
One of the best parts about going to the International Association of Counselors and Therapists convention was connecting names and faces. There are many of my colleagues whom I admire. Perhaps it is a posting of theirs I have read on a message board or maybe an article they have published. It is always someone who is dedicated to helping create a better understanding of hypnosis. I was able to sit in classes with some of these magnificent individuals. Then, there were those I just met in the hallways or during an event.

Seth Deborah Roth is one such individual. She is a registered nurse who has worked in oncology nursing and later became a Nurse Anesthetist . She became aware of hypnosis during her training in anesthesia. She is married to a physician. Her hypnosis training has specialized in various forms of medical hypnosis. She stated to me when we chatted, how she is a logical, analytical type individual. That is part of what I admire about her.

Meeting Seth Deborah was wonderful. She is a lady in every sense of the word. I only regret I did not have more time to spend with her. Therefore, I wanted to share her blog with you. It is excellent, she is always up to date on the latest in medical hypnosis. Perhaps you have had a question about how hypnosis is applied to these matters. Take a moment and enjoy her blog. I sure do!

I have made an online friend with the adorable Rachel of The Baked Blogger. Rachel blogs about her baking, her family and life in general. Whether or not we agree, she is as sweet as the recipes she shares.

Unfortunately, Rachel tagged me with yet another of those meme games. I swore I would never do another, so I guess my swearing doesn’t mean much at this moment. Let this serve as a warning, however, to any and all others, I will not participate ever again!

In this particular game, I am expected to list 7 facts about myself that make me useful? What, like a cup or a monkey wrench? That is a tough one for me. Maybe if I compare myself to useful items in my life I will be able to come up with seven things.

1. A cup: you fill a cup with a liquid to hold it as you drink from it as needed. I am willing to be filled with your thoughts and dreams prior to a hypnosis session, then you slowly will drain back as needed. (Ugh, already this is sounding corny.)

2. A shoe: shoes provide protection for your feet as you walk on your journey, as well as often building your self esteem and identity. Hopefully, I provide a safe space for you on your journey, while you begin to become aware of your value and uniqueness.

3. A watch: watches keep you aware of the passing of time. It is my goal to help you enjoy the moments as they pass, noticing the joys in each one.

4. A cell phone: a way to communicate with others, no matter where you are or they are. It is my hope that through our sessions, you improve the internal dialogue you have, thus improving your interactions with everyone you encounter.

5. A hacky sack: no, I am not the universal hacky sack for everyone to kick and toss. However, when you play with a hacky sack, often you release energy and develop coordination, through focus. I allow people to vent and release, then help them become more focused on achieving their goals, leaving the mundane garbage behind.

6. A pen: pens are used to journal, to sign documents, to leave a mark behind. In hypnosis you are able to go into a brain wave pattern that allows for creative thought and answers. If you follow a hypnosis session with journaling, amazing stuff ends up on the page! Stuff that may help you create your signature or mark!

7. The delete key: Imagine taking old beliefs about yourself that limited you in some way and just plain hitting delete. That is what often occurs in a hypnosis session.

Ok, I played along. I am not sure this was exactly what Rachel meant, not what you, my loyal friends hoped to find here today. It is what it is. Next blog, back to hypnotic thoughts.

Last Friday, my friend Mark Byrne (the Balloon Guy) loaned me a book he felt I might enjoy. I enjoy books, that is not a secret. I read voraciously, I love to read. However, I have books everywhere. I have a book on my nightstand that I am in the midst of, I have a book in my office I am part way through, I have another book where we watch television to read (just in case my husband puts sports, other than hockey on). I have a book in my car, you never know when you might get stuck somewhere and want to pass the time. So, really, another book to read? What is more, this book was a loan.

Loaners carry a few understood requirements with them. Number one, the book must be returned in good condition. (Especially one like this that was signed by the author.) The book must be returned in a timely fashion. Finally, the person who loans the book will expect an honest reaction t0 the book, so it must be read! Tomorrow morning, I see Mark again. Tomorrow morning I will return the book. At this moment, providing an unforeseen act of God or my dog, the book is in good condition. So, timely and good conditions are met.

I have to be honest, I was not sure how number three was going to go for me. Mark was so enthusiastic about the book and the author. I tend to be a bit more jaded in my views, I wasn’t sure I was going to agree. It is a self help/motivational book, as if I haven’t read a million of those in my line of work. The title didn’t grab me (my apologies to the author.)

When I return the book will I have a review to share with Mark? Did I complete the book? Will he like what I have to say about the book? Yes, yes and yes! I picked the book up on Saturday, read it straight through, finishing it Saturday night. I loved the book, have reviewed parts of it again through out the week and plan on ordering my own copy, as well as the companion “tools” that the author has created to go with the book.

