for everything, that doesn’t make their behavior ok, it just frees you . Example: “I forgive my ex-spouse for his behavior and attitude towards me. Although I do not condone certain behaviors, I will not keep the bitterness within – it only poisons me.

Fourth minute:  Tell yourself something nice about yourself each day.

Tell yourself something you really admire about yourself, and this reminder will help you start the day off right by thinking straight to feel great! So often, our internal dialogue is nasty when it comes to how we think about ourselves. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend or loved one, don’t think it about yourself! Example:  “I am proud that I keep trying new things and I embrace change.”

Fifth minute: Think victory not victim.

Notice your thoughts and then remember to WAIT, or ask yourself What Am I Thinking? Identify irrational, judgmental thoughts and replace them with more rational thoughts. Separate fact from fiction! Let go of any negative thoughts from the previous day and decide that today will be better, brighter and more successful.

Now, as you get up and begin your day, enjoy the morning. Wishing you the best on taking a time out as you work on transforming your life and yourself 5 minutes at a time! Then take time through out the day to pause, spend those minutes in complete silence with your eyes closed, taking a couple of deep breaths. You will be glad you did.

happiness month is every month

Is it time to make your happiness pit stop?


Can you really have too much happy?  There are those who act happy to a point of giddy, they want to make a party out of a disaster and tend to negate other valid emotions. That is not what this celebration is about. August is National Happiness Month and I want to help you find yours. First thing you might consider is what NOT to do. In this article I have shared some things that the unhappy make habit, HABITS OF THE CHRONICALLY UNHAPPY.

Sometimes in order to be happier, we have to do something that isn’t fun, but will result in long happiness.  I recently had a client share with me how attending a family reunion as a kid was so boring that it was almost painful for her. Now she is so glad she did, as there are many fond memories and connections from those events. She now drags her daughter to family reunions, kicking and screaming. Although I cannot say that scrubbing my bathroom plumbing is a joy, the end result makes me happy.  To be happy in the long-term, we may have to stretch ourselves in the short-term. A willingness to try new things or see old things in new ways may be a prerequisite for lasting happiness.

There has been a lot of research in recent years with regard to happiness. While we tend to believe that we will be happy when we achieve a goal, research has found the opposite. It is the thought of the goal and the work that goes into achieving it that brings us happiness. Although we think winning the lottery will bring us happiness, once again, research says that is a fallacy as well. After three years of winning the lottery, the winner acclimates to the new normal and returns to their previous level of happiness or unhappiness.

So, what is happiness and how do we sustain it? According to Acacia Parks, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Hiram College, “The research suggests that happiness is a combination of how satisfied you are with your life (for example, finding meaning in your work) and how good you feel on a day-to-day basis. Both of these are relatively stable—that is, our life changes, and our mood fluctuates, but our general happiness is more genetically determined than anything else. The good news is, with consistent effort, this can be offset. Think of it like you think about weight: if you eat how you want to and are as active as you want to be, your body will settle at a certain weight. But if you eat less than you’d like or exercise more, your weight will adjust accordingly. If that new diet or exercise regimen becomes part of your everyday life, then you’ll stay at this new weight. If you go back to eating and exercising the way you used to, your weight will return to where it started. So it goes, too, with happiness.”

Furthermore, researcher Daniel J. Siegel, MD has concluded that with a daily habit of mindfulness the brain changes in ways that cause us to feel happier and more contented. Being mindful means being more fully aware of what is around us – what we can see, hear, touch and taste. Also, aware of what is happening inside us, our thoughts and our feelings. It’s about learning to observe all this without getting caught up in worrying or ruminating about it. We are then able to choose where we place our focus.

Tips For Making August Your Happiness Month


So, how do we begin a practice of happiness/mindfulness? Start with noticing your thoughts. What do you place your focus on? Focus on lasting meaning, not momentary feelings. Things that make us feel good in the moment may actually be unhealthy for us, creating guilt, remorse and negative health consequences down the road.  All types of addictions fall into this category, as does mindless materialism.  If we can focus on building a life in which we act authentically and are guided by our core values we can achieve more lasting happiness. This feeling may not be as intense as a momentary high, but it is deeper and more enduring. When we build authentic relationships and contribute to our family and community, we feel good about ourselves.


