World Hypnotism Day

OK, so I need to do some self hypnosis to be sure I am more efficient when posting notices. New goal for 2010.

Anyway, the talk and free session I will be giving is on
Sunday, January 03, 2010 at 12 noon.
It will be held at Oak Trail Books, 1219 Florida Avenue, Old Downtown Palm Harbor.

Oak Trail Books Phone number is (727) 785-1960.

Also, this will be my first talk of the new year and the new decade. Can you believe it? A whole new decade.

Blessings to one and all for 2010. Happy New Year!

I will be giving away health and happiness – free of charge – in celebration of the 6th Annual World Hypnotism Day. World Hypnotism Day is the day when hypnotists from over 20 countries around the world strive to inform the public about the benefits of hypnosis. It is my plan to motivate and inspire anyone who attends away from stinking thinking and towards a successful mindset.

This event will include a group hypnosis exercise, during which I will hypnotize people to eliminate stress, stick to their resolutions and accomplish their goals. 2009 was an extremely stressful year for many and this is a chance to make 2010 much better! I want you to learn how to reprogram your mind, to create a healthy mind set and eliminate feelings of overwhelm and fear.

This event is a free gift from me and Oak Trail Books to anyone who would like to experience a deep trance.

Last Saturday I was scheduled to give a 2 hour talk on making your mind recession proof. This was a free talk I was giving in honor of World Hypnotism Day. It was held at Oak Trail Books, a lovely book store that hosts this event annually for me.

Press releases were sent out in advance and the result was amazing. I am still receiving calls from folks who saw articles written about the event in newspapers and periodicals I was unaware of. Our local CBS affiliate had me on in the morning show, at 5:45 a.m. and 6:45a.m.! (That was a testimony to my dedication to hypnosis, trust me. I drove an hour to be there, getting me out of bed at 3:20 a.m. I believe my son was just going to bed as I was waking up.) The interviews were fun, I was given the opportunity to put two different producers into trance, live on the air.

The phone at the store rang off the hook. There were so many people calling to say they would attend, we decided to break the hour into two one hour segments. That way, more could attend comfortably, we figured. The building was filled to capacity. The second event, we moved outside to a lovely garden area the store has, it was full. I ended up giving a third talk on Sunday, so those who could not fit into the first two were able to attend.

At the end of each talk, I did a short hypnotic journey. Reminding people of times they felt happy, safe and content. I asked that they make the memory as real as possible, recalling familiar smells, sounds and images. We intensified the memory as if we were creating a movie in our minds. When the moment of contentment arrived, we placed our index finger and thumb together to make a physical anchor for that moment. Breathing it in and feeling our contentment, we felt our fingers. We repeated this process 3 times. Now, the simple memory of that moment, touching the fingers together and a deep breath will help us handle any situation life may hand us with calm grace.

For me, the pleasure was seeing so many people walk away with some new idea that they could use in their own life to better their thoughts. I tried to fit as much into each hour as I could. Perhaps my favorite suggestion for one and all is to look up. That’s right, look up. You see, when we look up as we discuss a concern, the emotion drains and we can get into fact finding and solution creating. Think about it this way, when we pray, we look up to the heavens. When we feel optimistic we say, “things are looking up”. Where does a person who is depressed look?

So my friends, look up! Speak your concerns while looking up, then breathe deep and close your eyes. Allow your eyes to relax and begin to imagine a future moment where the concern is behind you. You are now looking ahead, fear is behind you. Breathe into that moment, that solution and realize that fear only exists in your thoughts.

Time for the fifth annual celebration of World Hypnotism Day. Tomorrow, January 4th is the official day, however, my event is being held today. As I have traditionally done in the past, I am holding my event at Oak Trail Books. We will be addressing how to Recession Proof Your Mind.

This event is a great chance for the world to see how safe, natural and life improving the practice of regular self-hypnosis is. It is amazing how our bodies are built to help us, if we just pay attention. Deep breathing, helps us to relax, think clearly and even lower our blood pressure. Exercise releases endorphins, those feel good chemicals. Visualization sets the mind on the road to success.