I have delayed telling you the name and author long enough. The book is Live A Thousand Years and the author is Giovanni Livera. Livera managed to weave a tale that captivates the imagination while reminding you of the importance of measuring your life by moments and experiences rather than by clocks and calendars.

I often remind my clients while under hypnosis that time is a gift that only we can give ourselves. Often we squander time on unnecessary details or give away our time, leaving ourselves overwhelmed. In hypnosis, the concept of time becomes distorted. Many times a client will believe they have been with me for 10 minutes when it has actually been closer to two hours! This book reads that easily. I was truly mesmerized.

Give yourself the gift of time and the pleasure of the wisdom that Giovanni Livera has to share. Read his book, Live A Thousand Years and be ready to be inspired to make changes in your life.

No Excuses

Written by:

I often tell my sons, excuses only please the one who is making them. When we don’t live up to our responsibilities, it is time to take inventory of ourselves and figure out why. Are the expectations more than we are capable of or are we choosing to let life’s circumstances control us? Is it time, perhaps to re-group, reorganize or rethink our priorities?

This has been the case with me. I can give you a list as long as you like as to why I allowed myself to fall off the wagon when it comes to managing my weight and my health. The truth is, I did not treat myself and my body with the love and respect I deserve. I choose to let life get in the way. So, I am done with excuses and reasons. Only a few days into my resolve, I am already feeling better.

I have been juicing again, oh how I love fresh carrot, celery and whatever veggies I have on hand in a juice. I really do like the taste! (My youngest son thinks I am a bit daft for that, but he is a teenager.) I am following through with lots of water, slow eating and stopping when I am full. My body is responding with a very clear thank you! I am feeling more energetic, sleeping more soundly and even my clothes are more forgiving!

I am using my own audios to enhance my resolve. I enjoy the power that hypnosis gives me. What an awesome gift it is. I am motivating myself with self hypnosis to get out and move. It is feeling so much better to respect myself. Seems others respect me more when I do this as well. Isn’t it funny how that happens?

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day here in Florida. Chamber of Commerce weather, even. So, my husband and I decided to take advantage of that and rode our bikes up to Innisbrook to lay by the pool. The ride was more difficult than I remembered. I wore a one piece swimsuit, poolside, black. I made sure our chairs were right next to the pregnant woman. All the signs were there, I was feeling uncomfortable.

Yes, I eat healthy foods. I eat slowly, placing the fork down between bites. I stop eating when my body signals it is full, not stuffed. I drink lots of water. Most of the time. Lately, not so much and now I was aware of that. It is time to get back to feeling as healthy and lean as possible. I feel better when I am following proper eating and exercise guidelines. I know that. Yet, I let it slide.

One recent morning I was out walking when a neighbor stopped me. He asked,”Why do you walk, aren’t you a hypnotist? I thought you would just imagine the weight away!” He was serious. If only it were that easy. Yes, hypnosis is a weight management tool in my arsenal, however, I follow the same guidelines I give my clients. Lately, I guess I thought I could get away without doing so and it has shown up on the hips!

So, I am listening to my audios again, reinforcing good habits. I am remembering to focus on health and being committed to myself, rather than on fat and loss. I forgive myself for past mistakes, moving forward, towards good health. I can’t change yesterday, I can only start from where I am right now.

Because of this awareness, I have decided to make it easier for anyone else who wants to make changes as the summer is approaching. I am offering my Lean, Healthy You audio at the discounted rate of $17.00. That is a savings of $6.77! This is available at my website for a limited time.

Join me, begin taking steps towards a healthier, happier you. When you begin your quest, drop me a note and let me know how you are progressing. We can share our victories and even our challenges. Let’s make this the summer of a Lean Healthy You!

I belong to a networking group that meets on Fridays. Each meeting, we stand up and introduce ourselves. Each week, three different businesses share a short (5 minute) talk about what the business is about. To better know about the businesses, we are encouraged to make appointments with one another for a brief personal meeting. It is a wonderful group of people, many different professions are involved and all the participants seem to be of a very high caliber.

The Friday before this last one, a woman (I will call her Brenda) stood up to share about her business. She suffered from the single most common phobia, fear of public speaking. It is said to affect as much as 75% of the population. Public speaking is also considered one of the most valuable skills a person can have in business. Well, Brenda was unable to get through the entire 5 minutes of speaking time. She shook visibly and was near tears several times. What was amazing, was that through all of that, she had a tremendous and powerful story to tell. Her business is her passion and her goal is to benefit special needs individuals. Brenda touched my heart.