If we deliberately savor the good times, they will be there for us to draw upon in the not so good times. We have become pros at practicing for disaster, yet when it strikes we are no more prepared to handle it then we would have been had we not spent time worrying.  Ironically, research shows we can extend our enjoyment of special times by deliberately thinking about them.  We need to practice every day to rewire our brains for happiness. This means deliberately focusing attention on the positive parts of our day, such as the morning hug from a loved one, the adorable way our puppy wags her tail when we get home or the magnificent sunset outside our door.


When we allow our relationships to go onto autopilot, we lose our connections with others. Instead of thinking about what we are going to say next in a conversation, imagine just listening. Open your heart and listen to the feelings behind the words being spoken. This kind of attention will help your friends and loved ones feel that you really care about them and what they have to say. It will also help you to truly understand what they are trying to communicate.  When you are focused on the experience of being with others while you are in their presence, you immediately make that quality time.

Give Thanks

There are volumes written on the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. Taking time each day to review the things you are grateful changes the neural pathways of your brain. This will help you overcome the negativity bias you had hardwired into a more positive thought flow, improving your health and sleep! Being thankful fills us with optimism and self-confidence. Gratitude dampens our desires for “more” of everything—and it deepens our relationships with loved ones. And when we express our gratitude to someone, we get kindness and gratitude in return causing immediate increases in happiness and decreases in depressive symptoms.


Taking time to breathe deeply and notice your breathes allows the mind and body to slow down and get into synch. We get busy and forget to notice our breathing, yet without breath, there is no life. So take time throughout the day to breathe deep. Feel the air going in and out of the body and notice the feelings that happen in the body when breathing long, slow breathes.

Mind your mind.  Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Opening our awareness beyond the narrowness of negativity can help bring back more balance and positivity into the picture. In other words, know what makes you happy and get happy!

The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
Benjamin Franklin

The month of August has been declared Happiness Happens Month by the “Secret Society of Happy People” since 1999. The group defines its mission as “to help people recognize more happiness and encourage them to talk about it”.

The Society has three purposes for this month:

  1. Recognize and express happiness
  2. Listen to others talk about their happiness
  3. Don’t rain on other people’s parades

They also have some fun ideas to help celebrate. Here are a few:

  • wear a pair of silver shades (because happy people always see the silver lining)
  • laugh (laughter is still the best medicine)
  • smile (and the world smiles with you)
  • post on Twitter about what makes you happy, using the hashtag #HappinessHappensyou

The group has a Happiness Happens Month 31 Day Challenge on Facebook. So far, I have been challenged to walk barefoot in the grass, wave at strangers, do something spontaneous and sing out loud to name a few. Even if you haven’t started the month’s challenges, you can join in right where you are and always go back to the beginning next month. After all, once you hop on the happiness train, you are going to want to stay onboard!

Happiness protects your health

I have repeatedly mentioned that I often asked my sons to find a reason to smile and laugh on their way out the door when they were younger. I am glad I did, because even now if I say that, they giggle. Therefore, I have started the day in a happier way! According to studies being done, I was not only encouraging a good mood, but I was helping them remain healthy.

You have most likely heard that getting upset or angry can raise your blood pressure.  In fact, in the worst-case scenario, those emotions can lead to a heart attack or stroke. But did you know that positive emotions can lower your blood pressure and risk for cardiovascular disease?

Dr. Barbara Fredrickson researched and found that when stressed people watched a film that left them feeling amused and content, that led to quicker recovery of heart function. She also noted that stressed subjects who smiled while watching a sad movie had a more rapid heart rate recovery. Her thesis is that positive emotions undo the effects of stress and, therefore, protect a person’s health.

There are even more health benefits to being happy. This infographic (created by happify) I found while surfing says it all in a neat package.

happiness and good health

July has been named Cell Phone Courtesy Month. According to many, the cell phone is one of the greatest inventions of our time. However, others might disagree. As the cell phone has developed into the smartphone, it’s also one of the greatest distractions.

It’s not just the loud conversations you are forced to listen to or the nerve-jangling sound of a custom ring tone, but even worse in our society today: being ignored due to texting, posting, tweeting, etc. It has become a real danger on the roads, cell phone use is now estimated to be involved in 26 percent of all motor vehicle crashes. The National Safety Council states that an estimated 5 percent of crashes involve texting, while 21 percent involve drivers talking on handheld or hands-free cell phones.

