It has been said over and over that stress causes us to hold onto extra weight. Whether it is the result of emotional over eating, elevated cortisol which causes our metabolism to slow down while our appetite doesn’t, it makes the battle for weight management a real battle. Stress also affects our aging processes. In adults, telemeres shorten with age, this stress-related shortening of the telemeres correlates with aging, corresponding to 9-17 years.
It seems as thought every day I am hearing from clients, friends and even strangers in the gorcery stores how stressed they are. There are many factors that produce these feelings prevelant in our daily lives. The price of food, housing and gasoline contiues to rise. Jobs are threatened in many industries. The media cries out the woes of our times continually. On and on it seems to go.
I cannot solve the issues that many of us our plagued with. I wish I could. What I can do, is listen when friend needs to be heard. I can share a smile or a laugh with a stranger. I can keep myself in order, the best ways I know how.
For me, keeping in order includes daily exercise. I enjoy the clearing of my head that exercise creates, the release of endorphins and the muscle fatigue that leads to peace after a good work out. Yesterday, I rode my bike along a nearby beach causeway. I rode hard against the wind and enjoyed the freedom when the wind was at my back. I pushed myself a little harder, with the intent of stretching myself.
Another way I keep myself together is to use neurolingusitic programing on myself. I noticed the thoughts I had and created ways to turn them into positive affirmations or desires. I became an observer. My husband commented on how I seemed to see so much on our ride. I noticed a tiny little snake, a baby who crossed our paths and a rabbit who peared out from the bushes along the trail. I saw a couple linked in a romantic embrace, back from a ride on their kayaks. I watched a sailboat pick up speed and almost seem to fly.
All of those moments reminded me how rich my life is. I live in an amazing paradise, filled with opportunities to smile, relax and enjoy. I can continue a treadmill pace to keep up with all that life will throw at me, or I can take a moment and enjoy what life has waiting for me in it’s treasure trove.
I use my self hypnosis to relax and visualize the life I desire. My life may have stepping stones along the way, I don’t know of a life that doesn’t. I am happy that I have been given the tools I have to create my life. I enjoy when I can share those with others.