
Another Friday has arrived and I am ever so grateful for that! Not that Friday has arrived so much as I was pretty sure it would, but that I survived a grueling week to celebrate it! When under hypnosis, one tends to lose track of time. Hours can occur in minutes and visa versa. Frequently, upon emerging a client I will ask them how long they thought they were under. Often the answer is something to the effect of maybe an hour, when the reality may be only 20 minutes.

This seems to seep over into my every day life. Now, I must be honest, I have always run on ish time. “I’ll meet you for dinner at 6-ish, the party begins at 7:30-ish. Lately however, I tend to believe that I can cram 6 hours of work into 20 minutes. The amazing thing is, somehow it all gets done, in perfect time! Maybe it is because I am always affirming that I have plenty of time for work and play. Maybe it is because I believe in Divine timing, so I know that whatever time things happen in, is the right and perfect time. Maybe, I’m just delusional and my friends and family enjoy watching Debbie World. Who knows?

Either way, I am out of time now. So, enjoy this brief break before the weekend begins:

I have been remiss in posting anything new this week. I might try to convince you that the dog ate my blogwork or my kid brother tore it up. Maybe, I lost it on the way to the post. Whatever, it would all be excuses. Earlier this week I worked with a client who had concerns about her weight. Concerns enough to spend time and money to see me. Apparently not concerned enough to want to do anything real about it. She arrived very late, talked long and created obstacles that would prevent us from achieving the goal of a hypnotic journey. Her choice.

We all have choices to make in life. Everything we do is a result of “reasons” and choices. Our behaviors reward us in some way, at some level. The client choose to sabotage the meeting, for reasons of her own. In the course of our conversation, I could see she needed to hold onto certain “truths” as she saw them. She wasn’t really there to make changes, but rather to prove herself right, to validate her ego and strengthen it’s hold. Ego can separate us from our core selves. Prevent us from becoming our true beings, by keeping us immersed in the chaos of living.

So, all the excuses in the world (as to why I haven’t posted more) will only satisfy me, the creator of the excuses. They don’t help you, the reader. I apologize.

Now, it is Friday and I love silliness. With all of the Presidential campaign talk around the nation, I decided it is time to throw my hat into the ring. Here it is:

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And by the way, my book can be found here:

With increased interest and awareness surrounding hypnosis among the general public, eight professional hypnotists have shared their insights in the newly published book Real World Hypnosis: Insider Tips from Leading Hypnotists. I am pleased to announce that I was invited to participate in this project. My experience working with a rather infamous case of hiccups is what first attracted the attention of the editor to my practice. However, there is more to my practice than hiccups. I explain in the book what lies behind the bodies signals or dis-ease.

The other contributing authors are: Celeste Hackett, Wendy Merron, Robert Dunscomb, Marc Carlin, Deborah Yaffee, Garrett Buttel, and Tobin Slaven. In my profession, that is an impressive line up, I am proud to be counted amongst them.

Editor Steve Roh, owner of Center City Hypnosis in Philadelphia, PA, says that the book is intended to give people a glimpse into the practical application and uses of hypnosis.

Steve says, “Hypnosis is often misunderstood because of sensationalism and melodrama coming out of Hollywood and especially nowadays on the internet. The contributors to this book are working hypnotists with years of experience. I am grateful to Debbie Lane (owner of Wisdom Hypnosis) for having shared her knowledge and expertise in this book.”

Real World Hypnosis is published by Autarch Publishing and available through major online retailers. Further information can be found online at RealWorldHypnosisBook.com.

To purchase this book go here:

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words could even kill me”.

I spend my days working with words. People of every description walk into my office for as many reasons as there are clients. Everyone has a story to share. It is amazing how many every day, normal people carry the burdens of unkind words and taunts from early years. Labels that were applied without any thought, still carried deep within. Bank executives, CEO’s, nurses and laborers all carry words with them that have shaped their lives. It is through re-framing those words that we create powerful change.

That is why I am opposed to labels and words such as the R-word. That is why the pledge is important to me. I stand by my plea to eliminate the use of terms that are hurtful.

I received some interesting comments, many I allowed to post. Obviously, I love it when someone agrees with me, after all, that reinforces the ego. It validates my point. I am also open to discussion. In my household we often agree to disagree. The best conversations held over dinner have been the ones where all four of us have opposing viewpoints.

One comment made me think. I posted it. This individual gave me another perspective to a movie that I was blindly judging, without seeing. My girlfriend calls that, “contempt prior to investigation”. I have been upset at others who judged a book or a movie without first seeing it, here I was doing the same. Therefore, I will investigate further.

What astounded me was the vitriol and crass remarks that I would not allow to post. People presumed to know things about me that even my family wouldn’t try to guess. One comment implied that if we eliminated disparaging words, we would be limited to a vocabulary of only 100 words. (I must admit, my sarcastic side wanted to offer to buy that individual a dictionary.) Another person implied I was trying to think for them. ME? I am a blonde for pity sakes, it is all I can do to think for myself. Then again, many people who misunderstand hypnosis think I can control their thoughts.