It was announced at the end of that meeting who the next week speakers were to be. I was one of the speakers. How fortuitous! Some days life just hands you solutions without even having to look. I called Brenda and she agreed to meet with me in exchange for my speech time. We met in my office and had an incredible session regarding public speaking. Brenda was open and receptive to the idea of overcoming her fear. Brenda is bright and charming. We worked together for a few hours. That’s it. One hypnosis session, we recorded. She had one opportunity to listen to the session again before Friday. Brenda left my office saying she felt self empowered.

I arrived on Friday, with great anticipation. How exciting for Brenda to be able to share everything she had told me about her dreams and goals with this group. I just knew when they heard all she hoped to do, they would love her as much as I now did. When I stood up to introduce myself, I did it using sign language as well as speaking. This was to support her upcoming talk. People weren’t sure why, but I tend to go against the norm in that group, so they played along.

I was announced as the first speaker. Brenda stood up, went into the center of the room and asked a powerful question. There were immediate responses. She played with the crowd, creating word pictures and spinning her tale. The group was mesmerized! (She was hypnotic!) Brenda went around the room, making eye contact and drawing everyone in. There was no back ground chatter, she had taken control of this crowd. When she finished her talk, the room burst into applause, giving her a standing ovation. Tears of pride and joy streamed down my face. Brenda had delivered her message and it was received. Imagine the difference for Brenda now that she has this level of confidence making her presentations for her business. Now, that she has the power to make a difference.

I was on a different plain for the rest of the day. It helped to create a great start to my weekend. Now, as I sit here this morning, I wonder, how many opportunities I will be offered this week to experience such amazing change. How many opportunities will you encounter for personal change? Will you take advantage of them the way Brenda did?

I had a new client set up for first thing this morning. We had chatted on the phone when she set up the appointment, and she was truly delightful on the phone. However, she was seeing me about her fear of driving distances and arranged to have her husband bring her to my office. She had bragged to many about making this bold step.

I had shared with her the story of another client whose husband delivered her to her first visit. After that, she drove in on her own. With time and a few more sessions, she was going places on her own that she hadn’t thought possible. She was setting up healthy boundaries with her family and friends and she blossomed amazingly. Well, today’s client, I will call her Mary Jane, called me just devastated this morning. Mary Jane had worked herself into such fear, that she couldn’t make the trip to my office. We chatted a few moments and then she asked if I do hypnosis over the phone. Gee, why hadn’t I thought of that, when in fact I do it with out of state clients all the time.

We had a marvelous session. I have talked with her again today (I had to correct an appointment time for the next session) and she said, “I just feel so happy today.” If that doesn’t bring a smile to your face, knowing someone has done the work and and is responding, than what will?

There is a woman in Indiana who calls me on occasion for session work. She changed careers and moved from one state to another after the loss of her mother and a divorce. Obvioulsy stress was a factor in her life. Resulting from that, she was disorganized. She knew her business could be a big one, she just needed to figure out how to get to that place. Three phone calls later, her business is booming, she is in a new relationship and she is at peace with the loss of her mother.

Ben, in Atlanta, calls me for his “booster” every so often. Maurice called me before he took his test for real estate. (He passed!) I have worked with all kinds of people in all kinds of places. I encourage people to find a local hypnotist. There are many good individuals in this field all over. However, when you establish rapport with someone and you feel a connection, often, that is who you want to help you through the process. So, if it is across a distance, thank heavens for phones! Yes, hypnosis can be called in.

Should you want to schedule a sessionwith me by phone, please call my office at: (727) 781 – 8483. I return all calls and will gladly assist you on your path to “Unlock Your Natural Potential”.

On my Monday post, I received a comment from a reader asking if hypnosis can help her with her driving anxiety. In short, the answer is yes. I know personally about this, because I have experienced the same thing. Please allow me to explain.

Many years ago, I had a job that required a lot of driving. I thought nothing of it, in fact, I loved it! Over the years I have driven with my sons on trips out of state. I enjoyed those trips and felt very comfortable. Then, suddenly, as if out of no where, I began to hate driving distances. Next I began to hate driving on busy highways and the Interstate. Finally, I began to hate even riding with another driver on busy roads. This was all last year.

There was a convention I was planning on attending for the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. It was being held in Miami, across the state from where I lived. I put off making reservations, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get there. I thought seriously about flying in and taking a cab to the hotel. I thought seriously about not attending. Very seriously.

Robert Otto, the President and CEO of IACT called me to remind me I had not made my reservations. He was quite insistent that I attend. He told me there was someone I had to meet. Quite reluctantly, I made my reservations for the conference. I knew that I would learn so much once I attended and I was curious who I was to meet. (Robert wouldn’t tell and that was driving me crazy!)

