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Do a simple Google search on any subject and millions of possible answers are listed. Your brain has the same ability for viewing any experience or thought in your life. So, what if you took any situation in your life and rather than worry about the outcome, you decided to go to the best case scenario?

Through hypnosis you can change your thoughts. Hypnosis allows the neuro-peptide chemicals in your brain and the receptor sites within the cells to create real happiness, thus allowing pride, contentment and serenity to become a reality. Using your mind’s amazing ability to find the source of misery and conflict you release the pain, reframe the experiences and move towards a dynamic new you. You can create optimism and hope and enjoy pleasure and gratitude.

Perhaps some questions to ask yourself when you are feeling challenged would be:

  • How can I use this situation to my advantage?
  • How can this be a real opportunity for me?
  • How can I grow from this experience?
  • What can I learn from this experience?

If you can think any thought you choose, you can choose to think an optimistic thought. Thinking thoughts is the beginning to finding solutions, so think about things you can do in the situation to make your life easier.

I love The Transparent Hypnotist, aka Ellie Blunt. I have been reading her posts for some time now. She manages to find the most incredible information and entertainment regarding hypnosis as well. I am therefore very honored to be asked to contribute to her blog today. She has started a new series called: The First Time.

Yesterday, Josh Houghton posted. His story is an excellent read, I thoroughly enjoyed. Please stop over there and check out her blog and maybe even let Ellie know she didn’t waste blog space by letting me participate!

Can you please hypnotize me so that I can prove to my boyfriend that I am telling the truth? We have been together for a long time and now my boyfriend thinks I have been seeing other men. I want to prove to him that I haven’t so he won’t get so angry.

While I have other concerns I will address, the first response to the above question was, while I can hypnotize you and you can answer questions during that time about your relationships and whether you are seeing others, I cannot guarantee that what you tell me is the truth. Why? Because hypnosis is not truth serum, plain and simple you can lie while in a hypnotic state.

Remember, hypnosis is a natural occurrence. It is a state of focus, mental alertness. If you are determined to protect information and that is best done by lying, you can lie. I do not control you when you are experiencing hypnosis, you are in control at all times.

While is is great PR to tell the world as a hypnotist that you are going to put someone famous under and get to the truth, that is all it is, media hype. In forensic hypnosis, there are very specific rules as to how questions are asked. Forensic hypnosis is about helping someone recall past information, not creating new theories or supporting old ones, nor is it about finally getting the truth from the witness.

My next response to such a question is that I see red flags all over a relationship that has such big time issues. Perhaps I could refer you to a good couples therapist?

Yet another in the letters that I get:

I am finding that I have lost my enthusiasm for my work. I am in sales and I can’t seem to close the sale lately. I have heard that hypnosis can help me with this and with self confidence. Can you help me and how many sessions does a typical self confidence program run?

I am often asked if hypnosis can help with matters of improving one’s self image. Yes! After all, how we feel about ourselves starts with what we think about ourselves. If we are continually doubting ourselves and finding fault with who we are and what we do, it will begin to wear us down. The more difficult question is how many sessions are typical. That is like asking a doctor to prescribe over the phone. Without listening to your heart, your lungs or looking at your skin, eyes, etc. how can a doctor be sure because you give him your quick opinion.

Maybe, a better analogy is when I speak with an auto mechanic. I tell him that the car is making a noise like this: ping, patta pat pat, ping ping. So, then I ask, what is it, how long will I be without a car and how much? He always wants to see the car and the person who makes those noises before he can give me a clear answer.

I do my best when on the phone with an individual to ask questions that will give me a little more insight into the presenting issue. I like to get a better feel for how ready that person is to make changes and what their personal goals are. This is more difficult with letters, unless the individual is willing to carry on a bit more correspondence or answer at length several questions that I will mail back. Ultimately, however, the number of session is up to you. You determine how much we will accomplish and when you are satisfied. The work is determined by you, the client, I am simply your tour guide.

What is wonderful, is when I receive a letter or a call from an excited former client, telling me how they have increased their sales and it is all so much more fun now. Just today, I was told by a client that any chance she gets, she tells people how it has changed her life for the better. She makes her living in real estate, imagine feeling that way amidst all the negative media being put out there for her profession.

Hypnosis helping cancer patients? Yes, according to this report that was aired on ABC news , hypnosis helps cancer patients with surgery pain, reduce nausea and lessen fatigue. But wait, there’s more; cancer patients who used hypnosis were also found to be less upset and anxious. If that isn’t enough for you, hypnosis saved these patients money in their treatment.

I do my best to remain professional, on this blog and in my work. Much of the time, I can at least say that I maintain some modicum of professionalism. In fact, having just been sent feedback from my seminars in Daytona Beach(with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists), I had a momentary burst of pride in this area. However, life is meant to keep me humble. What is more, I have sons and a husband who help me remain humble (for lack of a better term.)