In fact, Broadway Legend and Tony winning actress, Patti LuPone had enough during a performance of “Shows for Days” at Manhattan’s Lincoln Center.  One audience member who was more glued to the texts on her cell phone than to the show being put on in front of her by real, live actors. While doing a scene, LuPone reached down and plucked the phone from the spectator’s hands!

The next day she went on to release this statement:

“We work hard on stage to create a world that is being totally destroyed by a few, rude, self-absorbed and inconsiderate audience members who are controlled by their phones,” she said. “They cannot put them down. When a phone goes off or when a LED screen can be seen in the dark it ruins the experience for everyone else — the majority of the audience at that performance and the actors on stage.

“I am so defeated by this issue that I seriously question whether I want to work on stage anymore,” she added. “Now I’m putting battle gear on over my costume to marshall the audience as well as perform.”

I recently addressed technology addiction and some of the issues involved with all this time spent not engaged in people. Today, I just want to offer some possible changes you can make in order to be a more courteous cell phone user. I promise to make changes as well!

Tips For Achieving Cell Phone Courtesy

  • Be Present

Whether you are in a meeting or just meeting with friends, put down the phone and focus on the people present. I ask my clients to silence their phones, so that we can focus and become fully engaged in the experience of hypnosis.

  • Keep It Private

Do you really need to share the ups and downs of a relationship by arguing over the phone in the middle of a restaurant? Keep your business out of the public arena unless you really want the advice of strangers. After all, if you draw them in, they may feel entitled to comment.

  • Avoid Cell Yell

Whether it is due to the size or the shape of the cell phone, people just seem to yell into them. Forgetting where they are, they become loud and interrupt others. Timo Kopomaa, a social scientist at the University of Technology in Helsinki and author of a study on cellphone behavior has observed that people shout above the ambient noise in public squares, restaurants and post offices as they become engrossed in personal conversations, consequently ”privatizing the public space,” Dr. Kopomaa said. By doing so, he said, they ignore the needs of the nonphoning public, ”denying others the privacy they selfishly appropriate for their own use.”

  • Excuse Yourself

I recently was in a yoga class where someone had the phone and actually took a call! The instructor had to ask them to step outside. If you are expecting a call that you simply can’t miss, then be prepared to leave where you are when it comes in. If you are in a meeting or with friends, let them know in advance you may have to take a call, then respect them enough to leave when it comes.

  • Focus On Driving

When in traffic, keep your eyes and your attention on the road. Don’t make or answer calls when driving in heavy traffic or hazardous conditions. Place calls when your vehicle is not moving, and use a hands-free device to help focus attention on safety. Always make safety your most important call.

 Emily Post has listed her top ten cell phone courtesy practices for better manners. You can visit here to read them. If you think that you might need help putting the phone down, perhaps there is more to it than you thought. You might have a technology addiction. If putting the phone down gives you a sense of loss, perhaps you want to think about getting help. Hypnosis can help you disconnect long enough to refresh and revive yourself.

When we think of addiction, we tend to think of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and gambling. We may even think about food as an addiction. There is a new threat to our health and well-being and it is very addictive, it is called technology addiction. It has not as of this writing been recognized as an official disorder, but the recommendations are there and it is (in my opinion) just a matter of time.  According to Dr. Andrew Doan of the U.S. Naval Substance Abuse and Recovery Program in San Diego, “There is no other drug of choice that you can get for the cost of an Internet connection or for free at a WiFi hotspot that’s as addicting as a painkiller.”

Go to any local hang out and notice how people are texting, posting, tweeting, pinning, snapping and any number of other internet interactions, while ignoring the real humans around them.  Social media is only part of the issue. We can stream movies, shop, play games, gamble, find love and even watch porn anywhere we happen to be.  China has taken the step of declaring technology addiction (or more specifically internet addiction) as a top public health threat.  They have rehab centers for addicted teens, the problem is oversight is lacking and some of the methods used are potentially more dangerous than the addiction itself.