How was I going to get to the conference? I couldn’t admit to my colleagues that I was afraid to drive there. They would laugh at me, or would they? Perhaps they would tell me to get hypnosis for this fear. What was that thought? Hypnosis for fear? Hypnosis for driving? Could I have found an answer?

I asked a colleague of mine to give me a session for my driving fears. One session, that’s all. I was so embarrassed to ask, yet she never flinched. We did the session. I realized what the real reason was that I had developed this fear. It was totally unrelated to the actual drive. We then created suggestions for driving with confidence and awareness.

I asked a friend of mine to go to Miami with me. (Back up, just in case?) I drove the whole trip, and drove into a strange city and it was easy! I actually enjoyed it. I have a convertible and we drove with the top down, even when it rained at one point! We had a great time, she is a good traveling companion.

Well, the night of the banquet, awards were being given out. I lost a ticket and so I wasn’t going to go to the banquet without my buddy. Those in charge of the conference insisted it was fine, just attend. We did. The awards were being announced and it was a fun evening. Then Robert Otto began to talk about an award for the Hypnotist of the Year. As he began describing this person, I thought about how it must feel to be that person. Suddenly, I heard my name called. I looked around, unsure of why. Robert was calling my name, I was that person! I burst into tears and I must admit everything after that was a blur. The person he wanted me to meet, was me!

I am still honored and in shock. I am delighted that I overcame my fear of driving through hypnosis. I think this is the first time I have shared my little secret. (I hope they don’t want the award back now.) I just want to share that my colleagues are some of the most incredible and caring people in the world. Call your local hypnotist if you have fears to overcome. Hypnosis works and hypnotists love their work!

p.s. This year (May 14 -20) I am giving a couple of talks and a workshop on my Love Potion Number 9 at the convention. I will gladly drive to Daytona (where it is being held to see so many of my friends again.) I also look forward to Dan Cleary, Michael Watson, Gerald Kein and Michael Ellner to name just a few of the very wise individuals who will be speaking and teaching. Here is a link to the convention:


IACT 2007 Hypnotist of the Year

Another weekend has passed, another week begins. It is amazing how time passes so quickly. As a child, time seems to crawl. You count your age by the smallest of increments in order to sound older. Suddenly, somewhere, time begins to race. This morning I was thinking of my oldest son, picturing him as the sweet cherub faced baby he once was. He is 20 years old now and 6’4″ or more. (All I know is I look up to talk with him.) It seems so recent that he was that baby, however. I was able to recall the smiles, hear his laughs and revisit that wonderful baby smell. It brought back a wonderful feeling of joy, helping me start my week out with a pleasant feeling.

Hypnosis affects time perception. Just last week a client was in my office for a visit. She thought it had only been about 20 minutes. She had actually arrived at 6:00 p.m. and it was now 7:30 p.m. Under hypnosis, she lost all track of time. She has a stressful job and she was amazed how much more energy she had as well. She had arrived at my office exhausted from her day, now she felt invigorated and ready to conquer the world, at least her portion of it. The other benefit, however, is that she sleeps better at night as a result of hypnosis.

Take a moment, and breathe deep. Allow your body to relax. Listen to your body, allow it to tell you where the tensions are and release them. Give yourself permission to feel good, it is wonderful to allow comfort in every part of your body. Then let your mind wander and drift to a happy moment. Recall the memory with every sense. Really enjoy that moment, breathe it in. Now, thinking about the week to come, realize that many more moments are available to create joy and laughter in your life. Many opportunities to feel happy are there. I wonder which ones you will choose?

I have had several discussions since yesterday’s post that have led me to write this information today. I love hypnosis, everyone knows that. I believe it is effective and therefore I share stories about my successes in this blog. However, hypnosis is a tool, not a panacea.

Everyone responds differently to various types of medications. My sons are both highly allergic to Ibuprofen. Therefore, I may take it for a headache, but I would never offer it to them. We find alternatives. There are people who walk into my office or buy an audio and they are changed dramatically almost instantly. There are a great many more, however, who take several sessions, of real in depth work. Neither person is right, better or more deserving. It is simply that there is a difference in the individual and the way they find their keys to success.

I am extremely proud of my clients one and all who succeed. Sometimes the successes are harder won and slower to come, but successes they still are. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that works and I witness lives changing every day as a result. Just be aware that there is work involved and commitment. I don’t have a magic wand, I only wish I did.

If I did have that wand, there is one special lady who would already have it used on her. She knows who she is and how much I admire her for the way she has overcome many obstacles. I see changes in her, even when she doesn’t. I know she is a success story in the making.

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