As I was showing off my rave reviews, I was reminded of a time, not all that long ago where I taught one of the classes to another group, The Hypnosis Education Association, at their convention in Orlando. It started out so very well, too.

I had prepared all the handouts for my little class, bought the chocolates that I give out as bribes and even purchased the surprise gift for one lucky participant. Normally, when traveling, my darling husband (ever so aware of my capabilities and lack there of) will check the oil and tires for me, check to make sure I have driving directions and even double check reservations. When we travel as a family, those are all his domain. When I travel alone, he acts as my back up. On this particular trip, he was otherwise directed. However, I was so proud of myself. I checked oil and tires, I had packed all my clothes, arranged reservations (even printed them out) and printed directions to the convention. There was to be a social function the first night I was there that included a gift exchange. I had bought and wrapped my gift.

I arrived at my destination, without problem. I checked in, freshened up and attended the evening function. My gift was wildly popular. I was feeling hot. I knew I was prepared for teaching the next morning, life is sweet.

So as to be fresh and ready in the morning, I went back to my room early to retire. I read over my notes and fell asleep. I must have been asleep for an hour when suddenly, I sat bolt up right in bed and I was wide awake. it couldn’t be true, no I had not done this. I checked my bags. What I was looking for was not in them. I went down to my car, what I wanted was not there. So, with trembling hands, I dialed my husband’s cell phone. It rang twice and he answered, “hi honey, what’s up?”.

I asked him if he was able to check something out for me in our bedroom. He agreed, so I said, “Did I leave clothes hanging together on the bedpost?” He answered, “I wondered if those were meant to go with you!” My heart sunk, my clothes for the weekend were still back at my home. I had nothing but what I wore up and jammies to wear for the next several days! However was I going to present?

My husband kindly offered to drive up with my clothes. A 2 1/2 to 3 hour trip, late at night! I said no, I will figure something out. Then the two of us laughed at my silly predicament. Leave it to me. He had a neighbor over, who was worried that I was upset, he was ready to leave with hubby to bring me my clothes. He thought I was crying and upset. My husband explained to him that not only was I not crying, I was laughing my fool head off.

The next morning, I put my old clothes on and drove down the road. Thank heavens for Wal-Mart. It is open 24 hours in Orlando. I found clothes that would carry me through the weekend (although I did find a mall later in the afternoon to get proper dress for a more formal function I was to attend.) There was still time for me to go back, shower and dress properly and even eat breakfast! I was able to incorporate my adventure into my class. All things happen for a reason, even if it is just to give people a chance to laugh.

Ironically, I was awarded the Hypnosis Achievement Award by this group at the convention. Good thing the plaque had already been made, they might have changed their mind’s otherwise.

Perhaps, you no longer see me as the ultimate professional, but then again, if you have been reading this blog for any length of time you realize I am very human and live to laugh. I hope you are able to make your mishaps into adventures as well.

p.s. I did manage to pack and bring all the shoes I needed for the weekend.
After all, it is all about the shoes, right ladies?

Just a quick link to an interesting article.

Thanks to Chantix, Quitting Smoking May Be Hazardous, Too

I have heard incredible stories from my clients who have tried Chantix. They call me and say, “you are my last resort. I’ve tried everything! The tales of woe, including some pretty rough nightmares and other side effects from Chantix have them in totally desperation. After quitting with the help of hypnosis, I usually hear, “you should have been my first attempt. From now on, I will tell everyone about hypnosis!”

Hypnosis for smoke cessation, what a concept?

IBS Relief

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It was just a little more than a year ago that I became known as the Hiccup-notist. That is, I helped a young girl overcome her hiccups of 38 days. The case made international headlines. It resulted in my working with others with similar ailments. I often refer to the individual who had severe, chronic burping for two years solid and another hiccup case, that individual suffered for four years, not to mention work I have done with sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS consists of abnormal changes in the way the gut normally functions, without any detectable structural changes. IBS is diagnosed by physicians based on the symptoms described by the patient, it is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. IBS is characterized by symptoms including diarrhea, pain and bloating. The condition can seriously affect sufferers’ quality of life and finding treatment can be difficult, leading many doctors to feel they can do little to help. These symptoms are often intermittent, however they can last for years.

I have taken further training in the area of IBS, there is so much research into the effectiveness of hypnosis for this condition. Hypnosis is one of the most successful treatment approaches for chronic IBS, the response rate to treatment is 80% and better in most published studies to date. Research by Peter Whorwell, Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology in the University of Manchester, Medical School (in the UK) and Director of the South Manchester Functional Bowel Service, has been researching the use of hypnosis for over 20 years. Whorwell is quoted as stating, “IBS is ideal for treatment with hypnosis, as there is no structural damage to the body. During the hypnotherapy, sufferers learn how to influence and gain control of their gut function, and then seem to be able to change the way the brain modulates their gut activity.” This program is done in workshops, including ten one-hour sessions. During the sessions, participants are given an explanation of how the gut works and what causes their symptoms, and then utilizes the healing power of the person’s own mind. The treatment sometimes results in improvement in other symptoms or problems such as migraine or tension headaches, along with the improvement in IBS symptoms. I will be holding workshops starting the end of June. I will post the announcement soon.