If only, then the R-word would be gone and I would finally have my ultimate shoe closet built here at the home of hypnosis!

Here is a quick hypnosis tip for you.

This morning, at 4:00 a.m. I suddenly awoke. The house was still, but my mind was racing. My heart seemed to pound, loudly. I was sure the sound of my heart pounding and my thoughts racing would wake the entire household. I had just been dreaming crazy, nonsensical dreams. My mind trying to sort out all kinds of things, to be sure. I felt an unexplainable fear.

I wandered downstairs to get a glass of water and to prowl. Make sure that all doors are locked. Check. I went to see that my son was safely tucked into bed. Check. Dog sleeping in my home office. Check. Cat sleeping in older son’s room. Check. All was well, yet still I felt uneasy.

I often hear from hypnosis clients and friends about the 4:00 am hour of unrest. I have experienced it in the past as well, it has just been a very long time. It can be a time of revelation, answers and understandings or it can be a time of anxiety and unrest. This time for me, it was unrest. I crept back into bed and began to monitor my feelings. What were the thoughts going through my head? Were any of them issues that I could deal with in that moment? Was I going to effect a change right then? Pretty much, the answer was no. Then I began to think about how big the issues really were. One concern that seemed to loom over me, was something that I began to realize I had dealt with in the past, successfully. So why would it be any different this time? (Also, note to self, this time get the lesson so you don’t need to be awakened by such garbage again!)

Finally, I decided everything could wait for the light of day. I snuggled back down into my sheets and comforter (I know it is summer time, but I am cold with the ceiling fan on!) I focused my thoughts on the lovely day I had just enjoyed at the island with friends. I thought about how blessed I truly am. I began to listen for the sounds of the shore, the birds, the laughter that had been a part of the previous day. I recalled the warmth of the sun (remember, I want to get warm with that darn ceiling fan). I relaxed. I let go, I drifted off to sleep.

This morning I awoke to my husband’s morning greeting of a cup of coffee, prepared just the way I like it. Life is good. I am strong. Issues will be resolved or dealt with. Tonight I plan on sleeping like a baby.

Whenever I meet someone new and they ask what I “do”, I tell them I am a hypnotist. You can imagine the responses that brings. There are those who are truly interested and ask lots of questions about hypnosis. There are those who dismiss me instantly, for a variety of reasons. Hopefully, my breath is not one of them!

There are those who instantly avert their eyes in fear. As if looking into my eyes had that much power. My goodness, if I were that all powerful, my sons would clean up their bedrooms and the toilet seat would always be down! (Especially in the middle of the night, thank you!) I am asked if I can make a partner change a behavior or habit. No, I cannot make anyone do anything, again if I could, that shoe shrine would exist in my house.

Often a nervous first time visitor to my office will joke and ask if they will leave clucking like a chicken. I very sincerely explain that I charge extra for that. In life, I believe, you have to have a sense of humor about yourself. As a blonde, a hypnotist and a mother of two sons, it is a survival tactic.

So today, I post jokes about hypnosis. I know many of my readers are jokers as well. So I am asking you to share the jokes and reactions with me that you have always wanted to share. I just ask that you keep it clean, my dear Mumsy reads this!

A woman phoned the hypnotist’s office a week after her husband had visited with her. She was concerned that her husband could not remember anything about his visit. “What did you so to him?”

The hypnotist reassured the woman that temporary memory loss of the session was not abnormal and that they had worked on his sadness, as he had already shared with the wife. “I told him while he was under that he would be better and better every day, better and better every way. It is simple enough and I often use direct, positive suggestions like this. Why?”

The wife responded with, “Did you know he was a slightly deaf?” “Yes,” responded the hypnotist, “that wasn’t his reason for sadness.” The wife then responded, “But it does explain his new problem! Since his visit to your office he has lost a ton of money betting every day in every way!”
OK, not so funny, but a start.

A local preacher was dissatisfied with the small amount in the collection plates each Sunday. A hypnotist suggested to him that perhaps he might be able to hypnotize the congregation
into giving more. “And just how would I go about doing that?” he asked.

“It is very simple. First you turn up the air conditioner so that the auditorium is warmer than usual. Then you preach in a monotone. Meanwhile, you dangle a watch on a chain and swing it in a slow arc above the lectern and suggest they put 20 dollars in the collection plate.”

So the very next Sunday, the reverend did as suggested, and lo and behold the plates were full of 20 dollar bills. Now, the preacher did not want to take advantage of this technique each and every Sunday. So therefore, he waited for a couple of weeks and then tried his mass hypnosis again.