There are couples who have said that their relationship broke down one click at a time. It became easier to get lost in the webs than dealing with the issues right in front of them. Becoming absorbed in sports, soaps, reality T.V. or any television programming can also be the escape route from dealing with the real world. I have written before about my concerns with what social media does to our self esteem.  We have a variety of blue boxes and screens that occupy our time, it is important to know where and when to draw the line.

Everyone’s internet use is different. It is possible that you might need to use the internet extensively for your work. Or maybe you rely heavily on social networking sites to keep in touch with faraway family and friends. Spending a lot of time online only becomes a problem when it absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relationships, your work, school, health and safety. If you keep repeating any compulsive behavior despite the negative consequences in your life, then it’s time to strike a new balance.

Technology Addiction Interferes With Real Living

When these activities begin to interfere with our jobs, our health and our safety we want to stop and consider what we are doing to ourselves. Having sleep issues? Many of my clients who have insomnia will sneak out of the bedroom when they awaken in the middle of the night to check emails. The blue screen will entrap them and take away any hope of returning to a good night’s sleep.

Personally I find the driving while texting to be a huge concern. I can’t even guess the number of times I have watched what I thought was a drunk driver only to pull up at the next light and realize they were in fact a texting driver. It is a bit worrisome when a hair stylist is constantly checking their phones; after all, they hold scissors right at our heads!

If you are noticing that you are avoiding the world and hiding behind a screen, take action. Set time limits for recreational use and stick to those limits. (I am in favor of timers that go off and remind us it is time to walk away.) Get physical so as to get those feel good hormones released into your body. The high of addiction causes those same hormones to be released, so change how it happens. Practice turning everything off during meals, take time to enjoy the meal and anyone you might be sharing it with. Parents need to follow these guidelines when wanting to set limits for their kids. After all, kids learn by observing adults in action.

If the temptation is stronger than your ability to find other activities and you find yourself drawn back to technology, hypnosis can help.  Hypnotherapy can be extremely effective when used to treat addictions and can either be used alone or in conjunction with traditional medical care as part of a treatment plan. After discussing the concerns  with a client we can decide the best combination of hypnotic methods to use in order to assist that individual achieving the goal of rejoining humanity once again.


It’s Shark Week! Discovery Channel is hosting the annual week of (mis)information about sharks. Don’t get me wrong, there is legitimate information shared, but unfortunately there is also a lot of myth that is shared. This disappoints marine biologists like Ellen Prager. To quote an article posted on, “Ellen Prager, a marine scientist who has taught at the University of Miami and writes books for children about sharks, says she and her colleagues have a list of things that drive them crazy about Shark Week, such as the emphasis on sharks attacking people and feeding frenzies.”

I too, have a concern. While I am not a shark expert and I do have a healthy respect for sharks, I am of the opinion that the media will forgo fact for the sake of ratings on many occasions. This feeds into fears and phobias. Recent media reports of shark attacks along the coast of North Carolina and Florida have everyone believing that we are in danger practically as we park in the beach parking lots.

About a year ago I was walking along the causeway with a friend when we looked down from a bridge into the waters below. There were sharks swimming around and fishermen on shore trying to catch them. I found this fascinating. My friend couldn’t get away fast enough. Even from this safe distance, she was afraid. Now, unless you believe the ridiculousness of the Sharknado movies, it’s obvious that the sharks were not going to rise up out of the waters, fly above a bridge and bite us. That did not make her reaction any less real to her. The sight of those creatures started her pulse racing more than the fast pace of our walk ever did.

I understand completely how that feels. In the past I had a phobic reaction to snakes as a result of an unfortunate encounter I had with a rattle snake while on a school camping trip. I held onto the sensations and fears for almost 20 years. It wasn’t until I realized how that phobia was holding me back that I was even willing to address it. I offered to help my friend with her shark phobia, but for now, she is not ready to release it.

The problem with holding on to fears that are not rational is that it can lead us to make decisions that are bad for us. For example, a fear of flying can greatly affect a person’s ability to perform their job if air travel is required, the same with fear of driving. I have worked with people who feared public speaking. Imagine that fear being so great that a simple elevator speech in a networking group becomes too much? I had a client who was so phobic about elevators he had to turn down a promotion because it meant he would have to climb 15 flights of stairs. After our working together, he was able to not only take the elevator, he could take the promotion!