I must keep this short, as I am off to Oak Trail Books. Here are some links to interviews I did on television (local CBS affiliate, 10Connects) This was fun, I was asked to put two different producers under on the air! The St. Petersburg Times reporter wrote a lovely article as well.

If you are local, please stop by, this promises to be a fun event. if not, check out for an event near you.

I went to bed last night with visions of hypnotherapy dancing in my head! I awoke brighter and sharper than I can ever remember. Finally, my favorite day of the year is here, World Hypnotism Day. My husband laughed at me while I danced about the bedroom, getting dressed and singing. When I went to my trusted (at times beloved) computer, I even had e-cards and messages wishing me a Happy World Hypnotism Day!

Off to a breakfast meeting, where I stood up to introduce my self and started dancing around again! I had stopped by a news stand and picked up a copy of the TBT ( a paper published by the St Petersburg Times and there on page 47 was a full page article and even a picture of a session I had done a few days prior with the journalist. I beamed as I shared it with the other attendees.

After the meeting, back at my office, a reporter from the local CBS affiliate met me with his camera man along for the fun. A client of mine willingly spoke about her experiences with hypnosis and the reporter asked her if she would go under right then. She agreed and we had a blast! She wanted to work on getting the right and perfect agent for her new book Spiritual Geography. (Her first book, Writing Down The Soul, is about to go to press with Conari Press.) She went into trance and did the work. When she emerged, she was so thrilled, she was fighting tears, she saw the contract, felt the pen and knew it is a reality. (I will post the link to the interview as soon as it is up.) The reporter and I discussed and dispelled common hypnosis myths.

Tonight I speak at Up Hypnosis Institute with several of my colleagues. My talk is on Love Potion Number 9, a fun workshop I give around the end of January each year. Tomorrow I speak at Oak Trail Books on Creating Wealth in 2008. All day I have the opportunity to share hypnosis with everyone I meet. How lucky am I?

I have a wonderful client who has had a dream for some time. Hers has been a dream of stepping outside the box, combining her knowledge of medicine and other healing modalities and her creative nature to birth a new business. She is by “day” a very serious, very accomplished nurse. Her creative side included seeing through the eyes of a lense into the healing power of nature. She has used the power of hypnosis and her subconsiocus to realize this dream.

When I first met with her, this business was only a dream. In fact, when I first met her, she was almost afraid to speak this dream. Since then, she has visualized her desires. She has spoken those desires. Her thoughts have become things and she has taken action. How powerful in the Law Of Attraction it is to take action, yet how seldom that is mentioned.

Well, this incredible woman has taken action. I am pleased and proud to link to her site, Divine Moments Captured. She gives the glory to God, she see’s the beauty in His creation and her ability to capture it has mesmerized my most critical artistic friends. Please, stop and take a moment to visit: Divine Moments Captured

I must add, the genius behind her website is the same genius behind mine. I guess there a times when I just feel blessed! She has promised to attend my World Hypnotism day seminar at Oak Trail Books, if you want to meet this incredible person! (I hope that was okay to share, Cindy!)

I am like a kid on Christmas Eve, I am so excited. The biggest celebration of hypnosis is about to take place. January 04 is World Hypnotism Day. It was created by Tom Nicoli, to promote a better understanding of hypnosis. This will be the fourth annual day of events. Hypnotists world wide are giving seminars, lectures and offering all kinds of events to help raise awareness of just what it is we do.

I am going to be speaking on creating a wealthy mind set at Oak Trail Books , in Palm Harbor, Florida. It is a free seminar, during which I will be using hypnosis with individuals and the entire group. I plan on making it fun, using a touch of humor and adding a dash of sincere business! If you are local please, join me. Imagine making changes in your life that create the beginnings of something great for the rest of your life!

For those who are not local, do not fret! There are events going on world wide. If you go tot he official website, you can check out your neighborhood to find out what is available for you.

The official website is:

Happy Hypnosis Everyone!