Just as the last of the congregation was becoming mesmerized, the chain on the watch broke and the watch hit the lectern with a loud thud and springs and parts flew everywhere.

“CRAP!” exclaimed the pastor.

It took them a week to clean up the church.
Hey, I’m a hypnotist, not a joke teller.

Worried about their less than exciting sex life, a young wife sent her husband to a therapist who wound up treating him with self-hypnosis. And, to her joy, everything got much better. However, she could not help but notice that each night, early into their lovemaking, the husband would dash out to the bathroom for several minutes. This tormented her until finally, one night, she followed him. There, in front of the mirror, she found him applying this therapeutic technique: “She’s not my wife… She’s not my wife…She’s not my wife…”
Your turn!

I think I would like to try hypnosis to help me stop biting my nails. I have eaten my nails, chewed them down to the fingers and it is embarrassing. I feel crazy, because I just can’t stop! Will hypnosis help?

First of all, you are not crazy! Neither are you weak or helpless, even though at times it may feel that way. You are simply a person who happens to have a problem with nail biting. Hypnosis is one of the most common reasons a person will visit my office, after weight management and smoke cessation. The fingers are easily available , so it becomes a matter of habit and ease. Mindlessly an individual will place their hands in their mouth and start chewing away.

The nail biter is aware of the dirt and germs on their hands and under any existing nails and the possibilities of infection. They are embarrassed already having to reach out for a hand shake. So, well meaning friends and family aren’t helping by nagging, anymore than nagging will stop a smoker. In fact, it often leads to more of the same behavior.

Biting usually occurs when the biter is in one of two modes, either an automatic, “mindless” state or else when involved in another activity such as watching the television or at the computer. It seems to be an urge, that allows for a sense of relaxation or else it relieves boredom. Either way, through hypnosis you can “unlearn” the habit of nail biting and find healthy ways of handling the triggers (anything that is a stimulus) that set one to biting in the first place.

So, we work on creating a sense of calm that you can re-create anytime you desire. Next, we work on making you aware of when the urge strikes, so that you are conscious of the habit. Finally, we give you alternative activities to do that will give you a sense of calm or relieve boredom, whichever you find yourself feeling at the moment.

Hi Debbie.

Congrats on another satisfied client. Are the tapes the client is referring to subliminal tapes? If not, I’d be curious to know what your “take” is on this type of device?

subliminal: adjective

existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.

In 1957, marketing researcher James Vicary reported significant increases in Coke and popcorn sales after flashing directives to “Drink Coke” and “Eat Popcorn” during a movie. Although Vicary never actually published these findings, his reports created a frenzy of consumer concern and government legislation aimed at stopping these forms of seemingly insidious mind control. There was, however, one significant and often unknown problem with Vicary’s study — it was all a hoax. Years later, Vicary himself admitted this scam was simply an attempt to save his dying advertising agency. Efforts to replicate the results of Vicary’s reports have never resulted in success.

The January 1991 issue of the University of California, Berkeley, Wellness Letter refers to “the complete lack of any scientific evidence that such messages can alter human behavior. Nevertheless, one survey shows that 68 percent of the public believes in subliminal tapes, which are now a $50-million-a-year business.” The article further states, “double blind tests have consistently shown that these products [subliminal tapes] fail to produce their claimed effects.”

Now there are many who today who still tout the use of subliminal(s) in their products, including hypnosis products. If the consumer believes them to be of value, then at some level they are. After all, the placebo effect is a valid part of healing. I, personally do not use them, nor do I recommend them to my clients. If subliminal(s) have any effect on the brain (some research has shown it can be detected with brain scanners) the effect is negated if the brain is busy. Bahador Bahrami, a neuroscientist at University College London, found a way to get around subliminal messages, showing that the brain’s susceptibility to those messages alters as it works harder. “If the brain is busy … it can filter out those subliminal things,” said Dr Bahrami, whose research is published today in Current Science. Well, most often, a client wants to play subliminal audios in the back ground while performing other tasks.

Another question I have is about playing these audios or even mine while you sleep, to help you improve learning, create changes, etc. Hypnosis is not sleep. Therefore, if I allow a client to fall asleep in the office, they are not getting the full benefit of our session. Exceptions are made when I know that a few moments of sleep and then awakening a client will help them better be able to focus. I have clients who have been so relaxed they thought they were asleep, but I knew better, they were simply relaxed, the conscious mnd will wander and drift while the subconscious mind hears everything I say. (I tell my clients I am not that nice, I don’t let you sleep!)

The last brainwave prior to sleep is a hypnotic brainwave, so I don’t object to falling asleep at night to one of my audios. After all, you may be awake longer than you realize and either way, the last words you heard as you drifted off to sleep were words of empowerment! It is just that I want my clients to understand, once you are asleep, the benefits of what I am saying are lost until another time.

