
I have been smoke-free since the night I walked out of your office. I’m completely over the “two morning smokes”. I’ve already established a new morning routine free from the control of tobacco and I like it. After work, I immediately go out and walk 1-2 miles every night. I am joining a gym with my coworkers who all work out together after work. (If you remember, I couldn’t do that before because all I wanted to do was get home and have a cigarette.) I am more energized, filling my lungs with fresh air. AHHH, what a feeling.

I listen to your tapes every night before I go to sleep, you are training me how to say positive things at the subconscious level to train my mind to have positive thoughts. In any event, the fact that I have gone a week without a cigarette has delighted my body and has made me very proud. I’m taking it one day at a time.

These are the letters I love to get, of course. This letter was sent to me back in January. More importantly, however is when I follow up and the person is still living smoke free!

I just wanted you to know that I had one visit with you, March 6, 2006 and have not had a cigarette since. Thank you. This leads me back to my per peeve- WHY do people constantly battle things alone when help is so available?

I wish I knew for sure. I often hear from new clients how I am the last resort, they have tried everything else. Then, when the are successful, they ask the same question.

Whatever the change you desire, whatever the reason you haven’t tried hypnosis until now, give it a second thought. It is safe, natural and easy. The results speak for themselves.

This morning is peaceful, before the big Fourth Of July celebrations coming up here in the states this Friday. There are concerns and demands today, as every day. Some days things flow automatically, some days we have to stop and re-frame our thoughts to allow for the free flow.

So today, I am going to share a simple way to create the free flow in your day.

Take a moment and sit comfortably. Really become comfortable with your surroundings, allow your attention to wander for a moment. Slowly begin to turn your attention to your body. Feel the space your body occupies, imagine you can sense the space from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet. Feel and imagine your body is in perfect harmony as all your organs perform their jobs perfectly. Breath in harmony, exhale anything that is unnecessary in this moment.

As you breathe in, notice the sounds your body is creating, heart beat, air flowing in and out of your lungs, whatever you hear. Then begin to notice the sounds around you, whatever they may be, just as easily release them and allow yourself to hear the quiet that is beyond. Notice whatever aromas surround you. Feel your skin, the temperature on of different parts of your skin, feet, hands, neck, etc. Then as you feel yourself quieting down, breathe in with the thought, “I live in peace, I walk in peace, I am peace”. Exhale the thoughts of “peace, be still, peace”. Continue for two minutes.

Repeat through out the day as needed.
Now, go enjoy your day in peace!

One of my favorite blogs is authored by Ettarose, she has titled it appropriately, edgeofsanity. Etta has a sarcastic outlook on life and tells it like it is. I am probably blowing her cover by saying she also has a heart of gold, but I am willing to take my lumps and out her! I mention her because she recently wrote a post about fools on the road, perpetrators of road rage.
I commented on her blog, how I like to visualize pink lights surrounding my car as a protection from the effects the fools might leave upon me.

Well, yesterday, Ettarose got her revenge. I had myself a blizzard of pink driving up and down the main road I travel from home to just about anywhere. There was not one trip, one time that I left my neighborhood and got onto this road that I wasn’t behind someone who was determined to teach me the lessons of patience. (You are aware not to ask for patience, as it is a lesson, not a gift, aren’t you?) Every single time and I mean every time the driver in front of me was going a minimum of 5 MPH under the speed limit, usually closer to 15!

I drove my son to his job,it was a loooonnnng, slow ride. Fortunately, he is still new enough at the job that he likes to leave earlier, rather than later. We had the time. When I picked him up after work, same thing occurred. I got giggly over it, he was amused wtih my reaction more than with the traffic.

On my way to my office for evening appointments, again it was a snail’s pace. ( I believe that is a legal speed designation, Snail’s Pace Per Hour.) I called my husband and asked him if I had missed the declaration of a national observance of Snail’s Pace on that road. He hadn’t seen it either.

It was his suggestion that prompted me to post this. Perhaps somewhere out there in cyberspace, someone knows of such a declaration having been made. Or maybe, the Universal Synapses collectively designed such a plan, maybe it is something from the quantum realm that a physicist can explain to me?

I love The Transparent Hypnotist, aka Ellie Blunt. I have been reading her posts for some time now. She manages to find the most incredible information and entertainment regarding hypnosis as well. I am therefore very honored to be asked to contribute to her blog today. She has started a new series called: The First Time.

Yesterday, Josh Houghton posted. His story is an excellent read, I thoroughly enjoyed. Please stop over there and check out her blog and maybe even let Ellie know she didn’t waste blog space by letting me participate!

The evidence is once again pointing in the direction of hypnosis for smoke cessation as the most beneficial approach. According to a study conducted at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California-San Francisco found that hypnosis in conjunction with the patch to be effective one year after treatments. “This study provides much-needed evidence that hypnosis is indeed a very helpful treatment,” says lead author Timothy Carmody.