Meanwhile, perhaps you recall my mention of Seth-Deborah Roth, the nurse hypnotist I had the great pleasure of meeting in Daytona. It just so happens she came upon an interview with Dr. Mayer of UCLA regarding the body mind connection and pain and IBS! Apparently, Dr. Mayer studied hypnosis in his fellowship. At any rate, here is the link to Seth-Deborah’s blog with a great interview! http://hypnotichealth.blogspot.com/

It is time for me to get back on track. I have missed posting lately, in two ways. I have missed the opportunities to post and I have missed getting my posts up and responding to the resulting comments.

I have been a bit busy, with husband, visitors and end of school year for my youngest son. Now, all of that is behind me. What happened on Friday, however, was I hit the wall. I had been saying how I needed rest, felt drained and that I was tired. Gee, how my words got the best of me. On Friday, I got home from my last session to collapse on the couch. I was asleep for the night by 8:30 p.m. I slept until 9:30 (or later) the following morning. This normally would have me up and ready to take on the world the next day. This time, (remember my words) I felt drained all day. I even took time to go to my favorite store in the world (next to a shoe store that is) Home Depot and could not muster up enthusiasm. I fell asleep in the truck (no I wasn’t driving) on the way home. Neighbors invited me over in the evening and I declined, choosing to sleep instead.

This time I told myself that I was getting better and better every moment, in every way. I repeated that I was healthy and full of energy. I fell asleep thinking of all the energy I would have and use the following day. I even imagined myself stating I feel great today as I awoke the next morning. Sunday morning I woke up feeling great, automatically, without even thinking about it my first words were, “I feel great today!”.

I rode my bike to a nearby park, where I walked the whole circumference of the park. It is a beautiful park, part shaded trees, part beach. I took time as I walked to focus on how lucky I am to have such a place so near to my home. Then I rode my bike back home.

Next, my girlfriend called and offered a ride on her boat out into the Gulf. We saw dolphins playing and enjoyed the warm waters. (I must confess, there is nothing funnier than three blondes trying to anchor a boat near an island without letting the current pull the boat and us into the shallows.) While on the boat, I took the opportunity to feel the waves, hear the birds, enjoy the warmth of the sun. I just remained in the experience of each moment. Now, I have that to take me through this week.

I went to bed last night saying how lucky I am, how healthy I am and how life is great. I awoke, filled with renewed energies, once again. Amazing how much power our words have, isn’t it?

I would like to ask you, dear readers to send me your questions regarding hypnosis, Neurolinguistic programming, positive thoughts or the power of the mind. If you have life situations where you wonder how to apply these principles, send those as well. I will do my best to answer them, or find the expert who can. If you have stories where you overcame an obstacle and want to share, I would love to share those as well.

Take a moment now and breath. Feel the breath in your lungs, filling them up with cool fresh air. As you exhale blow away any imagined stressors and remind yourself that in this moment you are safe.
Breath in the joy that is life, release negativity. Become aware of your body, how it feels in this moment. Wherever you feel discomfort, allow it to fade away. Focus on discomfort being released however release works for you.
Then relax into your breath once again. Find the most comfortable part of you and allow that comfort to become very real. Expand that comfort, spreading it through out your body.

Imagine if you could take this moment with you all day long, how much easier your day would be?

Often I am asked about hypnosis. Just this weekend with the college kids, they wanted to know all about what I do. These were bright kids. They all held majors like, math, physics and organic chemistry. Still, they thought of hypnosis the way it is presented in many movies. They thought of it as if it were mind control and very mysterious. (It is neither.)

I had a conversation with a buddy who wants to quit smoking. His wife is due with a baby soon, he has another child and he wants to be around to enjoy them. Plus, the first born is getting to the age where he will figure out why Daddy sneaks out of the house and returns smelling of smoke. This friend is well educated and well read, a bright man. Still, he mentioned concerns about hypnosis, based on misunderstandings about how he would feel and whether he would be safe.

Then I received an email from a reader of this blog, wanting to know how to use self hypnosis to improve her life. Without an understanding first of what hypnosis is and is not, it is hard for me to explain how to use it. So, today I am providing a link to my website. There is a short video my web master and I produced that explains hypnosis better. Please, if you want to learn about hypnosis, watch it, then send me your questions. Perhaps this can create a better understanding for each of my readers and a chance to learn how to make use of this powerful tool in your life.

So, here is the link:

watch video

Enjoy and let me know what questions I can answer for you!

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