If you watch Shark Week…

If you watch Shark Week and all the hype, enjoy. Remember to check facts, to keep aware of the difference between reality and fiction. If there is anything that seems to cause an intense reaction in you, breathe deeply though it. Should you have any phobias that are holding you back, now might be the time to eliminate those sharks from the murky waters of your deeper mind and begin to live freely again.


fourth of julyThe Fourth of July is almost here and recipes for everything barbecue and decadent are all over the media. Fourth of July parties are being planned. The fireworks are set for display. In fact, one town near me has already had their fireworks show, so that locals could get in as many shows as possible. I love the anticipation, the joy and the excitement this all brings. More important though is what all of this symbolizes. We are celebrating freedom. The freedom of our country yes, but I believe it is a deeper freedom we want to celebrate.

We are born with a psychological freedom, by that I mean a detachment from labels, styles, failures, possessions, occupations and more. We arrive in this world naked and pure. As we grow, one by one the layers are placed upon us. We learn to “fit in”. We are given labels and uniforms. The purity turns to judgement, the harshest is what we heap on ourselves. We begin to find more and more reasons we don’t measure up, which means we have to work harder at obtaining labels that we believe will free us.

My clients come from all walks of life. Some are wealthier than others, some are more classically beautiful and some are more social. The one thing all of them have in common is that they see themselves as “broken” in some way. Eventually, freedom has been reduced to an impossible label of perfection. If they could only lose more weight, speak more clearly, be a better athlete, then they will be free to be themselves.

I will ask my clients, if you were to have already accomplished your goal, how would you be different? Some will say they will feel better about themselves, others tell me how they will be happier, less fearful or any variety of feelings that freedom brings. I will ask them to imagine how that feels. How it might look if they were free. I want to know what their inner dialogue might sound like if they were free.

Next we take the abstract concept of personal freedom and transform it into something more concrete. I have had clients identify the negative sensations as shapes, colors, textures and even scents. We find where it resides in the body and I will ask them if they can hand what they have just identified over to me. From there, we may shrink it, move it, shred it or even flush it in the commode!

Once the old concept is gone, it is time to fill the space it occupied with the sense of having achieved the goal. Filling themselves with freedom is a lighter and happier experience.  We naturally move away from pain towards pleasure. This makes the process of filling the empty space with goodness a natural one. As we practice those feel good moments, they become more and more comfortable and natural to us.

The Fourth of July And Your Freedom

Maybe it is time for you to experience freedom.

You can choose from the list below and declare on this Fourth Of July that you are now free.

I am FREE from:

  • my ego
  • the blame game
  •  depression
  • shame
  • pride
  • ego based anger
  • having to justify myself
  • the fear of self-ridicule
  • self-doubt
  •  self-damning
  • manipulation of my ego
  • the game of pride or shame
  • the lies of self-esteem
  • the pressure to be something
  • the pressures to become something
  • ego based anxiety
  • having to prove myself

Enjoy your barbecues, parties and celebrations. When you watch the fireworks this year, celebrate true freedom, personal freedom not only this Fourth of July but everyday beyond!

Let It Go!

Written by:


June 23 is Let It Go Day. If you find yourself too busy for fun and the things that really matter to you then maybe there are some time or joy robbers you need to let go.

Let It Go: Clutter

Yes, I know I have said it before, I just can’t repeat it enough. When it comes to clutter, let it go!

Let It Go: Phone Calls

Do not answer calls from unrecognized phone numbers, if it is important there will be a message. Just because a phone rings you are not obligated to answer, especially when it might be a sales call.

Let It Go: Email

Stop checking e-mail constantly, “batch” and check at set times only. Take yourself off of any list that you truly don’t love to read.

Let It Go: Worry

If you waste time worrying about the future, you lose the value of now. Instead, write down what you are concerned about and give yourself permission to come back to it at a later set time. Often you will find things have a way of working themselves out regardless of your fears.

Let It Go: Anger

I think the Buddha summed it up well: “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

Let It Go: Not Saying No

Taking on too much puts pressure on you and prevents you from living at your best. Not being at your best and most effective means everything takes longer and more of your time is stolen from you. Teach others to value your time by example.


Whatever it is that’s been grabbing your gut, your time or your psyche, let it go!

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