According to the article in the US NEWS, Health sections, “Hypnosis was particularly helpful for would-be quitters who reported a history of depression. That finding suggests that smokers who have struggled with depression—or perhaps with other psychiatric conditions, Carmody says—might someday receive hypnosis as part of the quitting process.”

The rest of this article can be found at:

Can Hypnosis Snuff Out a Smoker’s Cigarette Habit?

New study finds hypnotism is an effective smoking-cessation technique

Can you please hypnotize me so that I can prove to my boyfriend that I am telling the truth? We have been together for a long time and now my boyfriend thinks I have been seeing other men. I want to prove to him that I haven’t so he won’t get so angry.

While I have other concerns I will address, the first response to the above question was, while I can hypnotize you and you can answer questions during that time about your relationships and whether you are seeing others, I cannot guarantee that what you tell me is the truth. Why? Because hypnosis is not truth serum, plain and simple you can lie while in a hypnotic state.

Remember, hypnosis is a natural occurrence. It is a state of focus, mental alertness. If you are determined to protect information and that is best done by lying, you can lie. I do not control you when you are experiencing hypnosis, you are in control at all times.

While is is great PR to tell the world as a hypnotist that you are going to put someone famous under and get to the truth, that is all it is, media hype. In forensic hypnosis, there are very specific rules as to how questions are asked. Forensic hypnosis is about helping someone recall past information, not creating new theories or supporting old ones, nor is it about finally getting the truth from the witness.

My next response to such a question is that I see red flags all over a relationship that has such big time issues. Perhaps I could refer you to a good couples therapist?

It is Monday afternoon and I am just now sitting down to muse! That is actually a good thing. I had a fabulous trip away. I took time to rest body, mind and soul. My husband and I put bunches more miles on our bikes, I love when that happens. I have said before, biking for me is a moving meditation. I also spent some amazing time in self-hypnosis, focusing on what I enjoy as my goals and what I am doing right now that allows me to meet those goals.

One of the things that became apparent for me, was that I have not been practicing what I preach nearly enough. One of my favorite sayings is: “just because you are extended an invitation to turmoil, doesn’t mean you have to attend.” Well, recently I have had several invitations. I thought I was remaining on the fringes, but in reality, I was somewhat emotionally charged by the situations. Being away from the fray, allowed me to completely disengage. What freedom that is!

So, I have decided to remain disengaged in those particular circumstances. I am also going to listen to my body and my thoughts more clearly. Do I hear and feel at peace or am I looking for the charge of chaos? When I am truly peaceful, so is my body. I enjoy the great feelings that riding my bike or walking gives me. I also enjoy moments of gratitude. Perhaps this trip was about my reconnecting with my gratitude for my life, just the way it is.

Once again time for some well deserved silliness. I am actually away as this is posted. I took some time to get away and relax with my husband. At least that is our intent. We left our teen aged son behind, on his own. (Not totally, remember he has two dads? Well, unbeknown to him, I asked his bio-dad to check in on him while we are gone.) Still, there are many hours that he will go unchecked. He has a summer job, I stocked the fridge and I can only hope that this is where he will prove that he is not trying to juggle too many balls at once.

Watch and see what I mean:

Honestly, was I the only one who noticed the balls matched before he mentioned it?

Smoking and obesity both linked to (are you ready for this?) hearing loss! When I got this information in my mailbox, I had to check it out. I thought it was another attempt to sell me something. Turns out, this one is for real.

Here is the link:

Yet another in the letters that I get:

I am finding that I have lost my enthusiasm for my work. I am in sales and I can’t seem to close the sale lately. I have heard that hypnosis can help me with this and with self confidence. Can you help me and how many sessions does a typical self confidence program run?

I am often asked if hypnosis can help with matters of improving one’s self image. Yes! After all, how we feel about ourselves starts with what we think about ourselves. If we are continually doubting ourselves and finding fault with who we are and what we do, it will begin to wear us down. The more difficult question is how many sessions are typical. That is like asking a doctor to prescribe over the phone. Without listening to your heart, your lungs or looking at your skin, eyes, etc. how can a doctor be sure because you give him your quick opinion.

Maybe, a better analogy is when I speak with an auto mechanic. I tell him that the car is making a noise like this: ping, patta pat pat, ping ping. So, then I ask, what is it, how long will I be without a car and how much? He always wants to see the car and the person who makes those noises before he can give me a clear answer.

I do my best when on the phone with an individual to ask questions that will give me a little more insight into the presenting issue. I like to get a better feel for how ready that person is to make changes and what their personal goals are. This is more difficult with letters, unless the individual is willing to carry on a bit more correspondence or answer at length several questions that I will mail back. Ultimately, however, the number of session is up to you. You determine how much we will accomplish and when you are satisfied. The work is determined by you, the client, I am simply your tour guide.

What is wonderful, is when I receive a letter or a call from an excited former client, telling me how they have increased their sales and it is all so much more fun now. Just today, I was told by a client that any chance she gets, she tells people how it has changed her life for the better. She makes her living in real estate, imagine feeling that way amidst all the negative media being put out there for her profession.

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