My husbands jokes that people around the world sleep with his wife at night, but he knows where she is. The truth is, many people have bought audios from me to help them with a variety of issues and yes, they may fall asleep to them. In fact, my sleeping audios encourage that! The real work is done just before that final moment of wakefulness, as you go deep, deep into a pleasant, restful sleep.

This is primarily for other bloggers who are members of Entrecard. If you aren’t, you reallly might want to consider it. It has been a great community for me, a newbie at blogging.

Anyway, one of the first people to step up and help me understand “the system” was Stan of Fantasy Baseball. He is a genuine guy, although he loves to act tough and will often tease others in the Ecard community. He has been my hero for awhile. I know of another he gave moral support to, when the kid needed it as well.

Well, Stan decided to have a contest and because it was Stan, I agreed to be one of the sponsors. So here goes, this is a list of the sponsors and prizes. One of the rules of the game, I am to list the prize I most want. I think I would like to be on the Diet Pulpit banner, myself.

By the way, I am not listed by my blog name, unlike every other blogger here. No, Stan just calls me The Hypnotist. There are other Ecard Hypnosis blogs, but to him I am The Hynotist. That’s ok, he actually called me sweet once in the forums too, shows what he knows. right?


Fantasy Baseball – 10,000ec — You can trade in 10,000ec for, like, Graham’s car or something.
Q3-n – 5000ec — Q3-n is selling their 1950s dinette furniture to finance this contest. They say, “You’re welcome.”
Øblog – 4000ec — Wow! 4000ec is going for like $30 on the Entrecard market. Thanks, Weird Oh.
Evil Woobie – 3000ec — Hey, maybe she’s not so evil after all! Or is she? You make the call!
Turnip of Power – 1001ec — He was going to go with 1000 then he found an extra credit in his couch. Thanks, Turnip!
Celebrity Pictures – 1000ec — Credits were acquired through legal means. Supposedly.
Evil Entrecard Kid! – 1000ec — Entrecard trivia: Evil Woobie and Evil Entrecard Kid are not related. Yet.
Modern Glam – 1000ec — With the 1000ec, perhaps you’ll buy an imaginary 1000ec pashmina and hang it around your virtual neck.
Dot Com Mogul – 1000ec — With this 1000ec, you might be able to buy back Q3-n’s dinette furniture.
Blabberwocky – 1000ec — It’s a play on Jabberwocky.
Looking For Scoop – 1000ec — Nothing says “I can buy one popular ad” like 1000ec.
Eyespi20.com – 1000ec — And she’ll teach you how she does that weird signature thing. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, look at her site.
Travelin’ Show – 1000ec — Message from the year 2012: Macy’s is now taking credits and a 1000 gets you one earring.
The Hypnotist – 1000ec — She will put you under a spell. Recognize!
Diet Pulpit – 1000ec — You can buy a lot of imaginary rice cakes with 1000ec. Side note, imaginary rice cakes taste better than real ones.
The Realtor – 500ec — You want insight. Listen to her write. It’s like magic beans growing in the backyard of your brain.
Romelo – 500ec — Romelo, Romelo, wherefore art thou 500ec?
WebATBP.com – 500ec — With gas prices soaring, it won’t be too long before 500ec goes for 501ec.
Inspire Emotion – 500ec — Almost pay for your favorite 512ec ad!
Sue Doe-Nim – 500ec — She’ll probably give you the credits then mock you for wanting them. That’s right — bonus!
Thailand Land of Smiles – 500ec — Actually, that’s 500 smiles.
FitnessLifeClub – 500ec — You’ll have to promise not to blow these credits on any fattening foods.
Lisa Cooking – 500ec — Surprise the whole family with 500 Entrecard credits.
JunkieYard Dot Com – 500ec — If you put these credits in a 401K, in 45 years you’ll have enough credits for a free e-card.
Movie Reviews – 500ec — You can’t buy a movie ticket with Entrecard credits. Yet. (Graham twirls his mustache. Contemplating world domination.)


Aerten Art – She’s donating a painting. Seriously. Go look at her site and tell me you wouldn’t want a painting. Now. We’ll wait.
ImpNERD – 125×125 ad for a month — Let’s see, ImpNERD usually sells advertising for 256ec/day. You get this for a month. Um, yeah, you want this.
PoemsofQuotes – A cheesy poem about the winner’s topic — Win this and then ask them to rhyme something with, “Orange.”
Eyespi20.com – A custom made 125×125 card. Some of you need this. You know who you are.
Diet Pulpit – One week ad spot right below the banner and a personal greeting from Lady Rose saying, “Congratulations!”
JunkieYard Dot Com – Three blogroll links. Okay, the thing is, you can’t just get these. They’re prizes only won here.
The Hypnotist – A Hypnotic Audio – I don’t think this will simply be trance music. I could be wrong.

Yes, it is an actual hypnosis audio, not just music!

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