
I can’t help but hear the Donna Summers song ringing in the back of my head:

They said it on the air
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh
On the radio
Whoa oh oh oh
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh
On the radio
Whoa, oh, oh

I got a call from a top radio station in my area, they’ve asked me to hypnotize the local morning DJ’s this Thursday! Just for fun, although one of them has a goal in mind for helping his life. Perhaps I can teach the listening audience how to reduce stress. It is the station my son listens to and he will be home from school as he has no exams that day. Knowing he will be listening is more pressure than any other audience member!

I plan on keeping it clean, yet creating fun. (After all, my mother lives nearby, don’t want to mortify her too much!) I’ll let you know how it goes! It will air on Thursday, January 17th from 8:00am until 9 am, at least that is what they tell me…….

Perhaps you will want to listen in and understand the trials and tribulations of my son(s) better. (Any letters of sympathy can be sent to: [email protected] and I will be sure to forward them).

Perhaps you are a supporter of mothers who dreamt of better things for their daughters and will want to listen in and tell Mumsy there is still hope. (You can write to the same address, those will also be forwarded.)

Maybe, just maybe, you are actually interested in hearing the fun and frivolity we hope to create.

Whatever the motivation, join us at:
click on the on air broadcast and you will be able to join in the fun!

Hypnosis may seem magical, but it isn’t magic. Hypnosis is a marvelous tool to use to reach goals, make changes and allow dreams to become realities. That being said, action is still a part of success. (Law Of Attraction) Weight management is a perfect example. Through hypnosis, you may become better about food choices, portion sizes and stopping snacking at night. We can increase your desire to exercise. It is up to you to take responsibility for following through after our session.

I explain all of this by way of sending a huge shout out to a client I will call Ms. E! She has followed through with every suggestion, remaining diligent and has slowly seen progress. She is no where near her goal, yet. She has had physical challenges that are beyond the pale. Still, she hasn’t given up, she just fights harder. Her attitude is positive and determined. In my eyes, she is a star!

Ms. E, you know who you are, I stand in awe of you.

Tom has proven to be a true professional in hypnosis. When I came across this post, I wanted to share part of why I have admired him so much. He has helped me many times in my own practice.

Tom, hats off to you!

Hypnotist Tom Nicoli (the man behind World hypnotism Day) answers Ellie’s 10 questions.

read more | digg story

Don’t want to be told what to do? Afraid of losing control but still have an urge to try hypnosis? Permissive hypnosis may be the answer.

read more | digg story

As I previously mentioned, a CBS affiliate came to my office today to interview me. I had a client in the office and wow! She had so many great things to say, which was a great thrill as I was in an outer office while she was interviewed. They taped us doing a session together as well. Here is the video link: January 4th is World Hypnotism Day


I went to bed last night with visions of hypnotherapy dancing in my head! I awoke brighter and sharper than I can ever remember. Finally, my favorite day of the year is here, World Hypnotism Day. My husband laughed at me while I danced about the bedroom, getting dressed and singing. When I went to my trusted (at times beloved) computer, I even had e-cards and messages wishing me a Happy World Hypnotism Day!

Off to a breakfast meeting, where I stood up to introduce my self and started dancing around again! I had stopped by a news stand and picked up a copy of the TBT ( a paper published by the St Petersburg Times and there on page 47 was a full page article and even a picture of a session I had done a few days prior with the journalist. I beamed as I shared it with the other attendees.

After the meeting, back at my office, a reporter from the local CBS affiliate met me with his camera man along for the fun. A client of mine willingly spoke about her experiences with hypnosis and the reporter asked her if she would go under right then. She agreed and we had a blast! She wanted to work on getting the right and perfect agent for her new book Spiritual Geography. (Her first book, Writing Down The Soul, is about to go to press with Conari Press.) She went into trance and did the work. When she emerged, she was so thrilled, she was fighting tears, she saw the contract, felt the pen and knew it is a reality. (I will post the link to the interview as soon as it is up.) The reporter and I discussed and dispelled common hypnosis myths.

Tonight I speak at Up Hypnosis Institute with several of my colleagues. My talk is on Love Potion Number 9, a fun workshop I give around the end of January each year. Tomorrow I speak at Oak Trail Books on Creating Wealth in 2008. All day I have the opportunity to share hypnosis with everyone I meet. How lucky am I?

I have a wonderful client who has had a dream for some time. Hers has been a dream of stepping outside the box, combining her knowledge of medicine and other healing modalities and her creative nature to birth a new business. She is by “day” a very serious, very accomplished nurse. Her creative side included seeing through the eyes of a lense into the healing power of nature. She has used the power of hypnosis and her subconsiocus to realize this dream.

When I first met with her, this business was only a dream. In fact, when I first met her, she was almost afraid to speak this dream. Since then, she has visualized her desires. She has spoken those desires. Her thoughts have become things and she has taken action. How powerful in the Law Of Attraction it is to take action, yet how seldom that is mentioned.

Well, this incredible woman has taken action. I am pleased and proud to link to her site, Divine Moments Captured. She gives the glory to God, she see’s the beauty in His creation and her ability to capture it has mesmerized my most critical artistic friends. Please, stop and take a moment to visit: Divine Moments Captured

I must add, the genius behind her website is the same genius behind mine. I guess there a times when I just feel blessed! She has promised to attend my World Hypnotism day seminar at Oak Trail Books, if you want to meet this incredible person! (I hope that was okay to share, Cindy!)

I was asked 10 questions by Ellie Blunt, The Transparent Hypnotist. She writes a blog, primarily for my colleagues, although others may be known to enjoy it. Anyway, here is the link to her questions and my answers, please feel free to stop back and comment!

The Transparent Hypnotist

I am like a kid on Christmas Eve, I am so excited. The biggest celebration of hypnosis is about to take place. January 04 is World Hypnotism Day. It was created by Tom Nicoli, to promote a better understanding of hypnosis. This will be the fourth annual day of events. Hypnotists world wide are giving seminars, lectures and offering all kinds of events to help raise awareness of just what it is we do.

I am going to be speaking on creating a wealthy mind set at Oak Trail Books , in Palm Harbor, Florida. It is a free seminar, during which I will be using hypnosis with individuals and the entire group. I plan on making it fun, using a touch of humor and adding a dash of sincere business! If you are local please, join me. Imagine making changes in your life that create the beginnings of something great for the rest of your life!

For those who are not local, do not fret! There are events going on world wide. If you go tot he official website, you can check out your neighborhood to find out what is available for you.

The official website is:

Happy Hypnosis Everyone!

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